Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4234

Because Locke\'s body is not in the blue fist Wudao star domain and Enze star domain, he does not know the specific conditions of those two large star domains.

Only according to the situation described in the war report, he could probably feel the heavy pressure on the two battlefields at this time.

Unfortunately, here in the stellar battlefield of Tara, whether it\'s the apostasy or Buddhism, or the Legion led by Locke, so far, it has been advancing all the way.

With a large amount of war resources and the harvest of giant astral planes, I\'m afraid that the interceptors and Buddhists will not send troops to assist Yuanshi Tianzun and zhenyuanzi Dafen in a short time.

This does not involve morality and emotion. In addition to the naked interest disputes, there are actually rational judgment factors.

Eat every bite of food and destroy the enemy one by one.

Since Xianyu chose the civilization war mode of three battlefields with great appetite from the beginning, they have to swallow it no matter how much war bitter fruit they face.

If the leader of the jiejiao Tongtian cult and the two saints of Buddhism now go to support the Enze star domain, or return to the blue fist Wudao star domain, I\'m afraid most of the great advantages they gained in the Tera star domain in the early stage will be destroyed.

Therefore, from this point of view, it\'s better to let the Yuanshi Tianzun carry it hard and buy time for the Tongtian sect leader and the two saints of Buddhism to win the Tara star domain as soon as possible.

As for the Enze star region, judging from the strength of the current Enze mainland Vatican, they are the main opponents of the tripartite war.

The most powerful enemy is often to stay in the end and gnaw at it as a hard bone.

The wisest way for Nuwa sage and zhenyuanzi immortal is to withdraw to the Tara region as soon as possible and merge with Tongtian sect leader and others.

After all, Enze mainland and Tara are rivals for many years. No matter what consensus the strong at the dominant level reach, the lower middle and lower combat legions will not be able to cooperate closely, because this is a blood feud for countless years.

As for the Tianzun at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, with his back on the local land of Xianyu, Locke believes that it is not a problem to finally support the counterattack between Enze mainland and the remnant of blue fist martial arts with the details of Xianyu civilization.

Not to mention, Locke, as a level 8 creature, also knows that in addition to having a level 9 creature Hongjun in Xianyu, the powerful desperate spider mother is also there.

"So, although the war is fierce now, the Tianzun of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and the great fairy of zhenyuanzi have sent a message for help. In fact, the overall war advantage is still on the side of Xianyu, but the initiative is temporarily taken by Enze mainland." After reading the war report in his hand, Locke thought.

Taking part in countless leading Wars also makes it easy for Locke to grasp the most critical information in the civilized war.

Triumphant news keeps pouring in. Do or think the same without prior consulation2, two months later, when the sharp data of the crystal drilling giant planet was discovered, especially when the track of the king of the crystal drill with six levels of life was found, the two Buddhas and the God of heaven all came to the same news.

The message from the two saints of Buddhism is very simple, that is, I hope that Locke\'s army will no longer aim at a single plane, but completely cast a net to conquer all the resistance planes in the east of Tara.

It was the Buddhists who originally asked Locke to deal with one specific medium-sized giant planet after another, because they didn\'t want Locke to share too many war interests.

Today, it is still Buddhism who actively requests Locke to expand the war results, because compared with the war interests in the east of the Tara star domain, the two saints of Buddhism have set their eyes on the whole Tara star domain, as well as the Enze star domain and the blue fist martial arts star domain next door.

The information from the leader of Tongtian cult is a little more complicated. In addition to hoping that Locke can command the army to help Buddhism promote the war in the East as soon as possible, he also wants to ask Locke to go to the Western battlefield of Tara to meet the retreating Nvwa saint and others.

Locke would not refuse the request of the Lord of Tongtian and the two saints of Buddhism.

He arrived at Xianyu battlefield this time to help.

With tens of millions of legions under his command, Locke divided them into seven parts:

The winged angel safirus led Locke\'s legion of destruction.

Level 6 glutton devil stanson and white eyed witch lead their demon legions.

The sixth level desire devil msdan leads another part of the devil Legion.

Carter Gustavo\'s demon group commands their demon army.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, led the Legion of Titans and giants to join the elves legion of Elune and the orcs legion of campas.

The last part of the Zerg legion, Locke, was handed over to commander danilis, the dragon mother who arrived at the Xianyu battlefield with him.

As for the inferior dragons, as well as Locke\'s Mount, the dead Tyrannosaurus Rex God, the mutant Niu Gelong, the blood Jiao Xiaohong, the kakarot and the Saiyan troops, Locke asked them to follow him in the next war.

The total number of each of the seven legions is not too much, and the average number is only about 1.5 million, but in terms of combat effectiveness, this million Legion is enough to be several times that of the Tera apostolic Legion.

Locke, such as the winged angel safirus, the goddess of wisdom Athena and the dragon mother danilis, is not too worried. His only headache is that without his control, the three demons and demon legions will mess around in the eastern battlefield of Tara.

In particular, the devil of desire, musdan, has the most complex composition, which contains almost all the sinister elements and evil people among the demons.

Carter Gustavo was a reasonable demon king. After Locke beat several times, he knew his position very well.

The white eyed witch needn\'t say more, because Locke has studied her eyes closely for several times. Now she sees that Locke wants to take a detour, and how dare she disobey Locke.

Therefore, the only thing worth noting is the Department of mstan.

However, the desire devil mstan is worthy of being a level 6 devil playing with his brain. In the previous giant planet battles, it and its demon Legion did not know how much evil, but it was never caught by Locke and the immortal domain.

Even several evil deeds that have been exposed have been cleverly transferred by this guy to the glutton demon clan and the white eyed witch.

If the white eyed witch didn\'t swear to Locke privately that she and her demon family didn\'t do those things, Locke would have been deceived by the other party.

Therefore, when assigning the Legion under his command, Locke deliberately asked the dragon mother danilis and the film wing angel safiros to keep an eye on mstan\'s department.

Poor cutting-edge combat power is the biggest weakness of the demon Legion commanded by mstan.

Perhaps there are a lot of scum and devil scum, but the strongest force in this devil Legion is mstan himself in the middle of level 6.

After assigning everything, Locke led his personal guard to the west of Tara.

The prisoner cow and the Dragon didn\'t go along with Locke this time because he said he didn\'t want to face the strong of the Enze continent.