Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4235

West of Tara.

Due to the advancement of the truncated Tongtian sect leader, the sage of the bloody sea and the Styx River, as well as countless immortal sect and scattered cultivation forces to the hinterland of Tara, the west of Tara, which was originally relatively empty, is now a little more quiet and desolate.

Locke\'s location belongs to the border of Tara, and a large area nearby has already belonged to the occupied area of Xianyu.

After hearing about the counterattack plan of the remnant of blue fist martial arts and Enze mainland, the leader of Tongtian cult once again joined hands with the ancestor of Styx to speed up the battlefield advancement of Tara.

The gap between the three Qing Dynasties has long been eliminated during the underworld war.

Yuanshi Tianzun led his army to rescue the sealed Tongtian cult leader, which was enough to let the Tongtian cult leader put down his prejudices during the Fengshen catastrophe.

In fact, the accelerated promotion of Tara is also the hope of Tongtian sect leader to solve the war here as soon as possible and help explain the pressure there.

In fact, compared with the gratitude and resentment between Sanqing, Locke, from the perspective of outsiders, feels that the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism in Xianyu is probably the main contradiction in the future.

There are no Buddhist monks in the battlefield of Taoism, and there are no Taoist monks in the battlefield of Buddhism.

Under this more intuitive battlefield background, Locke smelled a hint of division.

However, as an outsider, Locke has no reason to point fingers at Xianyu\'s "housework".

As for what the immortal region will eventually develop into in the future, I\'m afraid that those sages in the immortal region and Taoist ancestor Hongjun should consider.


Basically, at the same time when Locke arrived in the west of Tara, a large area of fairy demon troops retreated to Tara in groups.

These demon families in the immortal region generally bear heavy injuries, but their general barrenness and simplicity of mind make them unable to have all kinds of panacea like Buddhist and Taoist monks, so they can only choose to fight with their bodies.

The advantages brought by evolution are incisively and vividly displayed in the demon race.

Perhaps their civilization height and achievements in the field of refining utensils and elixirs are far from being compared with the human race in the immortal region, but their physique and physical strength also exceed the number of human friars in the immortal region.

Many injuries that are serious enough to hurt or kill the Terran friars are only slightly larger wounds for the demon creatures.

It is this almost barbaric and violent survival style that supports the backbone of the demon family in the fairy region.

As soon as they arrived in the west of Tara, these demon families built a defensive front under the leadership of quasi Saint Fuxi.

Perhaps these defense fronts are very primitive in Locke\'s view, and they do not design all kinds of large-scale war tools like Buddhism and Taoism, but this is indeed the product of the efforts of the demon family in Xianyu.

Locke can see the belief that the demon family in Xianyu is trying to rise again. In addition to this belief and will, Locke also believes that the demon family in Xianyu had better have one or two more saints to ensure their rise.

"Nu Wa saint, where have they been now?" Locke summoned Fu Xi to himself and asked.

Because of his good personal relationship with Nu Wa sage, Locke\'s tone towards her brother Fu Xi was quite calm, without the airs of being a master of level 8. When receiving Fu Xi, he also gave him a golden apple to recover from his injury.

"My sister, they are now in a large meteorite belt between Tara and Enze. I hope Saint Locke can pick them up as soon as possible." Fu Xi said respectfully and in a rather urgent tone.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll go now."

"It\'s you. If you don\'t deal with the injury as soon as possible, I\'m worried that Nu Wa saint will blame me afterwards and watch her brother die." Locke said to Fu Xi.

Fu Xi\'s injury at this time was extremely exaggerated. There was an unusually obvious huge gap from the chest and abdomen to the snake tail.

And because he is only a quasi Saint level creature, unlike the master who has an omnipotent soul and can instantly recover from his injury, Locke can even vaguely see Fu Xi\'s heart and his gallbladder from the huge gap.

And if Locke is right, Fuxi\'s snake gall seems to have been broken.

Locke\'s reminder did not make Fuxi\'s actions different.

He still kept his original posture of asking Locke. It seemed that he cared more about his sister than his injury.

Nodded, Locke didn\'t continue his nonsense and directly tore the space away.

Until Locke had left, Fu Xi slowly stood up and held the Golden Apple given by Locke tightly in his hand.


Zemocoro meteorite belt.

This is the largest meteorite belt at the junction of Enze domain and Tara domain.

Once, this was the battlefield where the Vatican legion of Enze mainland collided and fought with the Apostle legion of Tara all year round.

In every corner of the zemocoro meteorite belt, there were blood and bodies left by the Vatican Legion and the Tera apostolic Legion.

Now, although the party participating in the war has changed, the intensity of the war and the intensity of fighting are no worse than in the past.

It is worthy of being the most elite undead Legion in Enze mainland. It is a large legion with enough combat ability to collide with the core disciples of Buddhism, Buddhism and interception.

They represent the strongest spear of the Holy See of Enze mainland. The reason why they are called the "undead Legion" is that every member of the Legion holds the extremely profound and pure power of holy light.

In addition to their unparalleled strength, they also have impressive recovery ability and defense means.

In the past wars to guard the Holy See and Enze continent, this Legion is also the combat legion with the least damage among all the Holy See legions, so it is named the undead Legion.

At the same time, with exaggerated combat effectiveness and defense recovery ability, this undead Legion seems to Locke to be a nearly perfect Legion.

Among the legions of different civilizations that Locke came into contact with in the past, the one that can be compared with the immortal legion of the holy see is the most elite Angel army of the bright Protoss.

It is also a powerful army that can beat and milk. From this point of view, the power of holy light and the power of light are both "light" energy, which seems to have a lot in common.

Upon reaching the zemokoro meteorite belt, Locke\'s attention was attracted by the subtle fluctuation of the dominant force from the center of the meteorite belt.

Ignoring the countless bottom demon families and Holy See legions on the battlefield, Locke flew straight to the center of the meteorite belt.

An unparalleled and ferocious beam of destruction pierced the interstellar, and countless low-level creatures on the battlefield of the zemokoro meteorite belt trembled.

The absolute life level gap makes them unable to see Locke\'s actions at all, or even understand what Locke is.

Including those level 5 and level 6 creatures fighting on the zemoro meteorite belt at the moment, in their eyes, Locke is also a source of destruction that they can\'t understand.

A mass is just a little look at them, and even the heart, God and soul will be sucked and swallowed into it.