Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4223

In the face of Gongsun xuance\'s disdain, milch, the strong man of the Holy See, still has not changed much.

He put his hands on the round table and said sincerely, "this is our most promising opportunity, and it is also an opportunity for your blue fist martial arts survivors to get close to the restoration of the country."

"In order to prove our sincerity, we will mobilize the power of seven medium-sized star domains and a considerable amount of resource wealth to help you recover the blue fist martial arts star domain." Milch said.

No matter how much you talk, there is no real gold and silver.

If milch just said it, Gongsun xuance wouldn\'t even have the idea of pretending to be coy with each other.

But this time, milch moved out seven medium-sized star areas of combat power and a considerable amount of resource wealth, which could not be ignored by Gongsun xuance.

Although the plan to encircle and kill the leader of the Holy See ended in failure, Gongsun xuance had to admit that these strong people of the holy see are indeed rare people who keep their promises and love peace in the star world.

With the identity and status of church leader milch, he is unlikely to deceive himself here.

Therefore, on the premise of joining the seven medium-sized star regions and massive resource assistance, the remnant of blue fist martial arts represented by Gongsun xuance can finally sit calmly with the powerful people of the Holy See again to discuss the joint plan.

However, this time, the strong of the Holy See came to win over not only Gongsun xuance and other blue fist martial arts survivors.

As the leader milch signaled that another new friend was coming, a dark blue shadow appeared in the conference room in a burst of harsh and annoying Jie laughter.

For the first time when the dark blue shadow appeared, RickA ardenbu, who had been sitting quietly on the other side, stood up in an instant.

The huge one eye had a faint sign of congestion and a slightly violent breath, which also showed the anger of the level 7 strong man at this time.

The situation that one word disagrees is about to open, which really puts a lot of pressure on those level 5 and level 6 creatures in the conference room.

Although Rebecca ardenburger only came in one piece this time, after all, he is a master. Under the full outbreak, these ordinary level 5 and level 6 creatures can\'t resist.

Needless to say, for RickA ardenburger, dealing with the enemy in front of him is just a loss of a separate body. Even if he comes in person and really wants to fight to the last moment, he will not be surprised if he explodes directly.

The guy who makes the second son of the nether God RickA yadunb feel extremely angry and hostile at the moment is level 7 brain eater kilaya.

However, although kilaya\'s appearance was full of evil and arrogance, his practice was "counseling" to the extreme.

Gongsun xuance and RickA yadunbu came together at least, and their separate bodies more or less condensed their own dominant souls.

In contrast, kilaya, a level 7 brain eater, is just a projection here.

As for its noumenon, I think no one will know.

The first World War of brain eater star domain, and the subsequent confrontation with Gongsun xuance and others in the top civilization relics, left only the last point for kilaya\'s dominant soul to be completely consumed.

Today\'s kilaya, let alone the generation of a new accessory brain, is an unbearable loss even if it condenses and separates itself.

This also means that the body dominated by the ice giant parasitized by kilaya\'s brain at this time will also be its last life.

The law of the astral world is balanced. The power of a master like kilaya who can\'t kill three times is also exhausted.

It\'s just kiraya who comes from the projection. It seems that he still has something in his hand at this time.

Watching kilaya sitting on the ice throne and the surrounding dark atmosphere, people mostly speculate that this guy should be hiding in an underground palace in a certain plane.

As the projection became clearer, kilaya\'s appearance gradually solidified.

RickA yadunb also knew that destroying the projection in front of him would not cause any damage to kilaya. Therefore, in his anger, the second son of the underworld did not make any superfluous moves.

But the bloody one eye kept looking at the picture in the projection, trying to analyze where kilaya\'s Noumenon was at this time.

The appearance of kilaya, as well as the faint evil and annoying meaning it carries, changed the atmosphere in the conference room.

Many Vatican strongmen also cast a certain repulsive eye on kilaya, because with the continuous clarity of the projection picture, they also saw what kilaya was carrying.

It was a corpse, exactly a fragment of a corpse broken in two.

By observing the ferocious expression on the broken head, we can see the great pain this guy suffered in the last second of his life.

In addition to the slight cold and rejection, many powerful people of the Holy See also found that this unlucky ghost, which has been reduced to body fragments, is still their acquaintance, hillock, the fifth apostle of Tara.

In the first World War in the land of eternal winter, the fifth apostle hillock was surrounded and killed by many powerful monks.

In the middle of Da Luo Jinxian, the monk Bixiao fairy took the last blow. The world-class secret treasure Jinjiao scissors with unparalleled attack directly cut hillock\'s body in two.

The chaotic war situation at that time made Bixiao fairy and others unable to get hillock\'s body. Unexpectedly, his body was taken away from the battlefield by kilaya.

Kilaya was carrying hillock\'s body at this time. Naturally, he was very satisfied with hillock\'s body.

Although he himself has no ability to produce a parabrain parasite, those level 5 and level 6 brain eaters under his command will naturally be very greedy for this quasi Saint level corpse.

Like sewing a piece of clothing, kilaya slowly stitched hillock\'s body with a silk thread of dominant power.

However, kilaya\'s suture technology is obviously not very good. With the passage of time, hillock\'s broken body is reconnected, but its face is more ferocious and terrible than before.

It seems that she could not hide her anger in front of the projection. Kilaya didn\'t stop the movement on her hand, but said in a flat tone, "Why are you so angry? Your big brother ingrichebo, in my opinion, is much more mature than you."

"As for your brother, I have no worries about food and clothing."

"If we cooperate smoothly this time, I can\'t say I\'ll give him back to you, hum!" Kilaya sneered,

Naiweneryinke, the third brother of Rika ardenbu, was captured by kilaya, which is a contradiction between Rika ardenbu and kilaya.

Hearing his brother\'s news again, RickA ardenburger was still angry, but at least he clenched his fist and forcibly controlled his anger.

If we say that the belief supporting Gongsun xuance\'s fight is to restore the country, then RickA yadunbu\'s appeal is much lower than Gongsun xuance\'s.

Regaining the civilization of the underworld is a little difficult for RickA ardenburg.

The only thing he can do now is to bring trouble to those who invaded the underworld civilization as much as possible.

In addition, his brother Neville inke is also the only person that RickA ardenburger cares about at present.