Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4233

Ellen Barr meteorite group battlefield.

Countless warships and airships shuttle through every area of complex meteorite groups.

The green and orange energy beams attack alternately, which brings great trouble to the immortal friars on this battlefield.

For the immortal friars who had never been exposed to the power of science and technology before, the power shown by the heaven of Enze mainland is a difficult means for them to adapt in a short time.

A fairy level scattered repairman in Xianyu blew up dozens of micro UAVs, but soon hundreds of thousands of UAVs locked them.

Although the airtight energy barrage could not break the immortal Friar\'s magic weapons in a short time, with the passage of time, these fighters still seemed endless, but the immortal Friar\'s pill was almost finished.

The biggest difference between casual cultivation and famous monks is the gap in resources and skills.

Zhenyuanzi\'s great immortal was known as the "ancestor of earthly immortals" in the wasteland world, which attracted countless scattered practitioners who competed with each other after the establishment of the sage Taoist court.

However, in terms of Taoist court details and wealth accumulation, zhenyuanzi\'s great immortal is more than a little worse than jiejie, elucidation, Buddhism and other religions.

Even the ancestor of the blood sea Styx River, who has an old gap with zhenyuanzi immortal, his Asura family has developed much better than the Wuzhuang view of zhenyuanzi immortal.

At any rate, due to his early breakthrough in the realm of saints, the ancestors of the Styx River were very lucky to get involved in the wars in the blue fist martial arts star domain, the brain eater star domain and the underworld star domain.

Although the big heads of those wars against large planes were taken by the other sages and wizards in the immortal region, at least the ancestors of the Styx River and other blood sea Asuras also made a lot of money during this period.

Not only have many great Luo Jinxian level Asuras been born one after another, but also the father of Princess Iron Fan, the most powerful Asura king under the old ancestor of Styx, has now entered the quasi saint.

Zhenyuanzi immortal can\'t be generous enough to distribute ginseng fruit to every friar on the battlefield. Moreover, he doesn\'t have so many ginseng fruit.

The only ones who really got ginseng fruit were the Da Luo Jinxian level casual practitioners who took refuge in Wuzhuang temple and a quasi Saint level immortal domain power.

"It\'s no wonder that the two religions put their main energy into the Tara region. It\'s not that they want to share the benefits of the war in the grace region with us, but that this region is difficult to conquer." Behind the ellenbar meteorite group, the great immortal of zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of earth immortals, looked very important.

"Daxian, you\'d better make a decision as soon as possible. Our strength is not better than those of elucidation, interception and other religions, even the demon family."

"The war report has just been sent from the demon family. It seems that it has also been fiercely attacked by the grace mainland Vatican Legion. It is said that there are eight level saints involved." An old man with a gray beard said to Zhen Yuanzi.

The old man, named old Populus euphratica, is a very low-key quasi Saint monk in Xianyu.

As a result of years of seclusion, even many famous schools have never heard of each other\'s names.

Zhenyuanzi immortal has always been friendly with the old man Populus, so when he founded the Saint Daoting of Wuzhuang temple, the old man Populus was the only quasi Saint level great power who came to join.

Zhenyuanzi immortal didn\'t hesitate when he heard it. He was always cautious. He was about to give a retreat order. An extremely sharp knife came from far away from the starry sky.

"Dang!" The sharp blade collides with the local book emitting a glowing light.

The surrounding space has been cut off countless times in this process, but zhenyuanzi Daxian and others sheltered under the land book are carefree.

A giant plant whose body is Populus euphratica appears under the earth book at this time. It turns out that the old Populus euphratica instinctively opened the true body of Dharma before the crisis came.

"You lead friar Wuzhuang to evacuate first. I\'ll hold him down." Zhenyuanzi Daxian turned to the giant Populus euphratica.

"Hold on" rather than "deal with" shows that zhenyuanzi Daxian is not sure to win the other party.

In fact, in the years of the confrontation between the ellenbar meteorite group, zhenyuanzi Daxian fought with each other several times.

If zhenyuanzi immortal is the ancestor of defense, the other side interprets the attack to the extreme.

This is a contest between spear and shield. It depends on whether zhenyuanzi immortal\'s land book is hard enough or the other party\'s sword is more sharp.

"Your defense ability is really exaggerated. I have encountered several level 7 mid-term masters in the star world before. Their defense is not as inexplicable as you." A lazy and old voice came from the dark and deep starry sky.

Under the solemn alert of zhenyuanzi immortal, the short old man with three long swords hanging on his side slowly appeared.

This is a blind old man. Although his naked eyes have decayed, his heart is extremely bright.

The three long swords at the waist are not ordinary. One of them is buzzing. Obviously, it was this one that collided with the earth book just now.

It is obvious that the old man\'s long sword is also a world-class secret treasure.

What is amazing is that he has three such long swords.

"Next, I\'ll be serious. Just look at this sword. Can you catch it?" The old man\'s momentum changed in an instant, from just lazy to piercing and fierce.

The second long sword hung around the old man\'s waist and gave out bursts of trembling sound.

This is the first time that the old man showed his second sword since zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of the earth fairy, fought with each other.

Zhenyuanzi doesn\'t know what else the old man has. In addition to knowing that the old man was a little higher than himself, he only knew that the other party\'s name was Alan.

"Extreme sword ยท storm style." As the old man\'s voice fell, several residual shadows appeared in the battlefield sky.

This is the result of the extreme speed. The old man clearly didn\'t master the law of the wind. He was purely defending the wind with kendo.

Opposite old man Allen, the face of zhenyuanzi immortal, the ancestor of the earth fairy, was more dignified. The faint yellow and thick earth Book emitted a faint light. Facing the attack of old man Allen, zhenyuanzi held his breath and tried his best to deal with it.


Diamond giant planet.

This is the fourth giant planet conquered by Locke after he led his army to the eastern battlefield of Tara.

The two saints of Buddhism are really not polite to Locke. Up to now, the four giant planet battlefields he helped are medium-sized battlefields, and they are all those with fierce resistance.

The battle in the diamond giant planet is not over yet. In addition to the fierce resistance of the apostles stationed in this plane, there is another native creature called the diamond monster, which is very difficult to deal with.

Nest under the ground, creating a unique cave and living environment in the vast underground space.

Those crystal diamond giants integrate passive evolution and physical flexibility. It is not a small project to completely eliminate them in the labyrinth underground world.

It was also when Locke was overseeing the diamond giant planet that the war report from the blue fist Wudao star domain and the grace star domain finally came to him.

"Oh? The blue fist martial arts star domain is in an emergency, and the counterattack of Enze star domain begins?" Locke looked at the war report in front of him and said in surprise.