Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4221

"We are not interested in it." Although it was just a low dragon roar, Locke heard the other party\'s meaning from the fluctuation of his spiritual power.

Upon hearing this, Locke rolled his eyes and replied impolitely, "fart!"

"How can I hear that Avril the mermaid king once said that you two seem to have got together with some granddaughters of the ancient giant Ao in the wizard world. I heard that you have children?" Locke went straight to the bottom.

Locke\'s disclosure directly widened the eyes of the kiss close to Locke and Pu laao not far from her.

Including the prison cow, who was originally light and unfettered, now has a big mouth.

It never thought that he would become an uncle when he was confused?

Locke\'s disclosure also made bully\'s eyes burst.

It never thought how Locke knew his private affairs.

On the other side, the more tender negative was not calm at first. Facing the examination of his two brothers and sisters, negative wronged said, "Eliza and I really love each other, and we haven\'t broken through the last step."

There is no breakthrough in the last step, that is, there is no child yet.

Although the prisoner cow and Pu prison don\'t know who Eliza is, according to the name and Locke\'s disclosure, they think they are also a sea race in the wizard world. It\'s impossible to say that they are still a sea race creature in the form of a giant turtle like a negative turtle.

It turns out that negative and Baxia\'s interest is here. No wonder negative and Baxia didn\'t move when the four seas Dragon King launched several dragon and Xianyu sea beauties.

Originally, prisoner Niu and Pu Lao were very relieved to think that these two brothers were not easy to be seduced by beauty.

But now, obviously, they think too much.

Especially the bully, this guy hid so deep.

"Have children? How many are there?" Although Pu Lao tried to calm his tone, everyone could hear that the level 6 peak was depressed at this time.

At this time, he retracted his head into the turtle shell. He is a good child. He has been in love with Eliza, the sea king of the wizard world for thousands of years, but he failed to break through the last step, enough to see his innocence.

Bully this guy also has some scalp numbness at this time. He wants to learn to shrink up, but it\'s obvious that Pu La won\'t give him this opportunity.

After a long time, seeing that there was no way to avoid, bully stretched his head and said directly, "there are three, no, it should be four."

"Before leaving the wizard world, dunma was pregnant again. I don\'t know if she was born now." The bully replied.

There are four children, and the fertility of tyrants is really exaggerated.

It seems that the more difficult it is for higher-order creatures to produce offspring, it doesn\'t pass here.

So that when Locke heard the answer, he couldn\'t help giving a thumb to the bully.

This time, the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

He honestly confessed his emotional history to Locke and his two brothers and sisters. Locke and others knew that this guy had a relationship with a giant marine turtle when he helped the guardian of the moon suppress the navel of the plane.

Later, with the development of time, it found several friends again and again, including powerful sea people with life levels up to level 5.

The five level giant Ao named Marton is just a granddaughter of the ancient giant Ao, the sixth level creature in the wizard world, as Locke said.

The unexpected disclosure made the star beasts such as Pulao leave the Jiuliu heavy water giant planet with Locke and advance to the eastern battlefield of the Tara domain.

But on the whole, Pu prison and prison cattle did not scold bully and bear anything because of this.

Two younger brothers have their own love and family. Those who are brothers and sisters should be happy.

In particular, the bully gave birth to four quietly. It can be said that the four little guys who have not yet grown up represent the purest blood of the ancestral dragon in Xianyu and the son of the third generation of ancestral dragon.

As for whether the ancestral dragon blood in their bodies will be diluted because their mother is an ordinary sea tribe in the wizard world, that is another matter.

In short, during the Tara war, as the eldest sister of the star beast family, Pu Lao had another thing to do, that is to prepare a gift for her nephews and nieces who have not met yet.

Being about to leave the central battlefield, different from Pu Lao\'s simple psychology, the prisoner\'s heart seems quite heavy to Locke.

In the process of going to the eastern battlefield of Tara, Locke asked the prisoner, "you don\'t want to participate in the war in the central battlefield. Do you think there\'s another secret?"

This time, the prisoner cow didn\'t hide it. He nodded and admitted, "I\'ve seen milt, the Holy See\'s level 8 strongman you faced in the battlefield of the eternal winter."

"It is an existence that pursues peace and has lofty ideals."

"Including the land of grace I passed when I visited the star world before, it is also the best and free and equal world I have ever seen."

"If I can, I don\'t want to fight the world." Said the prisoner.

"I see." Locke nodded.

In fact, Locke is not only a prisoner, but also has a trace of origin with Enze mainland.

Miller and Michelle, who once helped the wizard civilization and had a good personal relationship with Locke, are the Vaticans from Enze mainland.

When the war between Xianyu civilization and Enze continent broke out in full in the future, Locke said he would not be able to fight them on the battlefield.


Falki continent, this is a medium-sized world on the periphery of the grace star domain.

As one of the main battlefields of the Vatican army and immortal friars, falkie has experienced hundreds of years of war, and the whole world is in a situation of waste waiting to flourish.

However, since 20 years ago, when the immortal friars withdrew from falkie and retreated to the rear of the ellenbar meteorite group outside falkie, this medium-sized plane finally ushered in rare peace and stability.

No one knows how long peace and stability in the world will last, but without exception, neither the native creatures of falki nor the Vatican Legion stationed on this continent have any fear of the distant and powerful immortal civilization.

This is also the strength of civilization with a belief system. Where the belief lies, the people are invincible.

Today, the holy city in the middle of fargi, which has been quiet for a long time, has welcomed several guests from distant regions.

They are distinguished guests that the Holy See must treat seriously, and they are also important collaborators of the holy see in its attempt to launch a counterattack against the civilization of Xianyu.

"What do you want me to do here? Do you want to plan to encircle and kill the leader of Tongtian cult again?" Gongsun xuance asked boldly in front of the round table in the secret room of the holy city church.

The experience of years of war and the collapse of mother civilization has led to Locke\'s former old friend, fading his youth and youth, and adding a layer of maturity and sophistication.

Including a shallow scar in the lower right corner of Gongsun xuance\'s face at this time, it is also difficult to connect with the elegant young man Locke knew in the past.

Gongsun xuance arrived in falkie at the same time. He was accompanied by more than a dozen strong members of the remnant family of blue fist martial arts and another master level avatar, Ruika yadunbu.


I wish all book friends a happy National Day!