Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4236

When Locke reached the center of the meteorite belt, the fighting was not as fierce as Locke thought.

This is also related to the abilities of Nvwa saint and phantom Riel. They are really seven level masters who are not good at fighting, but in terms of life protection and other means, these two female masters are not bad.

The world-class secret treasure of the country hovers and stops in the center of the battlefield, and the unique power of space implicitly imprisons milt, the eighth level strongman of the Holy See.

Because milt\'s life level is too high, it has exceeded the suppression scope of the country map. Therefore, this world-class secret treasure can\'t directly include milt in the map like other weak creatures.

On the other hand, the magic Riel with charming color light on her wrist supports her unique magic field and envelops the eighth level creature milt in it.

The two women seemed to have a clear positioning of their strength. They did not rush forward to fight milt, but played with each other at a safe distance by their own means.

Even so, milt didn\'t have many wounds so far. Instead, the breath of Nvwa saint and phantom Riel fluctuated.

And looking at the state of the two women, and the power of the Holy Light accumulated on them, it is obvious that it has consumed a lot of the soul of the master Almighty.

The emergence of Locke undoubtedly broke the deadlock and balance of the war of domination.

Nu Wa saint and phantom Riel retreated together at this time, and forced to fight with level 8 creatures. As a result, they had little spare power at this time.

If we continue to fight, it will really be "desperate".

If Locke isn\'t here, there\'s nothing to say.

But now that Locke has arrived, it\'s his time.

"You\'re here at last." Lord milt of the Holy See stretched forward with one hand, and a cross with dazzling white light appeared in his hand.

This is the first time milt showed his weapons, including the surprise attack on the leader of Tongtian cult. In order to hide his breath, he did not use his weapons, but used the power of the holy light to condense the long knife for a sneak attack.

"You seem to be waiting for me?" Locke stood in front of milt and said curiously.

The incomparably turbulent inflammation of destruction completely covered Locke\'s body of destruction. In the black regular fireworks, only two ferocious blood light eyes were very eye-catching.

The world-class treasure killer gun also appeared in Locke\'s hands.

This is a contest between light and darkness, holy light and the power of destruction.

People who don\'t know the details pay attention to the battle rashly. When analyzing the source of strength and appearance of both sides, it is uncertain that they will arbitrarily believe that this is a duel between justice and evil.

After all, Locke looks too like an evil villain at the moment, and milt is full of the power of holy light, very friendly and very like a man of justice.

Although in fact, Locke is not a good man, and milt is an existence that even star beast prisoners respect.

"Yes, although they have committed my kindness, they do not seem to me to be extremely evil, but they have different positions."

"It\'s you. I noticed your existence as early as the battlefield in the eternal winter."

"You are a very evil master who is not inferior to the demon God cassoro. No, you should be more evil than him!"

"I see from you that countless planes have been destroyed by you, including even those powerful large worlds." Milt said.

As milt\'s voice fell, the cross in his hand suddenly expanded again.

The power of the holy light is dispelling the inflammation of destruction on Locke\'s body surface, and it also causes Locke\'s faint discomfort in the depths of the source of destruction.

He focused on the cross in milt\'s hand. From this cross, Locke saw the shadow of the cross in the hands of Miller and Michelle.

But compared with those two people, milt\'s holy light cross is obviously more powerful and powerful.

The source of the holy light came from all directions and gathered on milt.

Originally, as the master of the Holy See, milt can not only bless the Holy See Legion in the nearby battlefield, but also easily borrow the power of all the Holy See legions.

This is very similar to the power of the belief of the light Protoss, but the composition of the two powers is different.

The addition of tens of millions of Vatican legions to milt\'s strength is undoubtedly a huge promotion, so that he is only at the beginning of level 8. At the moment, his strength is not much less than Locke.

In contrast, Locke, with boundless meteorites nearby, obviously there is no plane that can destroy him to improve his strength.

As for the destructive power gained from killing on the battlefield, unless nunwa sage agrees that the number of deaths and injuries of her demon clan is more than half, it is only a drop in the bucket according to the current situation.

Naturally, Locke would not put forward such requirements to Nu Wa saint, and he disdained to use too much external force when shooting at people who were smaller than his first realm.

The boundless power of destruction filled the nearby starry sky. In the face of the militant milt, Locke chose to throw out his killer gun.

While tearing up the surrounding space, the killer gun, which coerces the level 8 strongman to strike with all his strength, also causes extreme disorder of the force of law in the nearby battlefield.

The battle of dominant creatures can easily lead to the occurrence of various rules and changes. Although the battle between Locke and milt can not reach the limit of the combat power that the star world can accommodate, there is no doubt that it basically represents the highest level of the star world power palace.

Countless meteorites were annihilated as the most basic element particles in the process of Locke\'s killer gun.

Under the influence of the fighting power of two level eight masters, the fairy demon family and the Holy See Corps in the zemocoro meteorite belt had to withdraw around the edge of the meteorite belt.

"Hammer of repentance!" The light cross suddenly turned into a giant hammer, which is the representative of absolute power and justice.

With a sledgehammer in his hand, milt slammed the killer gun thrown at Locke. Although it has not been contacted yet, the confrontation between rules and energy field has begun.

The waves and regular ripples of elements swept away in all directions like a storm!

"Get out of here..." In a starry sky not far from dominating the battlefield, a level 5 Vatican strongman just shouted this sentence, and then he was blown into thin filaments by the impact of sweeping terrorist forces.

In the same end as the strong man of the Holy See, there are many immortal demons whose power level is not inferior to that of him.

Sure enough, under the saints, there are mole ants.

In the war of civilization at this level, even the strong at level 5 and 6 can hardly completely control their own destiny.

"Let\'s withdraw first. The situation of another immortal domain master is not very good. Do you have any plans?" Not as hesitant as Nu Wa Saint about whether to intervene in the level 8 war, the phantom rier directly dragged Nu Wa Saint away and asked Locke in the center of the storm.

The other immortal master she refers to is obviously zhenyuanzi immortal, the ancestor of earth immortals. Now, in addition to facing the seventh level master, old Allen, another Vatican Lord also supported the past not long ago.

By observing the distribution of troops in the Holy See, it is obvious that the main goal of the holy see is actually Zhen Yuanzi, compared with the phantom rier and Nu Wa saint.

Unlike the phantom Riel, who has all kinds of strange means, and does not have the majestic vitality like Nvwa saint, zhenyuanzi immortal, who only has exaggerated defense, does not know whether he can withstand the siege of the two holy see masters.

"Don\'t worry, kakarot is over there." Deep in the storm, Locke\'s voice came.

Then, a more intense collision broke out with the power of dominance.

The elements of destruction and holy light cover the whole battlefield, making it difficult to see what happened in the center of the battlefield, but the collision from the level of rules and power is enough to frighten any living creature.

Rao is the master of Nu Wa sage, and he can\'t help feeling a palpitation about the collision of two level eight creatures.


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