Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4227

The battle in the iron curtain giant planet went as smoothly as Locke expected.

In just 20 years, the overall war situation in this plane has completely fallen towards Xianyu.

In the 50th year after the dragon mother joined the war, Isis, the fifth apostle, was severely damaged by his blood furnace, and then many top Buddhist monks participated in the siege.

With the gradual decline of the fifth apostle Isis, there are the gale Legion in the iron curtain giant planet and the nearly ten million giant Terra slave biological Legion.

Outside the iron curtain barrier, Locke, who paid attention to the medium-sized plane war, also found an "old acquaintance" during the war.

The quasi Saint level strong Buddha lights a lamp. The Buddha also appears in this giant planet, which has not been seen for many years. This old guy has also reached the level of half step peak despair.

However, after all, the talent and potential in cultivation are worse than the Tathagata Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

In those days, the Tathagata Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva were inferior to the light burning Buddha in terms of seniority and realm.

But now, these two strong Buddhists have stepped into the ranks of peak despair.

Even in Locke\'s view, by observing the fighting performance of the Tathagata Buddha in the iron curtain giant planet, it seems that the other party has greater potential to be promoted to dominate in the future than the dragon mother.

"It is worthy of being the top civilization. Xianyu really has a large land, abundant resources and talents."

"In Buddhism alone, there are two friars at the peak of despair, who are expected to attack the dominant realm."

"Although the potential of Buddha who lights a lamp is poor, those who continue to cultivate and grow should also be able to have enough. As for the realm of domination, I think they need some luck." In the middle and later stages of the iron curtain giant planet war, Locke in the Space Fortress sighed.

Although the evaluation of the light burning Buddha here in Locke is a little worse than the dari Tathagata Buddha group and the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea.

However, as a Buddha with a very high generation of Buddhism, and with the title of three religious leaders of Buddhism, the Buddha who lights a lamp has really mixed well in recent years.

A light golden cassock keeps the Buddha from invading on the battlefield.

Even in the siege of the fifth apostle Isis by the dragon mother danilis and others, the quasi Holy Buddha of Buddhism went up with the sea god bead in addition to the power.

Twenty four sea god beads gathered into a ball and directly hit Isis\'s back.

Let the situation of the fifth apostle, who has fought for many years, get worse again.

A shining white curved blade long sword is constantly waved. This is the famous iron Snow Dragon Sword of Tara. It has drunk the blood of two six level magic dragons. It not only has a miraculous effect on Dragon creatures in battle, but also has reached the level of world-class secret treasure.

After being hit hard by Dinghai Shenzhu, Isis waved his iron Snow Dragon sword to the place where the light burning Buddha was behind him.

At the same time, a black-and-white magic dragon virtual shadow surged out of the sword tip and bit directly at the face of the Buddha who lit the lamp.

Isis, who is the most trusted disciple of the demon God cassoro and has the strength of the desperate, still has a lot of strength after decades of hard struggle.

The hateful strike of Isis iron Snow Dragon sword made the lightbulb Buddha who succeeded in the sneak attack retreat quickly.

It\'s a pity that the black-and-white magic dragon virtual shadow is in hot pursuit at the moment. It seems that it has locked the light burning Buddha.

The Buddha who lights the lamp is not as skinny and fleshy as the dragon mother danilis. He can resist the opponent\'s attack with the hard scale of the dragon.

In the face of the magic dragon virtual shadow, I saw that several Buddhist dharmas failed to work, so my heart was horizontal and directly resisted with the cassock.

The light golden cassock releases bursts of dazzling golden light of Buddhism at this time. In the face of the roar of the real magic dragon, it finally suppresses evil worship with the power of golden light.

Only after resisting the hate blow of Isis iron Snow Dragon sword, the color of the cassock of the light burning Buddha became much darker, and even there was a black magic dragon bite mark in the center of the cassock.

The damage of the baby cassock makes the Buddha\'s face obviously appear flesh pain.

This cassock is a Buddhist treasure mainly refined by the light burning Buddha for nearly 20000 years, in which there are countless top materials and heart gods.

Although it has not reached the level of world-class secret treasure, it is infinitely close.

This time, it was broken by Isis\'s iron Snow Dragon sword. The Buddha said that it would take 200 years to refine and repair.

Isis\'s explosive power at the moment of despair led the Buddha to light a lamp. After thinking again and again, he decided to change his opponent.

As for the siege of Isis, the Buddha who lit the lamp also helped. When dividing the spoils after the war, he will certainly have a share.

Out of the plane, Locke couldn\'t help laughing as he watched the light burning Buddha fly away with his cassock to a level 6 medium-term Tara star strongman in another part of the battlefield.

In the past, his gratitude and resentment with the Buddha who lit the lamp had long been turned over.

The other side\'s character and style really make Lockheed a little sick, but from a fair and rational point of view, the existence of the Buddha who lights the lamp is indeed the most suitable for the plane war.

He is not necessarily the one who performed most brilliantly in the plane war, nor is he necessarily the one who gained the most war benefits in the plane war, but he must be the one who lived to the end.

He looked at the battlefield where the light burning Buddha was, and Locke then looked elsewhere.


The battle in the iron curtain giant planet lasted 81 years.

It will take 81 years to capture the medium-sized plane on one side. This time is neither short nor long.

After all, the iron curtain giant planet is the second main battlefield in the intensity and difficulty of attack in the eastern part of the Tara domain.

Without the direct intervention of dominant creatures above level 7, Locke\'s legion and Buddhist friars spent 81 years to win the world. Locke is relatively satisfied as a whole.

During the week when Locke sent troops to the iron curtain giant, there were more than a dozen giant planets and multiple battlefields nearby. There were also legions on terra trying to support the fifth apostle Isis.

But unfortunately, on the premise that Locke personally sits outside the iron curtain giant planet, these apostles from other planets and battlefields can\'t even get close to the iron curtain giant planet.

As for the use of space means for support, they must first have the ability to break Locke\'s time and space constraints.

Looking at the whole Tara region, it is estimated that only the demon God cassoro can do it.

But as far as Locke knows, the demon God Casolo is currently recuperating on his mother planet Tara.

The capture of the iron curtain giant planet is only a microcosm of the battlefield in Tara.

Not only Locke\'s side, but also other battlefields where Buddhism is located, as well as the central battlefields where the truncated Tongtian leader and the sage of the bloody sea Styx River are located, also present a situation of advancing deeper into the Tara star domain.

If nothing happens, the next collision between dominant creatures should occur near Tara.

Because in the face of the enemy\'s high-level combat power whose total number exceeds his own number, the demon God cassoro and his confidants estimate that only relying on the large plane Tara can they have the power of war.