Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4231

Now that Nicole has appeared, Miller and Michelle, who want to come to Elvin, have also arrived at this battlefield.

But this time, the Holy See arranged a counterattack plan, and its participation positions include hundreds of positions in the blue fist martial arts star field.

Only Nicole is strong enough in level 6 in this battlefield. Miller and Michelle are estimated to be somewhere else.

And looking at the number of legions pouring out of the space channel, it is enough to see that the Holy See will not be too small this time.

Seven medium-sized star regions, dozens of small and micro plane civilizations, including the support of the local Vatican army in the grace star region.

As far as Enze mainland\'s skill is concerned, it has been very close to the size of the wizard alliance and the anti light Protoss alliance.

It is worthy of being a powerful civilization that once planned to encircle and kill the eighth level biological leader of Tongtian. The Vatican of Enze mainland not only has eye-catching self-confidence, but also has the strength to match this self-confidence.

"In addition to the yedU world in front of you, there are four martial arts worlds around, such as Hongsha world and Wujun world. You need to send troops to recover." The level Four warrior said respectfully.

"OK, let\'s kill!" Nicole waved her long black knife and stepped on a green dragon mount to kill the nearest yedU world.

YedU world is a martial arts world that has just reached the level of medium-sized level. It seems that the elucidation aspect still pays more attention to this level.

In order to calm the long-term chaos and rebellion around yedU world, there is even a realm friar in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian.

The chaos of yedU world began to appear as a long lacquer black knife cut through the plane barrier.

These battle legions, who did not know which star region they came from, were caught off guard at the first time for the hermeneutic friars stationed in yedU world.

It is worth mentioning that these legions, which are enemies of Buddhism, are only aimed at friars in the immortal region and do not offend the indigenous creatures in the Wudao star region.

This outcome also makes the chaos and defeat situation in yedU world come faster when those strong warriors of martial arts families rise up in response to the surprise attack of these holy see legions.

The chaos and fighting in yedU world is not just an example. At the same time, there are hundreds of wars in the blue fist martial arts star domain.

Gongsun xuance, who had been waiting for a long time, and other survivors of blue fist martial arts, also tried their best this time, because they knew this was their last chance.

The battle of saints broke out in the second month of the chaos sweeping the blue fist martial arts star domain, and once it broke out, it was a big scuffle among the five dominant creatures.

And with the passage of time, it seems that there is not only this point in the master level existence and hostile Legion faced by immortal domain elucidation.

"The elite legion of Enze continent led by church leader milch will arrive here in a few days."

"But before that, their first task is to repel the enemies in the grace star domain, and drive the immortal army in the grace star domain to the Tara star domain battlefield as far as possible." In front of Gongsun xuance, Miller, who has been promoted to level 6, said calmly to the dominant creature.

Gongsun xuance nodded immediately after a fight with Yuanshi Tianzun in the star world.

The Vatican\'s support is stronger than expected. In less than half a year, the total number of legions invested by the Vatican in the blue fist martial arts star domain has exceeded 30 million.

And with the passage of time, more and more legions spread to attack in all directions. The original more than 100 planes can not meet the appetite of the remnant of blue fist martial arts and the Holy See of Enze mainland.

More and more planes fall back into the hands of the remnant of blue fist martial arts. In addition, he is also fighting with all his strength this time. Gongsun xuance feels that this is indeed the closest time for him to recover his mother civilization.

In terms of hermeneutics, it is obvious that they failed to respond in such a short time, including touyuanshi Tianzun and sage Lao Tzu. In fact, it also shows the weakness of Hermeneutics from the side.

Because they had no other plan to suppress the rebellion and the attack of the Legion of civilizations except the means of saints.

Before that, Rao was an eight level sage Lao Tzu who mastered the good way of divination, and he was not aware of any crisis.

In other words, it\'s not that Lao Tzu\'s divination is not good, but that he also has a lot of prophecy ability to grace the mainland and deliberately targeted his means.

In short, when the chaos sweeping the blue fist martial arts star domain became more and more intense, it not only caught them off guard, but also had the posture of trying to drive them out of the martial arts star domain.

What makes the elucidation complain endlessly is that the equally urgent war situation in Tara and Enze makes it impossible for the Xianyu army in those two battlefields to support the elucidation at the first time.

A large number of monks were urgently summoned from the immortal region by the hermeneutics. This time, the hermeneutics seemed to smell something wrong.

It\'s just the remnant of blue fist martial arts, but where did the amazing number of alien legions come from.

In order to prevent the situation from developing in the direction they least want to see, in addition to urgently dispatching legions from the Xianyu territory, the founder of Buddhism also agreed for the first time that other small and medium-sized sects and scattered cultivation forces in the Xianyu region should join the war in the blue boxing and Taoism star region.

In order to resist the attack and calm the civil strife, Yuanshi Tianzun and hermeneutics even promised a large amount of resources and wealth to those small and medium-sized sects and scattered strong people.

Lured by interests, countless immortal friars arrived at the blue fist martial arts star realm from the depths of the immortal realm.

It\'s a pity that the action of Yuanshi Tianzun is still slower, which can\'t compare with the well prepared grace mainland Holy See and the remnant of blue fist martial arts.

Moreover, the well-known sects and top scattered practitioners in Xianyu have already joined the battlefields of grace star domain and Tara star domain, so the effect is not obvious in responding to the call of the original Heavenly Master.


The debauchery war situation in the blue fist martial arts star domain and the vigorous war situation in the fairy domain of the Tara star domain completely show two extremes.

While the fierce war broke out in the two star regions at the same time, the local Holy See elite army of Enze star region finally moved.

It was the Holy See\'s most elite Legion - the undead Legion on the Lehman line that took the lead in launching an attack on the Enze celestial Legion.

In addition to the undead Legion and the surrounding multi-level and second-line legions launching a counterattack against the demon family in Xianyu, the two dominant leaders of the Holy See visited the front line at the same time.

In the middle of the battlefield, without the intervention of the dominant creatures, the most eye-catching battle is the duel between a black haired destruction giant ape and chatai, the latest strongman in Enze continent.

Chatai is the top genius of the lost tower of Enze continent. At the same time, there are only two other talents in Enze continent who can be juxtaposed with him - Kelly in the heaven and Xin Yan in xuzu.

Lord milt once said that shatai has the ability to fight the \'holy one\' in a short time. (PS: the Holy One is the name of the land of grace for the dominant creature.)

But it was such a strong existence that it was inseparable from a black haired giant ape at this time.

And from the destructive power spilled from the painted black giant ape, milt, the eighth level Vatican strongman, smelled a smell familiar to him.


Today, on my grandfather\'s birthday, when I went to my grandfather\'s house for dinner, the first thing my cousin said to me was "brother, why are you fat?"

I split QAQ!

Sure enough, the code makes me fat.