Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4237

Ellen Barr meteorite group battlefield.

The fierce scuffle and fighting scenes here are only a little inferior to the battlefield of zemocoro meteorite group.

Countless Xianyu scattered cultivation fell here. There are also a large number of Vatican legions who lost their lives here.

Unless a civilized war is a great crushing situation, under normal circumstances, both sides involved in the war will have to pay a heavy price in order to win the final victory.

On the other hand, the Holy See, as a powerful civilization with two dominant life bodies, obviously takes the absolute initiative in the current battlefield.

The great immortal of zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of earth immortals, has first-class defense ability, but unfortunately there are not many means to escape for life and other cards.

In addition, the saint also wanted to cover friars Wuzhuang temple and tens of millions of scattered monks, so he was left at the end.

In the starry sky, two sharp swords hit the faint yellow shield in front of zhenyuanzi immortal again.

Although the rules of thick soil distributed by the earth Book offset a considerable force contained in the sword for Zhen Yuanzi, the remaining sword power still added another wound to Zhen Yuanzi.

On the other side, an incomparably bright holy white cross appeared in the starry sky, but it was slightly smaller than milt\'s weapon.

The white cross suddenly turned into a hammer and hit the earth book. Although it was not as sharp as the previous sword, the impact contained in the Shengguang giant hammer caused trauma to the inner zhenyuanzi immortal across the earth book.

They were also injured in the battle of domination. If the former Nuwa saint and phantom rier were only slightly injured, the injury of the great immortal of Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth fairy, is enough to be called a serious injury.

The only relief is that Zhen Yuanzi himself is very good at defense, and as the battle continues, he has gradually adapted to the siege of the two masters, and the loss of the omnipotent soul has been slightly reduced.

And as a new master, zhenyuanzi\'s omnipotent soul is extremely abundant, which is also one of the reasons why he can continue to stick to it.

However, no matter how strong the defense is, it will always be broken one day.

No matter how many master souls, they will be exhausted one day.

According to the current fighting situation, more than 200 years and less than 50 years. If zhenyuanzi can\'t get out of trouble all the time, he will be in danger.

After all, in addition to one against two, the two opponents in front of him surpass themselves in realm.

Zhen Yuanzi wanted to break through, but the two masters of the holy see in front of him obviously didn\'t want to give him this opportunity.

From the perspective of probability, zhenyuanzi immortal will be the most likely immortal Saint they will kill.

Several times, he couldn\'t get out of trouble. The calmness of zhenyuanzi\'s immortal face was gradually replaced by anxiety.

As a saint, he knew that there were few people who could help him at this time.

Watching more and more friars of Wuzhuang temple and scattered cultivation in Xianyu fall on the nearby battlefield, as well as the aggressiveness of the two masters of the holy see in front of him, this ancient great power, who has always been famous as a good man in Xianyu, can\'t help feeling a little depressed.

When zhenyuanzi immortal thought about raising his Qi again, even if he couldn\'t break through, he had to do everything to help friars of Wuzhuang temple and other immortal regions create break through conditions.

A dazzling red light beam came from far beyond the stars.

The dominant power of the other party is obviously directed at this battlefield!

"Be careful!" The blind old man Alan warned.

Although he is blind, he is more sensitive to the changes of his surroundings than milch because of his intentional eyes.

A wall of protection condensed by the power of the holy light blocked the path of the red light beam. However, the wall of Protection released by milch himself was directly broken through by the red light beam without even holding up for a moment.

The red light then rushed into the center of the saint battlefield. On the way, I don\'t know how many low-level biological battlefields were affected by the red light beam.

Including this holy battlefield, milch and old Allen\'s attack on Zhen Yuanzi was also forced to stop due to the advent of red light.

The red light gradually dissipated, revealing the kakarot who opened the four-dimensional transformation posture of the super Saiya.

The long red hair is full of publicity and uninhibited. Because it has been on the battlefield for many years, kakarot\'s momentum is fierce. At the same time, it can also make people intuitively feel its bloody murderous spirit.

"It\'s you." Old Allen\'s wrinkled face was suddenly stunned. Although he could not see kakarot, he belonged to kakarot\'s unique breath, and old Allen was no stranger.

I don\'t know how many million years have passed since we last met.

As he once pointed out the existence of kakarot, old man Allen did admit that kakarot was the top genius he had seen in his life.

This is a guy born purely because of fighting. The only pity is that kakarot is not interested in the field of kendo. Otherwise, old Allen had the intention to take each other as disciples.

Kakarot obviously recognized old man Allen, and his unparalleled spirit of killing suddenly decreased a lot at this moment.

Because of the relationship with Locke all year round, kakarot also inherited many of Locke\'s personality characteristics. For example, kakarot would try to be kind to himself.

The existence that can make kakarot owe humanity will not exceed five fingers in today\'s star world.

Old man Allen is definitely one, because the other party\'s guidance made kakarot take a lot of detours less.

The convergence of kakarot\'s breath aroused the astonishment of the Vatican Lord milch and zhenyuanzi immortal.

Milch didn\'t know whether this guy was an enemy or a friend, but zhenyuanzi Daxian was worried about the hope of life, and finally afraid it wouldn\'t be empty.

"I heard that the wizard civilization also participated in this war, including your master Locke who also appeared in the battlefield of Tara."

"Why, are you going to be against me?" Asked old Alan, taking a step forward.

"I\'m taking him out of here." Kakarot didn\'t answer the question of old man Allen directly, but pointed to zhenyuanzi Daxian who was obviously relieved on the other side.

Kakarot\'s answer made old Allen bow his head and remain silent for a moment.

Just as kakarot walked near the barrier supported by the earth book and signaled zhenyuanzi immortal to evacuate, the long sword around old Allen\'s waist suddenly came out of its scabbard.

This time, three world-class long swords shine brightly at the same time.

"Let me see your progress over the years." As the voice of old Allen fell, a huge area of Kendo appeared immediately.

Three bright long swords like dazzling white light crossed one by one, and a regular field similar to a chessboard appeared in the nearby star world.

The three swords are enough to show the heavy pressure that kakarot brought to old man Allen.

There is a way that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves. The hairy boy who once needed to be instructed by old man Alan has grown to a situation a bit stronger than him.

Old Alan didn\'t suppress kakarot\'s confidence. As he said, he just wanted to see each other\'s progress over the years.