Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4243

"Godfather, you have to decide for me. That big bird bullied me and Kun." Outside the thousand night giant planet, over the chaotic plane battlefield, a colored water element crossed the sky and finally fell in front of the Space Fortress outside the giant planet.

Locke, who maintained the appearance of the human body in the wizard world, threw his hands and a mass of water elements directly into his arms.

This water element is the magic spring, the youngest child of the spring ancestor. Behind it, in the vast starry sky, a giant fish creature broke through the light blue plane barrier and followed the magic spring.

Under the broken plane barrier, you can vaguely see a golden feather ROC looking this way.

Originally, the ROC should be chasing a giant fish, but when he saw Locke next to the space fortress and the magic spring, the ROC hesitated for a long time, and finally turned around and returned to the battlefield.

The big bird in the mouth of the magic spring is Kun\'s twin brother Peng.

Because these two little guys inherited the blood of the ancient monster Kunpeng, they are also the most powerful and potential monsters in the contemporary demon family.

But unlike Peng, who goes hand in hand in the fields of Taoism, wisdom and life level, Kun, who has been mixing with the magic spring all the year round, only grows a head, but his wisdom has not improved much.

Unlike that Peng, he has pulled up a powerful demon army and created his own demon country in the Beiming sea of the wasteland world.

The clown fish Kun has changed in other aspects except for growing into a big clown fish.

However, the "ugly fish" is just Locke\'s prejudice against Kun, which has not yet grown up.

Today\'s Kun has been reborn, and its huge body surface is full of light blue fluorescence, just like the deep and boundless starry sky.

Coupled with the majestic water element and the decoration added by the magic spring, she is a real big beautiful fish with a body size comparable to a space fortress.

About the contradiction between Kun and Peng, Locke also heard the sage Nuwa say not long ago.

It seems that Peng, who has grown to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, has not made any progress since 5000 years ago.

According to the truth, the former is the top monster stepping on the realm of saints. They will not have a bottleneck all the way to the realm of quasi saints.

The reason why Peng encountered this situation was later observed by Nu Wa sage. It was found that its blood was impure and there was a problem with its evolutionary mechanism.

The blood is impure because half of Kunpeng\'s blood essence is on Kun.

The reason why there is a problem with the evolutionary mechanism is that it did not change from Kun to Peng like the ancient Kun Peng, but directly entered the field of Peng.

For this result, the simplest and direct way is to let Kun swallow Peng, or Peng swallow Kun. Their blood is completely stable and can naturally reproduce the style of ancient demon masters.

However, this situation is obviously impossible at present.

Therefore, using her achievements on the avenue of life, Nu Wa sage thought of another compromise method, that is, let Kun absorb part of Peng\'s blood essence, and Peng also integrate part of Kun\'s blood essence.

Peng naturally agreed to the best of both worlds, but Kun had a problem.

The advantage of her huge size is that Kun\'s vitality is incomparably strong, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, the essence and blood in her body are incomparably scattered.

For Peng, it\'s just a tear in his leg to extract the amount of blood essence.

For Kun, it is necessary to dig a huge piece of flesh and blood in his abdomen.

In terms of Kun\'s size, it\'s not too much to dig down a meat mountain.

If Kun is still the clownfish who is dazed and doesn\'t have too many subjective opinions, he won\'t have any opinions.

But the magic spring who gets along with Kun day and night is not happy. She doesn\'t want her sister and mount to suffer so much pain and loss.

As for the subsequent strength improvement and bottleneck elimination brought to Kun after purifying blood essence, the always carefree magic spring can\'t think of so much.

If those wanhuang demon families came to work hard in the war of civilization, then the magic spring came to play.

With the blessing of the saints Locke and Nuwa and the world of ten thousand springs, the magic spring with the golden key was born, and did not understand the cruelty and danger of the star world.

And up to now, it has five levels of strength and has never experienced danger and death at close range.

Perhaps for the vast majority of astral life, a key war related to the continuation of their race and civilization is just a game for magic spring.

There are many examples like magic spring in the star world.

The astral world has both its real side and the magical and even incredible side that makes other creatures feel.

Locke is glad that his three children are excellent and strong people who grew up with their rise.

Having gradually shouldered the burden of the development of their respective races and civilizations, they did not develop a similar dandy and unreasonable style.

Locke doesn\'t know whether this will happen in the future, but as long as Locke is still alive, he will try his best to put an end to this phenomenon.

Fantasy spring is Locke\'s dry daughter. It should be left to Quan Zu to educate her. Even the elder brother of the fountain of destruction is better than Locke.

Therefore, Locke always dotes on the issue of magic spring.

The same thing happened to Nu Wa saint.

It has to be said that more than 90% of the proud and charming character of magic spring today is used to by the saints Locke and Nuwa.

However, this time, Locke didn\'t continue to spoil the magic spring, but took his finger to flick the water element skull of the magic spring and said, "it\'s just a part of the loss of blood essence, which is also of great benefit to Kun\'s future growth. You don\'t want her wisdom to be so low?"

"I know you want to say that you are afraid Kun will hurt, but with her size, such a big wound is only a small wound." Locke shook his head and said, without giving the magic spring any chance to refute.

This time even Godfather didn\'t stand on his side, and the magic spring lost its temper completely.

In addition, Nu Wa sage also suggested that Kun and Peng can complement each other\'s blood, so there is probably no room for turning around.

But it was Locke\'s little cotton padded jacket. Although the magic spring was little educated on Locke\'s side, it then let her find the field.

"Godfather, I heard you got some ginseng fruits not long ago?" The magic spring rubbed Locke\'s way.

"I don\'t want to eat it. I want to take it to Kun to repair her wound and replenish her lost blood. I can only eat one bite at most." The magic spring promised.

Before his baby was covered with heat in his hand, he was thought of by his dry daughter. Locke was quite unable to laugh or cry.

However, Locke did not refuse the small request of magic spring, and two ginseng fruits appeared immediately.

Without giving the magic spring any chance to express anything, Locke directly pushed the spring and fruit away with the power of dominance and said, "next, I\'m still very busy. Go somewhere else to play. Don\'t make trouble for the Nu Wa saint."

After receiving Locke\'s ginseng fruit, magic spring hurriedly asked Kun to fly away from the nearby star battlefield.

As soon as he was born, he held the golden key and had many dominant elders as the backstage. As a level 5 creature, the life of magic spring is so simple and boring.