Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4241

In the middle of Tara, nine giant planets.

Locke, who ended the war in the west of Tara, was here at this time.

As far as Enze\'s mainland Vatican is concerned, after driving the demon clan and Wuzhuang Temple friars out of their home star domain, they did not rashly send a legion into the Tara star domain.

At this moment, although there are often frictions and collisions between the Xianyu Legion and the grace mainland Vatican Legion on on the western border of Tara, at least the battle of dominant creatures has come to an end.

Today, the demon clan commanded by Nu Wa Saint generally appears in the west of Tara.

These demon creatures are also the main force to prevent the grace of the mainland Vatican Legion in Xianyu.

The situation of zhenyuanzi Daxian in Wuzhuang temple is more miserable at this time.

In addition to the heavy injuries he suffered in the previous battle, the overall injury of friar wuzhuangguan was enough for the good man in Xianyu to suffer for a long time.

But it\'s time to live. The war of civilization is at hand. Instead of clinging to the heavy cost of the past grief, it\'s better to think about how to obtain benefits and make up for losses from the next war.

This is not true. Nu Wa Saint contacted his elder martial brother Tongtian cult leader not long ago.

She hoped that while guarding the western region of Tara and being wary of the Vatican legion, she could also allocate some forces to help the truncated Legion advance on the front battlefield.

Nu Wa sage\'s EQ is so high that she doesn\'t let Tongtian cult leader divide part of her demon family to occupy the plane, but says she wants to help each other.

Although the leader of Tongtian cult is straightforward, he can also understand the intention behind Nu Wa\'s move.

With theout refusing Nu Wa\'s request, Tongtian cult leader waved his hand and approached 70 giant planets, which became next conquerable target of the demon clan under Nu Wa saint\'s command.

These 70 giant planets also basically represent one third of the total number of unconquered giant planets in the Tara domain.

It\'s not that the leader of Tongtian cult has given these giant planets to her, but how many planes the demon family under the command of Nu Wa saint can finally win depends on their own creation and ability.

If you start slowly, you will be taken away by the truncated disciples, blood sea Asura or Buddhism, as well as those small and medium-sized religious sects, and Nu Wa saint has no face to ask for return.

After all, this is a star world that depends on the strength. The leader of Tongtian cult can divide 70 giant planets to the demon family under the command of Nu Wa saint. It is already the leader\'s character here.

If it is changed into the two saints of Buddhism, the planes to be divided will also be given, but it will never reach as many as 70 as the leader of Tongtian sect.

You know, the value of a giant planet in the Tara domain is worth several times that of the regular and complete plane in the ordinary domain.

In particular, the closer the giant planet to Tara, the higher the total amount of resources and overall value it has.

Buddhism, jiejiao, blood sea Asura, large and medium-sized religious sects in Xianyu and countless scattered practitioners all keep an eye on these fat meat, including Locke, who came to help in the battlefield in Xianyu, and also want to get a hand in it.

The addition of Nvwa saint and his demon family to the war in the Tara region marked the accelerated collapse of the Tara civilization.

Countless immortal friars made a fortune in this war. The war situation here is in two extremes with the shortage of immortal enlightenment in the star domain of blue fist martial arts.

It was also under this premise that Locke did not expect that zhenyuanzi immortal, who had been seriously damaged in the previous battle, would find himself at this time.

"Thank you, Knight Locke, for helping me in the ellenbar meteorites." In the Space Fortress, zhenyuanzi Daxian, who came to visit Locke, showed great etiquette to Locke as soon as he met.

"The immortal is in danger. Since I met him, I will never sit idly by."

"Besides, immortal, you have helped me a lot in the past. The ginseng fruit you gave me can help me and my wives recover from the injury and improve the source of life." Locke laughed.

It\'s also a good deal for Locke to get the friendship of a level seven master.

Besides, observing the reputation of Zhen Yuanzi\'s immortal and his character in the battlefield before, such a saint, like the leader of Tongtian cult, is worthy of Locke\'s deep friendship.

Sure enough, with Locke\'s voice falling, several ginseng fruits covered with red cloth were handed to him by zhenyuanzi immortal.

The ginseng fruit tree of zhenyuanzi immortal is not as high-yielding as the golden apple tree in Locke lost paradise, including the loss of Wuzhuang temple in the previous battle. Zhenyuanzi immortal also needs to take out some ginseng fruit to appease the disciples below.

So that these ginseng fruits in front of Locke are the only inventory left in zhenyuanzi immortal\'s hand.

Locke didn\'t know that zhenyuanzi immortal was so embarrassed. Facing the ginseng fruit he took out, Locke smiled and was immediately included in the paradise lost.

Like Locke\'s eight level master, ginseng fruit has no function except that it tastes better.

However, Locke is not alone. The precious spiritual fruit he can\'t use doesn\'t mean that others can\'t use it.

Compared with the value contained in those ginseng fruits, it is obvious that the attitude of zhenyuanzi immortal at this time is more satisfactory to Locke.

So that the conversation atmosphere between the next two masters was relaxed and harmonious.

After chatting a few words, zhenyuanzi Daxian mentioned business to Locke again.

Locke thought he was looking for his own help, such as supporting several of his legions.

But unexpectedly, zhenyuanzi immortal came to learn from himself.

"Knight Locke, do you think I will lead the disciples to support the blue fist martial arts star domain at the request of the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, or fight in the Tara star domain like the demon clan?" Zhen Yuanzi asked respectfully.

A long life does not mean that he has a high vision and judgment on the battlefield of civilization.

This time to ask Locke for advice, zhenyuanzi immortal was afraid of the heavy loss of grace star domain.

The return of directly supporting the blue fist martial arts star domain seems to be the greatest, because the emperor of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty has offered rich conditions that it is difficult for Zhen Yuanzi to refuse.

However, the intensity of the war over there is obvious to all.

At present, the war benefits of participating in the war in the Tara star region are unknown, because it means that zhenyuanzi Daxian and the Wuzhuang Temple friars behind him need to grab food from other saints, Taoist courts, demon families, small and medium-sized sects and scattered monks.

However, the wars here are basically downwind battles. Unless zhenyuanzi immortal happens to meet the most powerful apostles, he doesn\'t need to worry about the injury of disciples.

Zhenyuanzi Daxian\'s eyes were full of the meaning of seeking advice at this time. He looked at Locke and learned a lesson. Only after experiencing the painful lessons of the battlefield of ellenbar meteorite group, zhenyuanzi Daxian and his Wuzhuang view can go further in the future.

In the fortress, Locke pondered for a long time and couldn\'t help looking at the direction of the blue fist martial arts star domain.

It seems that he saw the outline of Gongsun xuance from the boundless sea of stars. Locke replied, "I suggest you lead the disciples and participate in the war in the Tara star region."

As if to enhance his persuasion, Locke added, "because the war here tends to be stable."


I have posted the figure map of the knight\'s journey on the gongcong number. You can see it after searching "d I love Xiaodou" on the Huixin gongcong number and paying attention to Xiaodou.