Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4219

"I don\'t have much stock, that\'s all."

"Moreover, the output of such nectar is not high. If you ask me again, I can\'t take it out." Locke smiled and stuffed the jade bottle into the hands of Tongtian cult leader.

He opened the jade bottle and sniffed into it. A touch of wonder appeared on the face of the leader of Tongtian cult.

Although he didn\'t know where Locke\'s nectar came from, the rich aroma and extremely pure source of life contained in it made Tongtian cult leader moved by it.

"Not long ago, my eldest brother sent two eight turn gold pills. This bottle of nectar is enough to offset one eight turn gold pill and the rest."

"Since Knight Locke gave you such a big gift, you must accept this gold pill." While talking, the leader of Tongtian sect stuffed a purple and gold gourd into Locke\'s hand and said.

The purple and gold gourd is only a top-level artifact, which can not reach the level of world-class secret treasure, but the golden elixir in the gourd is not an ordinary thing.

On the premise that the seven turn golden elixir can play a certain restorative role in the damage of the master level creatures, the eight turn golden elixir is, without exaggeration, specially used for the eighth level masters.

Even if the sage Lao Tzu had the ability to refine the eight turn golden elixir, he could never give it to anyone at will.

This time, the leader of Tongtian sect gave Locke a golden pill. In addition to thanking Locke for what he did, it also showed the rich financial resources and amazing resource details of Xianyu at this time.

Sure enough, after so many civilized wars, Xianyu\'s family became richer and richer.

In the face of the gift from the leader of Tongtian cult, Locke was not polite this time.

He sent out a lot of nectar, which was indeed his only stock.

As for what the leader of Tongtian said, that share of nectar is more valuable than an eight turn golden pill, Locke thinks the other party is too serious.

The nectar effect of the Golden Jade mother flower is exactly geometric. I have already found out about it after taking an unknown number of Locke.

If the level 8 master wants to recover from a more serious injury, one nectar is definitely not enough. At best, he can only recover a minor injury.

On the contrary, it is the eight turn golden pill personally refined by the sage Lao Tzu, which may have a miraculous effect on the secret injury of Tongtian sect leader at this time.

Locke has not forgotten that when he besieged the ancient crocodile king of Piacenza, the sage Lao Tzu immediately restored his great strength with an eight turn gold pill, which killed the other party in one fell swoop.

But what Locke doesn\'t know is that the leader of Tongtian sect didn\'t take Locke\'s nectar directly, but planned to send it back to his eldest brother Lao Tzu.

Taking these natural materials and earth treasures directly is too outrageous for a strong immortal like the leader of Tongtian cult.

Lao Tzu, the sage of Bajing palace, as the first alchemy master in the immortal domain, will return the nectar to the furnace and shape it into a golden pill, so as to maximize its medicinal power.

During this period, if you add a variety of top holy materials, the final pill effect will be slightly better than the eight turn golden pill.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, the nectar given by Locke is indeed more valuable than an eight turn gold pill.

Because the sage Lao Tzu is likely to refine several higher-level gold pills.

The mutual politeness with the leader of Tongtian cult is also a process for Locke to get closer to the immortal saint.

After talking about the sage Lao Tzu and several other sages in the immortal region, Locke immediately talked with the leader of Tongtian about the next progress of the war in the stellar region.

Although the leader of Tongtian cult was previously injured by the surprise attack of the level 8 strongmen of Enze mainland, as the key attack target of the interception of Xianyu cult, it is still the battlefield of Tara star domain in a state of anxiety.

As dominant creatures, Locke and Tongtian cult exist like this. When they look at things, they look further than middle and low-level creatures.

The practice of revenge and resentment is not suitable for the confrontation in the field of civilization.

Let alone overnight feuds, even if it is tit for tat, fighting and killing in the last second, shaking hands and making peace in the next second, advancing and retreating together, it is also possible between civilizations.

There is no hurry in Enze star domain. Since the major forces in the fairy domain have invested their main forces in this large star domain battlefield, they will consider moving to Enze after the battle in Tara star domain.

The secret injury of the leader of Tongtian cult has not recovered. I think the situation of the demon God Casolo will not be much better.

As a foreign aid to the immortal region, the leader of Tongtian cult is embarrassed to let him face the demon God Casolo and chew this hard bone, but if the seven level masters with slightly lower strength: the first apostle Kahn and brain eater kilaya, I think Locke will not refuse.

Because once Locke kills the two seven level masters, Locke must take the lead in the distribution and collection of booty.

This is not only applicable to Tongtian sect leader, but also absolutely open to Buddhism.

The leader of Tongtian cult did not know that Locke and the demon God Casolo had a desire to devour each other in their hearts, otherwise the truncated cult leader would be happier.

When referring to the next war plan, Tongtian leader mentioned that he hoped Locke would go to the east of Tara to open up the situation.

"Don\'t you worry about the return of the powerful people in the mainland?"

"At least if I\'m here, I can share some of the pressure for you." Locke couldn\'t help asking.

"My immortal killing sword spirit is not so easy to erase. The injury of level 8 creatures in Enze mainland may be more serious than me." The leader of Tongtian sect shook his head.

"And even if the other party dares to appear again, what am I afraid of?" The tone of Tongtian leader is full of confidence and majestic meaning.

He is the master of the four immortal killing swords. The four saints are invincible!

Although this sentence is only applicable to the level seven stage of Tongtian cult, it can face three level seven masters at the same time.

However, at the level of level 8, it should not be a problem to face two masters of the same level at the same time in a short time with the strength of Tongtian cult leader.

Moreover, although the Tara star field is vast and magnificent, it will not take long for the dominant life to cross this large star field.

Once the leader of Tongtian sect is different, Locke, who is on the other side of the battlefield, can support him in time.

Finally, under the insistence of Tongtian leader, Locke agreed to the other party\'s proposal.

Compared with the central battlefield with 70% of the elite combat power of Tara, the eastern battlefield where Buddhism is located is a better place to open the gap and change the deadlock.

And the Tongtian cult leader transferred Locke this time. Part of his intention is to force Tara to shift its defense focus to the East.

We can\'t just let the truncated friars fight with the elite legion of Tara. The Buddhist side has to share half the pressure.

As for the complaints of the two saints of Buddhism, the sovereign power of Tongtian church should not have heard.

And this time, let Locke lead his army to support, which can be regarded as fulfilling the request of Buddhism for assistance.

The two saints of Buddhism can never say anything about it.