Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4229

Haoyue Bodhisattva came to ask for help in person. Naturally, Locke couldn\'t refuse to give an explanation to each other.

Then Locke turned and looked at the white eyed witch. Under Locke\'s extremely oppressive dominant authority, the white eyed witch was defeated after all.

With the white light flashing in front of the white eyed witch, a Buddhist bald donkey sealed in the power of pyramid rules immediately appeared in the hall.

The white eyed witch\'s means are amazing, especially the sealing power she has just shown, which makes the Haoyue Bodhisattva, who is also a level 6 medium-term strength, feel great pressure and fear.

Maybe the bright moon Bodhisattva can\'t see the details of the white eyed witch seal, but Locke, as a dominant strong man, found that the white eyed witch sealed the Buddhist Xuanxian in his white eyes.

Because of congenital disability, the white eyed witch\'s white eyes do not have the ability to see things and people.

But if God took one thing from her, he must compensate her for something else.

Although it does not have the visual function of ordinary creatures, the eyes of the white eyed witch also have various incredible functions.

As the carrier of sealing, it is only one of them.

With the continuous refining and strengthening of the white eyed witch, her white eyes will have more means. I\'m afraid they will not be inferior to a world-class secret treasure in the future.

After escaping from the sealed state, the Buddhist monk appeared in front of Locke. The situation was really not very good.

This is a five-level Xuanxian who holds a golden bowl and a string of Buddha beads in one hand.

Bursts of chanting came from his mouth. It\'s difficult for him to be sealed by the white eyed witch for such a long time. He can still calm down to chant scriptures and Buddha.

Judging from his appearance, he is a very young Buddhist disciple.

Locke guessed that his age would not exceed 30000 years. He could reach such a high level in only 30000 years. His future achievements must be unlimited.

It\'s a pity that no matter how high his potential is in the future, he is just an unlucky ghost defeated by the white eyed Witch and sealed in his eyes.

The red cassock on the body has become pitted under the corrosion of the force of rules.

The only thing that was not affected by the power of the white eyed witch\'s rules was the gold bowl he held and the string of Buddha beads he held in his hand.

The former is a Buddhist treasure he spent his whole life refining, and the latter is a relic left to him by his master before his death.

Although he had been released from the sealed state and faced the level 8 dominant creatures such as Locke for the first time, the young face of the Buddhist level 5 Xuanxian was just a little surprised and respectful, and he was not too rude.

After saying Buddhist words to Locke, the Xuanxian consciously stood behind the bright moon Bodhisattva.

"Fahai, it\'s Knight Locke who forgives you this time. You can\'t do it again next time!" The bright moon Bodhisattva said sternly to the Buddha in front of him.

Level five Xuanxian, named Fahai, thought he had done nothing wrong in his heart, but in the face of the power of saints like Locke and the advice of the bright moon Bodhisattva beside him, he finally bowed his head and replied, "little monk knows."

"It\'s not over yet. Let my two subordinates go!" The white eyed witch suddenly said.

Locke and the bright moon Bodhisattva also looked at it at this time. Under the eyes of the two great powers, Fahai finally raised the golden bowl in his hand, and then two red lights flashed. Two soul eating demons with an obvious smell of blood and killing flew out in the scream.

These two soul eating demons, which were collected into the golden bowl by Fahai, have four levels of life.

Looking at the dense blood smell and strong evil spirit around them at this time, I don\'t know how many flesh and blood creatures they had swallowed before.

No wonder the Buddhist Xuanxian couldn\'t stand it and took them away.

However, the legions under Locke are often very measured. The creatures swallowed and killed by these two soul eaters must be the native creatures of the iron curtain giant planet or the Tera apostolic Legion. They will never fight against the immortal Legion as an ally.

And the bald head couldn\'t see the evil behavior, and turned to the two soul eating demons. I think he is a decent person with more paranoid character.

Sure enough, after releasing two soul eating demons, Fahai didn\'t leave here in time according to the hint given by the bright moon Bodhisattva. Instead, he stepped forward and appeared in front of Locke and respectfully said, "the iron curtain giant planet is in dire straits. Many local creatures are not the accomplices of Tara star demons. They are just a group of weak ordinary creatures."

"Pray that Saint Locke can restrain his legion and return a clear sky to the iron curtain giant planet!" When Fahai said these words, it was cadence and emotion.

This made Locke, who had already taken a high look at him, look at each other for a long time this time.

Locke did not reply to Fahai\'s request at the first time.

The power and pressure from the dominant creatures condensed the air in the whole space fortress hall.

I don\'t know how long later, the white eyed Witch and the bright moon Bodhisattva Jiao Jie\'s lower forehead showed a little sweat. The situation of level five Xuanxian Fahai was not very good at this time. It was not the recurrence of the old injury that couldn\'t be suppressed in his body, but the deep pressure Locke brought to him, which was like a mountain in his heart, making him out of breath.

After a long time, Locke\'s momentum suddenly stopped.

The atmosphere in the hall of the Space Fortress returned to normal again, but the white eyed Witch and others were slightly panting at this time, which was obviously shocked by Locke.

There was no need for Lockhart to say anything. When he turned his attention to the white eyed witch, the previously unruly and willful white eyed witch naturally hurried to promise to restrain her subordinates.

"Not only the demons under you, but also the legions under mstan, stanson and Carter Gustavo, must be restrained."

"If I hear similar rumors again, I won\'t easily spare you!" Roared Locke.

In the face of Locke\'s scolding, the white eyed witch was stunned this time and didn\'t dare to say more.

In fact, Locke said these words not only to comfort the two Buddhist monks, Haoyue Bodhisattva and Fahai, but also to beat these rebellious demons and demon legions.

Sometimes you can\'t just be good to them. You must beat them from time to time to let them know their position.

Moreover, at the beginning of his involvement in the war in the Tara domain, Locke agreed with Saints such as the leader of Tongtian church that he would not share the subsequent development right of the occupied plane of the Tara domain.

Those ordinary creatures in the Tara realm who were slaughtered by demons and demons are, in a sense, also the postwar wealth of the fairy realm.

It doesn\'t matter to kill some accidentally, but if this happens to everyone in the follow-up battle, Locke will not be able to explain his face when he sees the two saints of Buddhism and the leader of Tongtian sect in the future.

Of course, this involves another problem.

That is how to identify those creatures in Tara, whether they are innocent ordinary creatures or members of the Legion of apostles and slave creatures.

In particular, the composition level of the slave biological Legion on on Tara is uneven. Many of them are directly entered by ordinary weak creatures as cannon fodder.