Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4225

The strength of Tianjiao Isis ranks second among all the apostles, second only to the fatalist Kahn who has been promoted to level 7.

Even before Strauss Kahn was promoted to level 7, he had a third victory in the battle game with Strauss Kahn.

This is a well-known strong man in the nearby star domain who is as famous as the new star Kelly in the heaven of Enze continent. He stepped into the realm of despair ten thousand years ago. At present, he is the subordinate below level 7 most trusted by the demon God cassoro.

And unlike the fatalistic Strauss Kahn, who is only good at fighting, Tianjiao Isis is still a rare strong man in the Tera domain who is good at strategy and commanding the army.

The gale army under his command has thwarted the counterattack plan of the Buddhist army again and again.

So that the Buddha clearly transferred his strength not inferior to his Tathagata Buddha to this battlefield, but still failed to change the battle pattern of the iron curtain giant planet.

The emergence of Locke is undoubtedly an important turning point for the subversive changes in the iron curtain giant planet war.

Not to mention Locke\'s strong strength, only his super Saiya kakarot is enough to wipe out all the high-level strongmen of Tara on the battlefield of the iron curtain giant planet.

However, kakarot has been used to challenging the same level and stronger, and suddenly asked him to deal with some creatures below level 7. Kakarot still doesn\'t adapt.

Moreover, the special plane rules of iron curtain giant planets also limit the intervention of dominant creatures to a great extent.

They are also giant planets at the level of medium-sized plane. It is much more difficult to enter the iron and wood world than the battlefield of eternal winter before.

The emergence of Locke and his army undoubtedly attracted the attention of both sides involved in the war on the iron curtain giant planet.

Another Buddhist golden light pierced the painted black iron curtain and shone outside the star boundary. This was the signal sent by the Buddhist army. They wanted to cooperate with Locke\'s army.

However, it is a pity that for the iron curtain giant planet, these immortal Buddhas are alien species after all.

Soon, under the influence of local rules and the intervention of those strong stars of Tara, the golden beam piercing the iron curtain was covered again, and the whole world was in darkness.

"It\'s interesting. The special rules of the world remind me of the means of the iron tower world Legion."

"I just don\'t know if they have anything in common." Locke, in the fortress of space, smiled at the people around him.

Haoyue Bodhisattva is obviously not in the mood to talk and laugh with Locke here. Her slightly anxious expression has betrayed her idea at this time.

Now it is Buddhist disciples who shed their blood on the battlefield below. Of course, Locke is not in a hurry.

The bright moon Bodhisattva is kind-hearted by nature, and many of those Buddhist disciples are also Buddhists under her seat. Naturally, the bright moon Bodhisattva hopes that the sooner Locke can intervene in the war, the better.

The huge iron curtain covers more than 90% of the area of the giant planet, so that Locke and others in the star world do not know what the situation of the giant planet battlefield is.

However, the first time Locke arrived outside the iron curtain giant planet, he blocked the space near the iron curtain giant planet with his own dominant power.

In other words, no matter how the Tera apostles in the iron curtain giant planet resist, it is difficult for them to break through space and escape to other worlds.

Unless someone can break Locke\'s power imprisonment!

This is also the overwhelming force that the dominant life brings to the low-level creatures when facing the low-level creatures.

Not everyone has the strength of a desperate person at the peak, and can brush the tiger whiskers of a dominant creature.

Moreover, even the top despair can hardly pose any real threat to level 8 creatures like Locke.

Maybe the other side\'s hard blow just made Locke feel a slight pain in his fingers.

Then a song of Locke\'s finger is enough to bounce the other party away, or even directly to death.

If Locke orders, even if kakarot is not happy to shoot at a group of low-level creatures, he will not violate Locke\'s instructions.

But it\'s a pity that Locke seems to see kakarot\'s disdain for the middle and low-level creatures in the iron curtain giant planet, so he didn\'t send his number one horse, but turned his head and looked at the other people in the space fortress.

Among them, the leader is the dragon mother danilis who followed Locke to the battlefield of Xianyu.

"Why don\'t you try the dragon mother? The combat experience with the iron tower world Legion can also make you more adapt to the special rules of the world." Locke said.

Unlike kakarot\'s disdain to shoot low-level creatures, the dragon mother is full of war at this time.

In particular, on the battlefield of the iron curtain giant planet, there was an obvious smell of two peak despairers and several half step peak level 6 creatures, which made the Dragon Mother\'s blood boil.

After more than 100000 years of accumulation and countless war experience, daenerys, the dragon mother, has already stepped into the ranks of top despair.

Although she has not experienced a trip to the desperate world, due to her blood warlock physique and strong dragon body, her passive evolution ability is not much worse than the peak desperate Optimus of the wizard alliance.

The desire to dominate the realm makes the dragon mother danilis one of the few battle maniacs in the caster group of the wizard world.

Holding a blood melting pot, she is confident to fight the next battle.

Locke didn\'t mean to make a move. Kakarot also looked elsewhere in the star world. At this time, the bright moon Bodhisattva was extremely depressed and even wronged.

She felt that she had been wasting time for decades. Instead of following Locke from the blue fist martial arts star region to here, she might as well join the Buddhist battlefield at the beginning and help the Buddhist monks at least.

However, the upcoming action of the dragon mother danilis and the fierce power breath she showed in an instant finally made the Haoyue Bodhisattva\'s depressed mood converge a lot.

There are strong women like danilis, the dragon mother, in Buddhism. For example, Guanyin Bodhisattva stepped into the ranks of peak despair ten thousand years ago.

It\'s just that Guanyin Bodhisattva and the two saints of Buddhism are now on the huttondale battlefield. Otherwise, Guanyin Bodhisattva is here. With the joint efforts of the two peak quasi saints, even if the Tianjiao Isis is extremely difficult, the war situation of Buddhism here will be much better.

The dragon mother who led the battle from Locke didn\'t waste time. After determining the attack plan, she flew out of the space fortress for the first time and showed her real body of the purple gold dragon.

Haoyue Bodhisattva also flew out at this time. Although her strength in the middle of level 6 is nothing in Locke\'s eyes, she is undoubtedly the absolute main force in the battlefield of the iron curtain giant planet.

With the bright moon Bodhisattva, the dragon mother and others, there are six level creatures such as Elune, the God of elves, campas, the God of orcs, the mutant Niu Gelong, and the destruction angel safiros.

The appearance of elves, orcs, Titans, angels, demons, demons and destruction legions makes a faint bleak and killing atmosphere inside and outside the iron curtain giant planet.

Previously, the wide and thick iron curtain of the iron curtain giant planet seemed to many people to be a huge shell to protect the iron curtain world, and the unknown brought a touch of mystery and fear to those foreign invaders.

But at this moment, when these wanton Locke\'s legions appear outside the iron curtain giant planet, the black iron curtain feels as fragile as an egg shell and will break when touched.