Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4224

Before a good secret discussion began, it was almost suspended because of the opposition of the participants.

Fortunately, both sides did not continue to provoke each other\'s anger, but deliberately endured it.

Kiraya, the seventh level brain eater, this projection appears on the fargi continent, which represents not only himself and the brain eater, but also the Tara civilization.

The irreconcilable contradiction between the demon God cassoro and the Holy See makes it impossible for cassoro himself to come to the grace star domain.

Therefore, kilaya, a seven level brain eater, plays a very appropriate intermediary position in this process.

As the leader of the Holy See, milch, the seventh level strong, actually hates kilaya, a brain eater.

Over the years, they have made the mainland an enemy of Tara, but this practice of desecrating the bodies of their opponents and reusing the bodies of their opponents has always been impossible for people in the Holy See who boast justice.

But there are not so many perfect things in the world. Even Pope milch sometimes has to contact or even cooperate with some people he hates in order to achieve his goal.

When the participants controlled their emotions, the process of the subsequent meeting was obviously much smoother.

The counterattack plan provided by Enze mainland has aroused the common intention of the brain eaters and the remnant of blue fist martial arts.

In particular, the remnant of blue boxing martial arts, because according to the vision and plan blueprint provided by the Vatican Lord Mirch of Enze mainland, they not only want to recover the blue boxing martial arts star domain, but also seem to want to try to fight in Xianyu.

Don\'t think the Holy See\'s plan is nonsense!

In fact, considering the overall strength of Enze mainland, Tara star, blue fist Wudao survivors, brain eater survivors and underworld survivors, if these forces can be fully integrated, it is indeed possible to catch Xianyu civilization by surprise.

After all, in terms of the number of dominant creatures, the sum of so many world civilizations and survivors is no less than the total number of saints in the immortal region.

What caused kilaya, a group of brain eaters, to move faintly was that the grace mainland Holy See proposed that it would try to encircle and kill Tongtian leader again, and according to the agreement, Tongtian leader\'s body would finally belong to it.

All the hustle and bustle in the world are for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world are for profit.

Tara star, the remnant of blue fist martial arts, the remnant of brain eater and the remnant of the underworld are all powerful forces that have enemies with the immortal domain. This time, the Holy See binds these forces civilization to its own chariot with interests.

Needless to say, the Holy See will spare no effort in the next war.

The Holy See, which has been hiding its strength for a long time, is about to boldly show its full strength. I think it will bring great accidents and impact to the civilization of Xianyu.

The move of milt, the former Vatican level 8 strongman, is only the beginning.

"The light never goes out." When the secret discussion of falkie was over, the Pope milch looked at the sky and said secretly.


Outside falkie.

Gongsun xuance, who ended the secret discussion of the holy city, did not lead his subordinates to leave the Enze star domain for the first time, but flew in the direction of the ellenbar meteorite group.

There is one of the main confrontation battlefields between the Vatican legion of Enze mainland and the immortal region in the Enze star region. The total number of troops invested by both sides around the meteorite group has exceeded 30 million.

The reason why he came to this battlefield is that Gongsun xuance once felt a touch of familiarity here in the ellenbar meteorite group on his way to the falkie continent.

That is the fluctuation of the law from the phantom Riel. As a dominant existence, Riel\'s power breath is as bright and eye-catching as a lighthouse for middle and low-level creatures.

But when Gongsun xuance reached the ellenbar meteorite group again, the smell of the phantom Riel was no longer there.

At this time, the dominant power in this battlefield fluctuates, only the immortal sage who is very good at defense.

Before Gongsun xuance was promoted to level 7, he fought with the great immortal of zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of earth immortals.

Rao is Gongsun xuance, who has experienced the hardships of the desperate world. He also has to admit that compared with Yang Jian, Nezha and guangchengzi, who are famous for their hermeneutics, in the past, only zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of earth immortals, could be recognized by him.

Because this is the only quasi saint in Xianyu who can face Gongsun xuance alone and is almost invincible.

This guy can finally be promoted to level 7, which is not too unexpected for Gongsun xuance.

The disappearance of Riel\'s breath made Gongsun xuance sigh gently.

In recent years, the grand ideal of leading the remnant of blue boxing and martial arts to restore the country made Gongsun xuance feel tired, so that he missed the tens of thousands of years in the desperate world.

Since the breath of the phantom Riel had disappeared, Gongsun xuance didn\'t stop leaving.

Seeing that the second son of the God of the underworld, Rebecca yadunbu, had been in low mood, Gongsun xuance comforted him and said, "don\'t worry, since kilaya agreed to the premise of this cooperation, that is to let your brother back, I don\'t think he will break his promise."

"If he dares to play tricks on this matter, I will try my best to help you recover this justice in addition to the rules and contracts we worked out together."

Rika yatunbu is one of the few friends Gongsun xuance has made in recent years. Although they are not as hard-working and unforgettable as Locke and others in the desperate world for more than 20000 years, they are also enough to make them trust each other.

After hearing Gongsun xuance\'s promise, RickA yadunbu nodded slowly.

Just like the cruel words he put down to level 7 brain eater kilaya in the conference room before, if the other party still dares to deceive himself this time, RickA ardenbuning is willing to give up revenge on Xianyu, but also try every means to target kilaya and brain eater, and even die with the other party in the way of self explosion.

I don\'t know whether he really wanted to promote this cooperative counterattack, or whether kilaya was really restrained by RickA yadunb\'s cruel words. In short, this guy\'s performance at the end of the meeting was fairly regular.

Including signing the rule contract at the level of dominant power, which was first mentioned by this guy.

Finally, he took a look in the direction of Enze star domain, and Gongsun xuance immediately led people to the blue fist Wudao star domain.


Iron curtain giant planet.

This is a giant planet battlefield in the east of the Tara domain, and Locke, who has just arrived in the east of the Tara domain, was pulled out of the iron curtain giant planet by the bright moon Bodhisattva.

The iron curtain giant planet battlefield is the meat grinder with the second highest fighting intensity in the battle area under the responsibility of Buddhism.

The first giant planet battlefield is called Hutton del, which is the birthplace of the first apostle Kahn.

Although he has no feelings for this aspect, the first apostle Kahn can still get a considerable number of local rule bonuses there, and the two saints of Buddhism are now on the battlefield.

Although the intensity of the war on the iron curtain giant planet is not as exaggerated as the "huttondale giant planet", because there is the relationship between the third apostle Tianjiao Isis, it is also a corrupt battlefield that Buddhism can\'t attack for a long time.