Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4230

After leaving Locke Space Fortress, Haoyue Bodhisattva finally felt the heavy pressure on his shoulder.

In the past, when listening to two saints preaching Buddhism in the Buddhist world, Haoyue Bodhisattva had never felt the power of saints was so terrible.

Now, having personally experienced the dominant power of Locke, the bright moon Bodhisattva is a little afraid to contact Locke again in the future.

But unfortunately, this fear can not become a fact, because Locke himself was invited by her. When the two saints of Buddhism did not appear, she was the communication bridge between Locke\'s legion and the Buddhist army.

For example, if the Dharma sea is redeemed this time, the quasi holy peak level exists. The Tathagata Buddha is not easy to come forward. On the contrary, the bright moon Bodhisattva can shoulder this important task.

In the future, there will be more exchanges between Locke\'s legion and Buddhism. At least during the Tara war, Haoyue Bodhisattva was busy.

He looked at Fahai, who was seriously injured behind him. Although Knight Locke let Fahai go this time, Locke didn\'t give him a good face because of his "rude performance" in the space fortress.

Fahai\'s heavy injury naturally needs his own cultivation.

Thinking of this, Haoyue Bodhisattva sighed and several drops of water came out of the jade bottle in his hand.

"This is the Sanguang divine water given to me by master Guanyin not long ago. I\'ll give you a few drops now. I hope you can recover as soon as possible." Said the bright moon Bodhisattva.

"No, I\'m not in danger of injury. How can I waste the Bodhisattva water." Fahai said quickly.

Ignoring Fahai\'s refusal, Haoyue Bodhisattva shook his head and directly injected the Sanguang divine water into Fahai. Then he said, "if you want to thank your younger martial sister, she begged me to come forward to save you this time."

"Both of you are Buddhists. Even the great sun Tathagata Buddha once praised you."

"Practice well and don\'t turn your anger." After that, the bright moon Bodhisattva stepped on a white auspicious cloud and left directly, leaving only the Dharma waiting in place.

After standing outside the space fortress for a long time, Fahai sighed and then flew in a direction inside the iron curtain giant planet.

There is the residence of Jinshan Temple of his sect. Since the previous leader fell at the beginning of the Tara war, and on the eve of the fall, he passed the position of leader to his own disciple Fahai, Fahai is also the backbone of Jinshan Temple.

In addition to tens of thousands of Buddhist practitioners in Jinshan Temple, his younger martial sister is also there.


In the Space Fortress, after Fahai and Haoyue Bodhisattva left, Locke looked at the white eyed witch coldly and said coldly, "it\'s not an example!"

It means that Locke will not punish her this time.

Therefore, although Locke\'s expression was still that strangers should not enter at this time, the white eyed witch showed a trace of happiness on her face.

Winked at the two fourth level soul eaters squatting in a corner like quails. The two guys who got into trouble quickly fled and left the space fortress in general.

Until the two soul eaters left, the white eyed witch came to Locke, held Locke\'s shoulder attentively and said, "my two sisters are hungry this time. In the battlefield of Yongdong, so many creatures above level 4 are rampant. Where can they play?"

"Moreover, we the remnant of the demon world have the habit of saving food. You know how bad our living environment was when the demon world was destroyed. If we don\'t save some food when the conditions are good, we won\'t feel secure when we fight."

I really don\'t know where the white eyed witch learned this massage technique, but she kneaded it like a mold.

This time there was no outsider present, Locke didn\'t continue to give her face, but his face slowed down a little and asked, "you can\'t kill the weak too much. Although this is not the star domain of our Wizard alliance, you should know that the civilization of Xianyu is not easy to provoke."

After picking up the white eyed Witch and asking her to convey her original words to other demons and demon legions, Locke continued, "our next expedition is the nine shadow giant planet. Then you should inform the following people to be ready."

"Yes." The white eyed witch replied respectfully.

The white eyed witch was so close to herself that Locke was soon interested in her white eyes without pupils.

"Come on, keep your head down and let me see your eyes."

"It\'s interesting. The rules involved are so mysterious. If you bear it a little later, it may hurt..." Locke said.


When Locke\'s Legion rested from the iron curtain giant planet and began to move towards the nine shadow giant planet.

Within the blue fist Wudao star domain, a great change covering the whole star domain has quietly taken place.

Due to Gongsun xuance and other surviving families of blue kungfu, they have persevered in infiltration and uprising in the parent star domain for many years, so that more than half of the planes of blue Kungfu star domain have their hiding points and reception personnel.

Previously, it was able to launch more than two-thirds of the total number of potential planes in the star domain We can see the power and influence of the remnant of blue fist martial arts in its parent star domain.

Therefore, it seems that they are too optimistic to leave the blue fist martial arts star domain and arrive in the underworld star domain to make money from the war.

In the thousands of years when their main force left the star domain of blue boxing and Wudao, it was the most critical period for Gongsun xuance and other strong adherents of Wudao to develop underground forces.

If Gongsun xuance, RickA yadunbu and his martial uncle have supported the high-level combat power of the remnant of blue fist martial arts, those countless warriors who are inspired and intend to restore the glory of ancient martial arts civilization are the low-level Legion combat power on which the remnant of blue fist martial arts relies.

Of course, there are also many interstellar mercenaries hired by Gongsun xuance at a high price.

The subtle fluctuation of space force appears outside hundreds of planes in the blue fist martial arts star domain.

Previous expositions have been fruitful in successfully putting out the rebel war led by Gongsun xuance.

At least the elimination of a large number of remaining evils of Wu Dao\'s remnant families has greatly improved the elucidation\'s control over his subordinates.

More than half of the underground joint points that originally included the martial arts star domain have been pulled out. Now there are only more than 100 positions that can cover up the line of sight of the elucidation patrol Corps.

As the force of space fluctuates, giant transmission channels take shape.

There are various legions pouring out of the channel, including elemental creatures in flames, ORC species with battle axes, and even many magic puppet legions, painted black warships and airships.

This is a powerful multi-ethnic and multi civilization mixed Legion. By observing their language and breath, it is obvious that they do not come from the same plane, or even from the same star domain.

But today, under the guidance of the power of light, they come here.

"Bah!" A woman holding a black knife spits out the twigs chewed in her mouth and goes directly to the level 4 warrior of the remnant of blue fist martial arts who meets them to open the transmission channel.

"Next, I want to play those planes. Give me your directions." Asked the woman with short gray hair holding a black knife.

If Locke appears here, he must be able to recognize that this woman is Nicole, a strongman of Elvin who had a short contact before he reached level 7.

But now times have changed, and the once level-4 foreign gods have now entered the level-6 realm.