Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4242

The words "steady", "stable" and "stable" are almost in the heart of zhenyuanzi Daxian.

Indeed, compared with plundering huge amounts of wealth on the civilized battlefield, stability is the first element he is pursuing for a person with a personality like zhenyuanzi Daxian.

Needless to say, Wuzhuang temple has just suffered huge losses, and zhenyuanzi Daxian\'s family can\'t support him to continue gambling.

"OK, thank Knight Locke for his advice. I know what to do next." Zhenyuanzi said with an arched hand and thanked Locke again.

After the two masters existed and talked for a while in the Space Fortress, zhenyuanzi immortal got up and left.

However, before leaving, zhenyuanzi Daxian mentioned another thing, and it had a little connection with Locke.

"It\'s said that knight Locke, you have a gap with a giant mosquito monster?" Zhen Yuanzi asked the immortal.

"Giant mosquito in the wilderness?" Locke was stunned, and then thought in his mind. Then he remembered that he had fought with a quasi Saint level giant mosquito in the wasteland.

"Yes, that guy seems to call himself a mosquito man."

"It\'s not only me, the two saints of Buddhism and the leader of the truncated Tongtian sect, but also this guy." Locke nodded.

"Although it\'s not clear whether this monster is the one you said, there was such a guy in the casual repair group in the later stage of the ellenbar meteorite group war."

"It not only devours the blood essence of the grace mainland Vatican corps, but also our immortal friars. It\'s really hateful!"

"It\'s a pity that I needed to protect friar Wuzhuang temple to evacuate, and this guy seemed alert and separated from the big army, otherwise I must make it look good." Zhen Yuanzi said angrily.

On hearing this, Locke nodded and said, "then we can contact the saints such as Nu Wa and Tongtian sect leader to jointly kill the mosquito demon in the battlefield of Tara star domain."

"Including the two saints of Buddhism, we can also say." Locke suggested.

"It\'s so good. I\'m just worried that the mosquito demon may have fled to the blue fist Wudao star domain." Zhen Yuanzi said anxiously.

Although a considerable number of friars of Wuzhuang temple and sanxiu left him and went to the star domain of blue fist martial arts, as a saint, zhenyuanzi immortal still cares about the old feelings.

The reason why those monks left him was also related to zhenyuanzi Daxian\'s misjudgment and indecision.

Not only did the good man not complain about others, but he wanted to blame himself because too many monks fell into the ellenbar meteorite group.


The reappearance of the quasi Saint level monster mosquito man is just an episode for Locke\'s dominant existence.

He didn\'t even have the idea of putting too much energy into it. He turned around and forgot most of it.

After all, no matter how strong the mosquito man is, he is only a level 6 peak creature.

For small characters at this level, there is no need for Locke and kakarot. His demons and demons can tear each other alive.

Although Locke doesn\'t care, there is still a master on the battlefield of Tara.

"What? Then the sage agreed to the request of Yuanshi Tianzun and will go to the blue fist martial arts star domain to fight?" Just heard the news from Nu Wa saint, Locke couldn\'t help but wonder.

Today, the total revenue of Buddhism in the stellar battlefield of Tara is second only to the interception of Buddhism with eight levels of dominance.

Seeing that with the passage of time and the continuous advancement of the front battlefield, the Xianyu army is increasingly approaching the mainland of Tara and the last hinterland of the star domain. At this time, there is a master of Buddhism who even chooses to turn around to participate in the star domain war of blue fist martial arts.

According to Locke\'s understanding of the two Buddhist saints, the other party doesn\'t seem to be the one who lost watermelon and picked up sesame.

After all, no matter how many benefits and conditions the original Heavenly Master offered, can it be comparable to the real giant planet in Tara?

Those giant planets can occupy and develop the regular and complete position of income for a long time, and if Buddhism wants to expand its influence in the future, it is necessary to widely spread Buddhism in many nearby occupied star regions and embark on the road of belief development similar to the bright Protoss.

"It seems that it is because you provided the information about the giant mosquito monster to other saints not long ago. Buddhism and apostasy have a great cause and effect on it." Nu Wa Saint shook his head and said.

"The virgin turtle spirit, one of the four disciples of Tongtian cult, was swallowed up by this demon during the God sealing disaster. Even the yuan God didn\'t escape to the God sealing list."

"Buddhism is said to receive the twelve merit golden lotus of the sage. It was directly swallowed by the demon, and even degenerated to the ninth Golden Lotus." Nu Wa explained.

"I\'ve heard of it, too." Locke nodded.

"The leader of Tongtian cult can\'t catch the demon with his own hands because a decisive battle with the demon God Casolo is imminent. He just sent several disciples such as the virgin of the golden spirit and Taoist Duobao to the blue fist Wudao star domain to settle the cause and effect."

"The Buddha took the sage and went there in person. It should be to take the opportunity to repair the meritorious Golden Lotus." Nu Wa said the sage.

Nuwa sage\'s analysis is no different from the facts, but Locke added, "there is another reason to lead the sage to the blue fist Wudao star domain. I\'m afraid there is a peak in the number of saints with the addition of you and the great immortal zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of the earth fairy."

"Even if there is one more saint in Buddhism, it doesn\'t make much sense for the subsequent occupation of the plane of Tara."

"Buddhism has earned enough. If we continue to occupy the giant planet in Tara, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to get along with several other saints in the future."

"After all, they are not like the Sanqing orthodoxy, nor do they have the details of eight levels of domination and repression like the leader of Tongtian cult and the sage Lao Tzu." Locke\'s analysis is thorough to the bone.

And because it\'s too red Naked and practical, Nu Wa sage such a thin skinned person listened, and his face was a little embarrassed.

However, the relationship between Locke and Nu Wa saint is there. It is precisely because of his trust in Nu Wa saint that Locke speaks to her without hesitation. He is not worried that Nu Wa saint will leak out his words.

"A Buddhist Saint runs away, which is also an opportunity for your demon family."

"The injury of zhunti saint has not recovered. The advance speed of Buddhism in the eastern battlefield may slow down slightly. You can make a good plan, Saint Nuwa." Locke warned.

"But few of the giant planets that my senior brother Tongtian divided for me involve the battlefield in the Eastern Star region." Nu Wa sage Dai Mei frowned slightly.

"Then you need to cooperate with zhenyuanzi Daxian of Wuzhuang temple. In the final result of his discussion with the leader of Tongtian cult and the two saints of Buddhism, many giant planets are in the eastern battlefield." Locke laughed.

Nu Wa nodded, and then stayed for a moment before leaving.

She needs to go back and analyze the feasibility of this plan with other demon families as soon as possible. If she can really expand a share of the war benefits, it will be a happy event for hundreds of millions of demon families in Xianyu.

The figure of Nu Wa Saint gradually disappeared outside the space fortress.

Looking at the boundless starry sky beyond the Great Wall, Locke sighed gently.

He persuaded a zhenyuanzi immortal to go away. Unexpectedly, the Buddha will arrive at the star domain of blue fist martial arts to join the war.

As for how far the war over there will eventually go, Locke is also a little confused.

However, it is certain that Locke will not intervene in the blue fist martial arts star domain war.

When the war in Tara is completely over, it\'s almost time for Locke to leave.