Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4228

The end of the iron curtain giant planet war marks a major breakthrough for Buddhism in this star field battlefield, and then it can infiltrate and attack more medium, small and micro giant planets around.

It also marks the harvest of massive war resources!

Because the foreign aid Corps led by Locke did not have the intention of occupying and dividing the Tera domain, Locke and his Corps took the lead in the distribution of war benefits.

This is also the consensus that Locke initially reached with the leader of Tongtian church. The two saints of Buddhism also agreed to this distribution result before asking Locke for help.

To use a more detailed metaphor, the relationship between Locke and Xianyu at this time is like the relationship between Xianyu and the wizard world during the underworld war.

It\'s just that the identities of the two sides are just exchanged at this time.

The acquisition of massive war resources made all the major legions under Locke happy.

It has to be said that Locke is more generous than people think in the field of dealing with his subordinates and development Corps.

The original contract between the demons of the demon world and the demons of hell and Locke was a very strict slave contract, referred to as the deed of sale.

Don\'t say it\'s just squeezing them. Even if Locke is unhappy, he can kill them directly.

These demons and their lives are all in Locke\'s mind.

Only for such a long time, Locke never trampled and abused these slaves. Even after each war, these demons and demon legions got more satisfactory benefits.

Locke\'s kindness makes these evil creatures from hell and the demon world have no obvious rebellious and rebellious psychology when they work under Locke.

Of course, this is also related to Locke\'s absolute power to suppress them.

Elune, the God of elves, and campas, the God of orcs, should have been the first "slaves" to follow Locke, but judging from the respective development of Elune and campas at this time, where does "slave" look like.

The orc world is not mentioned, but the elf world has developed better and better in recent years.

And this member of the wizard alliance, who has not been promoted to a medium-sized position for a long time, has gradually developed into a rich and beautiful world famous for the whole wizard alliance over time.

The intervention in the battle of Xianyu is also expected to make Elune and her elves a lot of money.

For example, shortly after the end of the war on the iron curtain giant planet, signboard commodities such as life water, moon stone, ancient war tree seeds and various rare flowers, which are the specialties of the elves, have circulated to the vast Buddhist groups near the iron curtain giant planet.

In particular, water of life and moon stone, two specialties from the elf world, are highly sought after by alchemists and tool refiners in the Buddhist community.

If it had not been for the limited inventory that Elune, the elf God, carried before she left the elf world, she might have made more in the end.

With the acquisition of war benefits and massive resource wealth, there will naturally be corresponding problems and some disputes.

After all, wizard civilization and Xianyu civilization are two completely different world civilizations. Even dominant creatures like Locke are different from the saints in Xianyu. Their uneven combat legions will naturally have all kinds of contradictions with the monks in Xianyu.

In the Space Fortress, Locke, who had just finished his long-distance communication with the Buddhist zhunti saint and determined the direction of sending troops next, heard the news that someone under his command had a violent conflict with the Buddhist monk in Xianyu.

To the extent that dominant creatures like Locke can hear about it, this conflict must not happen between secondary and tertiary creatures.

The elves are not like troublemakers. The orcs and titans have not had too much contact with those immortal friars. The destruction Legion and the Zerg Legion return to paradise lost after the war.

From this point of view, it must be those demons and demons who have clashed with Buddhist monks in the immortal region.

Indeed, only those rebellious demons and demons can pee in the same pot with Buddhist practitioners who claim to be the right way of Buddhism.

Locke thought it was the demons under Kat Gustavo, or the demons under level 6 demon mstan.

But he did not expect that the first person to complain to him was the white eyed witch who had performed well in the previous war.

"The bald donkey took two soul eaters under me. They are all confidants who left the demon world with me."

"Even my arm was hurt by his golden bowl." The white eyed witch came up to Locke and said, pointing to her slightly red white arm.

Tens of thousands of years later, the white eyed witch also shed her green astringency when she just left the demon world early in the morning.

Because I can get in touch with Locke all the year round, and Locke is really good to her.

Therefore, in the face of Locke, the white eyed witch has no formality and fear that other demons and hell demons should have. On the contrary, her tone has always been ordinary. Even her words just now have the meaning of being coquettish and seeking comfort.

The contradiction between level 6 creatures like the white eyed witch is really worth taking care of.

When he asked which Buddhist great Luo Jinxian or quasi Saint level strong hurt her, Locke unexpectedly got the answer that a Xuanxian level Buddhist monk hurt her.

There is no doubt about the strength of the white eyed witch, but she is strong enough to compete with the creatures in the later stage of level 6.

Even in the face of the quasi Saint level strong, although she can\'t fight, she still has no problem dealing with one or two.

The white eyed witch, who has always been arrogant, suffered a loss on a level five Xuanxian this time. Rao Shiluo was also very curious about who the other party was.

However, although the white eyed witch suffered a loss, the Buddhist monk who hurt her thought it would be no better.

It\'s not so easy to fight across the realm. The white eyed witch suffered a slight injury to her arm. Even the Buddhist Xuanxian was asked for her last half life.

Just as Locke was about to ask the white eyed witch where she was now, a message of divine thought came from outside the main hall of the space fortress. It turned out that the Buddha Haoyue Bodhisattva came to visit.

The bright moon Bodhisattva and the white eyed witch arrived here one after another. I think the two women did the same thing.

Sure enough, with Locke\'s consent, the first sentence that Haoyue Bodhisattva said after entering the hall was "please Knight Locke, you can let go of my Buddhist disciple."

Bodhisattva Haoyue seldom asks for help. Because of his close relationship with Nezha, Locke gets along well with the Buddhist Bodhisattva.

Locke didn\'t put the spectrum of dominant creatures in front of Haoyue Bodhisattva. Although Haoyue Bodhisattva was slightly dissatisfied with Locke\'s slackness in supporting Buddhism, she didn\'t say anything from beginning to end. She just expressed her grievances and dissatisfaction from the aspect of facial expression.