Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4239

The follow-up results of demon clan and Friar Wuzhuang temple will not be mentioned.

On the other side of the star domain of blue boxing martial arts, with the assistance of the Holy See Division Corps, the remnant of blue boxing martial arts represented by Gongsun xuance pushed forward all the way.

This is no longer just a rebel riot However, it has solidly recaptured many blue fist martial arts star domains.

In just 500 years or so, nearly 1000 planes were recaptured by the remnant of blue fist martial arts.

The reason why we were able to win almost half of the blue fist martial arts star domain in such a short time is the surprise attack of the remnant of blue fist martial arts and the army of the Holy See branch. Another more important reason is that the blue fist martial arts star domain itself is the star domain where martial artists inhabit and create civilization.

No matter how the immortal domain hermeneutics divide and govern this large star domain, he is still the home of martial artists from the root.

Of course, with the continuous mobilization of legions from Xianyu and the gradual adaptation to the war between the Vatican Legion and the remnant of blue fist martial arts, the interpretation has gradually gained a firm foothold.

At the beginning, the vigorous progress of the remnant of blue fist martial arts was suspended. Now the focus of the duel between the two sides is once again around the large plane of blue fist martial arts world.

Located in the hinterland of the blue boxing martial arts star domain, the blue boxing martial arts plane is the birthplace of martial arts civilization and the Holy Land in the eyes of hundreds of millions of martial arts people.

The grand scene of numerous foreign civilizations coming to pay tribute was engraved on the backbone of the high-level strongmen of the Wu Road remnant families.

Now, when the war once again ignites this beautiful large world.

The final outcome of this war will also determine the future of the martial arts star domain and the martial arts family.

"After nearly 300000 years, I finally came back here." Outside the world of blue fist martial arts, Dugu crazy, a level 7 peak martial artist, looked at the lush earth under his feet and sighed.

Dugu crazy is the younger martial brother of Gongsun xuance master Shangyang invincible. If Shangyang invincible inherits Gongsun xuance\'s way of assisting the country, then Dugu crazy inherits his master\'s way of martial arts.

Unlike the former wusheng nangongwen, who enjoyed great prestige in the blue fist and Wudo civilization, Gongsun xuance actually had a certain influence in the prosperous Tang Empire.

In addition to Gongsun xuance\'s master being the national master of the prosperous Tang Empire, his martial uncle, who had been missing for more than 100000 years, was once the first master of the prosperous Tang Empire.

Back in those days, Dugu crazy, the "martial devil", fought all over the world. Because he acted like a crazy devil without taboo, he was called "Dugu crazy devil" by many enemies and martial artists.

This guy did the most awesome thing when he was young. He didn\'t personally kill chihan Malie, the first strong yuanshendu with the strength of the later stage of level 6, but it is said that he robbed a princess married to a foreign civilization outside the Tianhan Dynasty.

The result of rampant behavior is to be attacked everywhere in the blue fist martial arts star domain.

If the prosperous Tang Empire had not been the first of the three empires in the Star Kingdom of blue fist and martial arts, and the double protection from the supreme emperor and the national teacher, I\'m afraid Dugu crazy would have died long ago, or become the political power between the prosperous Tang Empire, the Yuanshen capital and the Tianhan Dynasty Cure the victims.

That was when Dugu crazy reached the peak of his fame in the prosperous Tang Empire, and that was also when Dugu crazy fell from the altar and became a complete madman.

That year, wusheng Nangong, who was also a level 6 power, challenged Dugu crazy.

At that time, Nangong asked if he had the title of "martial saint".

It\'s just that he returned from a trip to the extraterrestrial world. He has a kind of vicissitudes and ancient temperament, which is extremely inconsistent with his age and appearance.

In that war, most of the famous Baiyun mountains in the west of the Tang Empire were cut off.

That was the first battle to explain the power limit of martial artists at that time. It was the same battle. Dugu was so crazy that he became a "Dugu crazy devil" in the eyes of outsiders.

After being defeated by Wu Shengnan palace, Dugu crazy asked the other party what they had experienced and why they had such strong strength and physical strength.

For Dugu crazy\'s doubt, Wu Shengnan palace replied with a slight sigh and vicissitudes of life, "the boundless starry sky, my martial arts civilization is just a grain of dust."

"There are countless powerful beings and terrible civilizations born in the depths of the starry sky. When I travel abroad, in addition to having the honor to contact one or two powerful beings who are said to reach the realm of \'dominance\', there is also a place called the world of despair, which is the main place for me to become stronger." Nangong asked and replied.

"Dominate... The desperate world..." Dugu crazy bowed his head for a moment.

Then, ignoring the extremely worn-out martial clothes and even shoes, Dugu crazy walked outside the world of blue fist martial arts.

No one knows where this guy went after that, but the news from several foreign civilizations around him shows that Dugu crazy devil later walked all the way through the blue fist martial arts star domain and went deeper into the boundless and unknown star sky.

The past was so vivid that Dugu crazy, who was about to come to the end of his life, had some wet eyes.

Dugu crazy didn\'t even see his senior brother at the last sight because he was pursuing the limit of martial arts.

Gongsun xuance, the younger generation, was also a closed disciple accepted by Shangyang invincible, the national teacher of the prosperous Tang Empire, many years after Dugu crazy left the martial arts star domain.

Taking a general view, Shangyang invincible did not teach Gongsun xuance the way to assist the country, but let him forge his body and embark on the road of martial arts. It is obvious that the fallen state teacher of the prosperous Tang Empire is taking an apprentice instead of his younger martial brother.

Or, Shangyang invincible doesn\'t want his inheritance to be completely broken. It\'s also to leave some thoughts to educate Gongsun xuance.

The emergence of the local masters of the martial arts world has caused bursts of feedback from the will of the blue fist martial arts plane.

In the past, Dugu crazy devil was like a naughty child. He not only caused a lot of chaos in the world of blue fist martial arts, but also many famous powerful martial artists died under his hands.

If you change to the wizard world, the existence like this guy is a proper black magician.

But even if it is a black magician, the will of the wizard world will give some love, because the other party is his own child.

At this time, Dugu crazy, who appeared outside the world of blue fist martial arts, obviously felt the kind whisper from the mother\'s will.

In the past, this was a Wufu who didn\'t understand emotion, even his blood relatives and family abandoned him, and was persistent in pursuing the limits of martial arts.

But now, he was basically on the top of martial arts, including the fallen wusheng Nangong Wen, who didn\'t reach his seven level peak level. However, Dugu crazy felt the real meaning of loneliness and regret.

If he had not left the world of martial arts, would everything be different.

Even though the civilization of Xianyu is powerful and unparalleled, Dugu crazy doesn\'t want to live alone. He will fight with his senior brother and the world of blue fist martial arts until the last minute.