Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4232

In the middle of the battlefield, one of the two sides of the fierce collision is a humanoid with brown hair.

Bronze skin and strong chest muscles make people feel the impact of pure power at the first sight.

This is also a level 6 peak creature that has achieved great achievements in the field of passive evolution. The more than 100000 years of sharpening of the lost tower has made his body and spirit tough to an exaggerated situation.

Opposite this humanoid creature, a black flame giant ape with tusks and a huge golden stick is roaring up.

His achievements in the field of passive evolution are even better than those inherited by the tower of confusion. Although from the perspective of outsiders, Xin Yan and the great ape of destruction are inseparable, Xin Yan, as an actual combat participant, knows that he is slightly inferior to each other after all.

"Dang!" A deafening metal sound sounded.

It turned out that the gold stick in the hand of the destruction giant ape knocked on Xin Yan\'s arm. The extremely heavy force made Xin Yan\'s skin color slightly red for thousands of years.

What\'s more alarming is that as the battle continued, strands of destruction wound around Xin Yan in the gap of the battle.

The incomparably strong physique can not stop the erosion of the inflammation of destruction. When the battle of quasi holy peak continues, the balance of victory has been quietly tilted.

However, on the civilized battlefield, there are many factors that determine the outcome of a war.

Although Xin Yan\'s strength is not as strong as the destruction ape in front of him, the battle that really plays a leading role in this battlefield is not here.

A holy beam of light shot out from behind the Vatican army and straight into the sky.

The countless power of the holy light was then dispersed into tens of millions of silk threads and floated to every corner of the battlefield.

At this moment, all the Vatican armies have increased their strength to varying degrees.

Perhaps the friars in the immortal region are generally better than the grace mainland creatures in single combat, but in the field of Legion combat, they have the power of holy light and corresponding faith, and the Holy See Legion is more dominant in this large-scale scuffle.

Needless to say, the power just released to support the Vatican army on the battlefield came from level 8 strongman milt.

Like a dazzling star, milt came to the center of the battlefield.

The battle of destroying the great ape and the lost tashatai was stopped. Although the great ape in the state of battle rage was not willing to easily let go of his immediate opponent, the call from the sage behind the Xianyu army finally made him suppress his boiling blood and choose to retreat.

Colored ribbons appeared from the rear of the Xianyu army, and incomparably strong vitality appeared on the battlefield.

Although unlike the strong of the Holy See, they can use the power of light and faith to support the Legion, as an explorer of the origin of life, nunwa Saint also found another way to support his legion.

The strong vitality turns into a little pure light and falls on the body surface of every immortal creature in the starry battlefield.

More than 90% of the Xianyu army on this front are composed of demon families.

Therefore, after getting the life power bonus of Nu Wa saint, countless demon families roared up and showed their true colors in front of the grace mainland Vatican army!

The strong physique and the innate wild instinct of the demon family make these ferocious looking guys not only have no decadence, but also have high morale when facing the most elite immortal legion of the Holy See.

Perhaps in terms of military array combination, these fairy demon families born in the wild can\'t cooperate as well as the elite army of the Holy See, but their innate killing instinct is enough for them to bite off the fatal parts of their opponents.

Tens of millions of demon families show their own appearance at the same time, and their pictures are undoubtedly spectacular and impact.

Not to mention, the number of demon families on this battlefield is far more than that!

With a total of nearly 200 million demon families, it is the most elite force under the command of Nu Wa saint.

Many of these demon creatures have even participated in the war between the brain eater star domain and the underworld star domain. They are the most powerful species in a hundred battles.

If it were not for the Lehman defense line arranged by Enze mainland, it could only supply 40 million demon families to participate in the battle at the same time. Otherwise, the 200 million demon families would be completely spread out, and I don\'t know what disaster it would bring to many planes and creatures in Enze star domain.

Milt, the eighth level strong man of the Holy See, did not care about those wanton fairy demon families. No matter how many they were, there was no threat to his level of domination.

With calm and divine eyes, he cast his eyes on the Nu Wa Saint directly above the demon family army in the distance.

This should be the first time milt fought against Nu Wa saint on the battlefield. Before that, it had always been another leader, milch, who played with Nu Wa saint.

The strength of level 8 makes Nu Wa sage feel bursts of pressure holding red Hydrangea and leaning against the map of the country.

Fortunately, on this battlefield, Nu Wa sage was not the only master, followed by another master level biological breath, but the phantom Riel appeared on the battlefield with colorful wings, psychedelic bracelets and magic shields.

Milt looked at his opponents for several times, especially at the saint Nuwa for a long time, and then sighed, "I didn\'t expect that the two opponents in front of me didn\'t have much killing and evil in their hearts."

"Especially you, I can clearly feel the strong life and soft breath in your will and power. Why did you invade my grace star domain?"

"From the power of multiple ectopic plane rules displayed on your body surface, you should have saved more than one world? Even the gift of original rules from the plane will." Milt was not in a hurry, but looked at the Nu Wa saint and said.

Milt\'s achievements in the field of rules have reached a very high level, and he can see through the details of Nu Wa Saint at a glance.

Although the current level-8 strong man did not show much malice, Nuwa Saint shook his head and replied, "there is no conflict between invading different civilizations and loving life."

"Although I pity hundreds of millions of creatures in the star world, it is more difficult to choose between the development of demon clan and immortal domain." Nu Wa replied.

Compared with the "great love" pursued by milt and the people in the Holy See, the conditional "little love" of Saint Nuwa is more in line with the development environment of the star world.

Nunwa sage\'s answer made milt shake his head.

Then he did not continue to talk nonsense with each other, but drove the power of the holy light to fly directly.

"Be careful, he\'s not something we can fight." The voice of the phantom Riel appeared in the ears of Nu Wa saint.

Hearing this, Nu Wa sage nodded slowly.

Then, a series of orders were sent to the demon army.


In addition to the battlefield where the demon army is located, another battlefield in Enze star domain also ushered in a fierce battle.