Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4245

When Locke, the leader of Tongtian cult and others sharpened their swords to prepare for the slaughter of Tara, the situation in the star field of blue boxing and martial arts has reached an incomparable crisis for elucidation.

Despite the fact that the Buddha has invited saints to come to help, and although the leader of Tongtian has also sent many waves of intercepting disciples to help, in the face of the huge blue fist martial arts survivors and the Holy See corps, the sermon is about to reach its own limit.

Only from the perspective of the number of dominant creatures, there are only three in the immortal domain: Lao Tzu, Yuanshi Tianzun and the introduction of saints, but the number of remnant families of blue fist martial arts and the Holy See has reached as many as five.

Blind old man Allen and seventh level leader milch Qi are in the blue fist martial arts star domain. Only another eighth level Holy See dominates the border to prevent the counterattack of intercepting legions on the other side of the Tara star domain.

For today\'s hermeneutics, it is no longer a question of whether they can hold, but when they retreat.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn\'t want to completely ruin his family fortune,

In particular, not long ago, the death of his own disciple, immortal Yuding, has sprinkled salt in the heart of the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Immortal Yuding is the master of Erlang God Yang Jian. He is also one of the first disciples to follow him under the throne of the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. He is among the twelve golden immortals who expounded and taught in ancient times.

In the late stage of the war in the underworld and star domain, the Yuding immortal who broke through to the quasi holy realm can be said to have both strength and qualification in elucidation.

What is more valuable is that the reputation of this golden immortal has always been excellent.

Not only is he a good teacher in the eyes of all disciples in the sect, but also this quasi Saint monk has a wide range of friends.

The one who killed Yuding immortal was mitti, the sixth highest power of the Holy See.

Light and dark, she thought she was still tit for tat with Lilith, the dark Summoner of wizard civilization.

The killing of Yuding immortal on the world battlefield of blue fist Wudao is also a big name for mity on this battlefield.

If we take into account her feat of killing two immortal level friars, the quasi Saint level friar Hu Yang, who had previously devastated Wuzhuang temple, she should be regarded as the most famous creature below level 7 on the battlefield of blue fist martial arts star domain.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor had issued an oral order from the sage, offering a heavy reward for mitti\'s life.

Yang Jian, the Erlang God with the peak strength of quasi saint, also fought with each other several times to avenge the master, but unfortunately he failed to do so.

Unless the saints make a move, or there are more than three quasi saints besieging them at the same time, it is not easy to kill mitti, who has always been in command of the elite legion of the Holy See.

It is also at this important juncture when the Vatican and the survivors of blue Kungfu are in full advantage and are about to win the world of blue kungfu, but there are many contradictions between the two sides, the main participants in this war.

"Why withdraw?! in less than 200 years at most, we can recapture the world of blue fist martial arts!" In the camp of the army, Gongsun xuance, dressed in gold armor, shouted angrily to the Vatican leader milch.

From Gongsun xuance\'s excited tone at this time, we can see how indignant he was at this time.

The once gorgeous and shining world-class secret treasure armor is full of scratches and residual energy elements, which is enough to see what kind of fierce battle this armor has experienced with its owner in the previous battlefield.

Today, the battle of saints in the martial arts plane of blue boxing is not over.

When Gongsun xuance vented his dissatisfaction with the Vatican leader in the camp, the battle between Dugu crazy devil, RickA yadunbu, Saint Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun continued.

"Instead of withdrawing from the blue fist Wudao world, we will still arrange a considerable number of legions and cross plane space transmission arrays in this large world."

"Our Holy See\'s plan was to launch a counterattack against Xianyu at first, and now it has achieved remarkable results."

"Just driving the Xianyu Legion out of the blue fist Wudao star domain is far from enough to hit the Xianyu. If we can, we hope to expand the results." Milch shook his head.

Although Gongsun xuance\'s tone was very disrespectful to him just now, milch was not angry, but patiently explained that he was a seven level master with excellent temper.

"Expand the results... You mean..." Gongsun xuance suddenly realized that he had attended the falky continental holy city conference.

"Yes, you can also understand that we did this to prevent those immortal domain legions from escaping."

"You must have found that since 30 years ago, the Xianyu legion of the blue fist Wudao world has begun to retreat and transport materials in a planned way."

"You don\'t want your mother\'s wealth to be taken away by those invaders, do you?"

"Our Vatican army is pushing deeper into the immortal region, but also to cut off the back path of these monks in the immortal region."

"It was our fault that we failed to kill an immortal domain master in the ellenbar meteorite group."

"This time, the three masters of Xianyu in the world of blue boxing and martial arts, we will join hands with you to kill at least two of them."

"Needless to say, there are other helpers besides us this time." Said Lord milch of the Holy See.

"Who?" Gongsun xuance asked.

As milch looked in the other direction, kilaya, a level 7 brain eater who had arrived at the Chinese army camp, slowly appeared.

No wonder Locke couldn\'t find this guy\'s tail. It turned out that kilaya had already quietly arrived in the blue fist Wudao star domain.

Whether those brain eaters or the eighth level demon God Casolo, they are abandoned by the seventh level brain eater kilaya.

This time, kilaya came to the blue fist martial arts star domain to peep at another thing - the secret treasure of the immortal domain.

Nowadays, all the saints of the Xianyu civilization are fighting in the Tara star domain and the blue fist martial arts star domain. I want to know with my ass that the rear of the Xianyu must be very empty at this time.

As for whether there are other hidden Saint level combat forces in Xianyu, kilaya and Pope milch think not.

Because if they had, they must have joined the partition feast of the Tara domain, or came to support the original Heavenly Master.

Needless to say, in addition to the intelligence obtained through analysis, they also contacted a traitor in Xianyu.

Through the traitor, they really know that there are not many top-level combat forces in Xianyu, and there is a precious treasure that kilaya can\'t give up - the corpse of a saint in the deepest wasteland of Xianyu.


The departure of tens of millions of Vatican troops has suddenly relaxed the pressure of the Buddhist monks stationed in the blue fist martial arts world.

However, when they found that these Vatican legions were marching towards the immortal territory, these immortal friars agreed and suffered heavy pressure and tension.

Fortunately, the deployment of a series of orders from the emperor Yuanshi of Yuqing relaxed the hearts of these middle and bottom friars.

When the sky falls, there are tall people standing on it. Even if Xianyu is facing a crisis, they can\'t worry about it. Naturally, there are those saints.

According to a series of orders issued by the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, it seems that the elucidation Corps originally prepared to withdraw from the world of blue boxing and martial arts will not go again this time.