Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4220

Jiuliu heavy water giant planet, Locke received the Xianyu dragon family headed by Baxia here.

Due to the victory of the battlefield in Yongdong, the Xianyu dragon family, which was originally trapped in the Jiuliu heavy water giant planet, was able to get out of trouble again under the cooperation of inferior stars and beasts, and occupied more than a dozen surrounding planets, including the Jiuliu heavy water giant planet.

Speaking of this, it must be mentioned that the two forces of the immortal region and Buddhism have completely different attitudes towards war on the battlefield of the Tara star region.

The practice of teaching in Xianyu is to "make money together, and make it rich.".

Therefore, on the vast battlefield in the middle of the Tara star domain, in addition to the forces of the truncated sect, there are more than a dozen medium-sized sects, including blood sea Asura, Shushan sword sect, tianyigong, Fuqi sect, magic sect and so on, as well as hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of small and micro sects and a large number of scattered sects.

Including the East pole Tianting, there are also a large number of heavenly soldiers and generals sent to participate in it.

The total number of direct monks and affiliated friars attached to the truncated sect does not exceed 5 million in the Tara domain.

On the contrary, the total number of monks of various sects and a large number of scattered monks is almost more than 30 times that of intercepted monks.

This also proves that in the immortal region friars group, in fact, scattered cultivation and small and medium-sized sects occupy more weight.

Although the Taoist courts of the great saints are high above the world and are the goal admired by hundreds of millions of bottom friars in the immortal region, the strict admission standards and high threshold also limit the number of these saints.

Up to now, the total number of pure truncated disciples has not exceeded 200000.

As for the millions of monks with the label of apostasy, many of them are religious sects established by the mountain sect after the apostasy disciples have achieved success.

Because the leaders of these sects or the supreme elders are all disciples of the apostolic sect, including a large part of their cultivation skills, which are also derived from the Taoist Dharma of the Shangqing Dynasty, they can barely fall into the ranks of "apostolic monks".

This is also the development mode of the clan with the characteristics of the immortal region, which is very different from the development mode of the holy tower and the knight palace, which has been popular in the wizard world for a long time.

In contrast to Buddhism, their war attitude in the Tara region can be replaced by the word "eat alone".

This is also related to the fact that Buddhism has a more elite army of Buddhist practice. The millions of monk soldiers are enough for Buddhism to sweep away all its opponents in front of the plane at the beginning of the war.

Needless to say, in addition to the direct Buddhist cultivation army, Buddhism also has tens of millions of giant affiliated Buddhist disciples.

In fact, the behavior of Buddhists eating alone in the Tara region also gradually reflects the increasingly obvious trend of the "dispute between Buddhism and Taoism" in the immortal region.

Here in the central battlefield, at a glance, there are only Taoist disciples, not a Buddhist monk.

The eastern battlefield is also there. There are all monks practicing Buddhism, but none of the Taoist disciples can see.

So far as the war is going on, Locke, an "outsider", is needed to reconcile the gap between Buddhism and Taoism.

Every family has its own difficult scriptures. Even if xianyugui is a top civilization, there are also some problems inside it.

This also reflects the essence that there is no perfect thing in the star world.

The entry of more than ten giant planets makes the Xianyu dragon family particularly satisfied with the harvest of this civilization war.

The total number of giant planets in the Tara region is estimated by current intelligence to be no more than 500.

The Xianyu dragons have little appetite. Up to now, they have won nearly 20 giant planets, which can be regarded as completing the expected idea of the four seas Dragon King in the early stage of the war.

These 20 resource rich giant planets are valuable enough to be compared with hundreds of planes in the ordinary star domain.

Not to mention, there are three giant planets that reach the medium-sized plane level.

With regard to the attitude of whether to accept the good or continue to fight, the common pursuit of wealth of the dragon people in Xianyu makes these guys forget the pain of the fall of the previous generation of Beihai Dragon King.

More importantly, the joining of three quasi Saint level dragons, prisoner ox, Jain and Pu prison, made these Xianyu dragons see the possibility of seeking more war benefits.

All the saints, Taoists and sects in Xianyu have made great profits in the civilization war. How can they fall behind the dragon family.

The entry of 20 resource rich giant planets can not satisfy the appetite of these dragons. They have now raised their target to 50.

Especially before, Jain defeated the ninth apostle Tyrannosaurus Rex king Bacar with his own strength, which added infinite confidence to these Immortal Dragon families.

"Are you going to the eastern battlefield with me?" Locke looked at the dragons in front of him in surprise.

"I don\'t want to be a tool for the dragon family to seek war benefits. Since the dragon family crisis brought by blood induction has been relieved, I have no meaning to stay here." Pu Lao shook his head and said.

Like Pu laao, there are prisoners.

Star beast tyrants, kisses and negatives naturally want to follow Locke. Even without Pu prison and prison cattle taking the lead, they are not willing to stay away from Locke.

There are those who are willing to go, and naturally there are also those who are unwilling to go.

Having entered the state of battle, some of the war loving Jains refused to leave the more intense central battlefield.

In his own words, it must kill the Tyrannosaurus Rex king Bacar.

Like Jain, there were lion dragons and Pang pangs in the central battlefield.

The reason why these two dragons stay is very interesting. Its original intention is that the North Sea Dragon King betrothed his sister and the West Sea Dragon King betrothed his little daughter to these two guys respectively.

Newly married Yan\'er, lion dragon and Pang are naturally not easy to leave directly.

Not to mention the old father-in-law\'s past, just the two wives who just married, I\'m afraid they don\'t want to let them leave easily.

There is a Jain watching here. The prisoner cow and Pu prison are not too worried about the safety of their two brothers who have reached level 6 strength.

But what made Pu Lao speechless was that mockwind pulled a dragon mercenary Legion from Ariba chamber of Commerce to rush to the battlefield of Tara.

There\'s nothing wrong. The foreign mercenary army pulled by mockery wind is the headquarters of the holy Dragon King intance in the Dragon skeleton star domain.

It has the strength of the desperate at the peak, and even its combat power is not inferior to that of the Jain on the front battlefield. There are the holy Dragon King intanthus and millions of huge dragon legions. No wonder the appetite of the dragon people in Xianyu will suddenly fight.

At this time, Pu Lao had deep resentment in his words, which was partly due to the practice of mocking the wind, which contributed to the greed and plundering of the Xianyu dragon family.

"Found two dragon girls for lion dragon and Pang Pang?" After listening to Pu laao\'s answer, Locke blinked and looked a little confused.

Then he turned to look at the honest bully and negative Pang on the other side and asked, "why, I just found it for lion dragon and Pang, but I didn\'t find it for you two?"