Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4238

Deep down, kakarot didn\'t want to be against old Alan.

But when old man Allen took the initiative and released his Kendo field and three world-class secret treasure long swords, kakarot, who felt the light threat, couldn\'t help stirring up a grand energy wave on his body surface.

Compared with old man Allen\'s past guidance, it is obvious that for kakarot, the command from Locke is more important.

The crimson energy waves surging on the body surface are not inferior to old man Allen\'s Kendo field.

Countless sharp sword lights appear in the field. These sword lights can easily split the space, but they can\'t cause too much damage to kakarot\'s hard skin and muscle chest.

The energy light ball in your hand gradually appears. It seems that this battle is inevitable.

On the other hand, the battle between Zhen Yuanzi Daxian and the Holy See Lord milch also started again.

But this time, without the unparalleled sword spirit from the blind old man Alan, zhenyuanzi immortal, who only depends on milch and has the land book as a support, is obviously much better.

Although it still moves slowly to the distant star region like a turtle shell, at least with kakarot\'s help to share the pressure, zhenyuanzi immortal can avoid the tragic outcome of being besieged and falling.


The battle that took place at the border between Tara and Enze lasted for 300 years.

The dominant battle between Locke and milt directly flattened the zemokoro meteorite group.

Even in addition to the direct destruction of the meteorite group, there were a large number of special rules, dangerous places and permanent star wonders in the central area of the war of domination after the war.

After both sides suffered some losses, Locke took the initiative to break away from the war and went to Tara to meet with Nu Wa saints.

The battle of masters at the same level is like this. They are all old monsters who have practiced for thousands of years. If you want to win the other party in a single fight, unless Locke is in the mentality of a dead war and knocks with the other party to the last minute.

But Locke came to help in Xianyu, not here to work hard.

Moreover, milt, as an eight level master, also has the eternal soul as support. He and Locke really don\'t know when to fight until the end of the world.

As Locke retreated, milt did not pursue.

At present, there is more than one master in Tara star domain. Milt will not gain any profit if he catches up with him. On the contrary, he may face danger

Although the battle of the dominant creatures came to an end with the destruction of the zemocoro meteorite group, it was common to see collisions between the lower legions and duels between the gods of level 4, 5 and 6.

In fact, the real part of the civilized battlefield is still the game between a large number of bottom biological legions and level 4, 5 and 6 creatures.

The huge base doomed them to be the main participants in the civilized battlefield.

The dominant creatures above are not so much the participants in the civilization war as the arrangers and promoters of the civilization war.

The battle between Locke and milt, on the whole, is dominated by Locke.

A large number of high-level equipment and profound details are not in vain, let alone Locke is a little higher than the other party in terms of realm.

Even if milt has the power of the holy light of tens of millions of Vatican legions, it is difficult to cause actual damage to Locke, who has twelve treasures such as destroying Black Lotus, killing God gun and paradise lost.

Needless to say, in addition to the above treasures, Locke\'s curse armor, God killing mask, shadow cloak and other seven sins are not ordinary.

Locke doesn\'t like to give treasures to his disciples like the leader of the truncated Tongtian cult and the emperor of the beginning of the elucidation.

Although Locke sometimes lends curse armor, God killing mask and other treasures to the wing angel safiros or the glutton devil mstan, the sovereignty of these world-class treasures is still in Locke\'s hands.

And because the seven sins are world-class secret treasures, even if they are used at the same time, the rules, attributes and power mechanisms of these world-class secret treasures will not conflict with each other. Instead, they complement each other and give users an all-round increase.

Locke\'s certain advantage in the battle of the zemokoro meteorite group is also intuitively reflected in the final loss borne by the demon Legion on on that battlefield, which is within the acceptable range of Nvwa saint.

Due to the timely withdrawal and the support of the pro Guard Corps under Locke, the last battle damage of the demon family was controlled at about 40 million.

For a large-scale world civilization, the loss of such a large number of combat legions is not a small amount, but it is really nothing for the demon clan with 3000 World Habitat and reproduction in the Nuo immortal domain.

The demon clan is short of money, resources, skills, pills and top demons, but only those middle and low-level demons.

The body of tens of millions of demon families has fallen, which makes the always kind-hearted Nu Wa saint\'s eyes condense a drop of tears, but for other surviving little demons and demon kings, they are happy to celebrate their escape.

Including Fu Xi, a quasi saint who has the title of "Saint emperor" in the demon family, he is not as sentimental as his sister. Although the loss of the demon family also hurts him, Fu Xi is still a long sigh of relief compared with the tragic outcome of the friars of Wuzhuang temple on the battlefield of the ellenbar meteorite group.

Friars of Wuzhuang temple did not withdraw from every corner of Enze star domain to Tara star domain and blue fist Wudao star domain until 200 years after the battle for the domination of ellenbar meteorite group.

Without the support of foreign aid such as Locke\'s Personal Guard Corps, and unlike the elite of interception, elucidation and Buddhist friars, the outcome of Wuzhuang Taoist friars was doomed from the beginning.

Thanks to the hard quality of the immortal zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortals, he did not forget to take great risks to cover a group of Wuzhuang Temple friars and withdraw with him.

Otherwise, the final outcome of the scattered cultivation of Wuzhuang temple and those immortal regions will be even worse.

The tragic outcome of these scattered cultivation in Xianyu also explains a truth, that is, on the battlefield of civilization, it is safer and more profitable to hold a big leg.

They are also casual monks. How can people make a lot of money when they follow the two saints of Tongtian sect and Styx River to advance all the way in the hinterland of Tara star region.

There is nothing to say about the morality and character of the great immortal of zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of earth immortals, but sometimes morality and character can\'t be used as food, people still have to be realistic.

As the friars of Wuzhuang Temple suffered heavy losses, a large number of scattered monks chose to break away from Wuzhuang temple, either work alone again, or find ways to hold the heel of interception and elucidation.

The friars of Wuzhuang Temple finally withdrew in two directions to the Tara star domain and the blue fist Wudao star domain, which also shows the current situation of uneven people in Wuzhuang temple.