Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4218

Ice diamond giant planet.

This is a medium-sized plane close to the land of eternal winter.

Although the breadth and bearing capacity of the site can not be compared with the destroyed land of eternal winter, the hard density and extremely high quality of a giant planet can barely bear the arrival of an eight level master like Locke.

In the center of the giant planet ice Ling, an incomparably magnificent ice castle stands on the top of the mountain.

The ancient castle was built and designed by the Titans. Only the Titans with infinite strength and strong physique can build such a private palace for Locke on the icy diamond giant planet with bad weather and hard ground.

"Why are you here? Where are Wukong and magic spring now?" On the huge ice crystal bed in the center of the palace, Locke stroked the soft of Princess Iron Fan Said the tender shoulder.

"My grandfather and my father are in the battlefield of Tara. Naturally, I will come here."

"Wukong and magic spring are now in the grace star region, following the Nu Wa saint."

"I communicated with them not long ago. They are all right." Princess Iron Fan leaned against Locke\'s arms and said.

"Indeed, compared with the fierce war in Tara, the war in Enze is more relaxed."

"However, Enze continent is also a powerful world with level 8 creatures after all. If they can come to Tara, I can easily take care of them." Locke said.

"Wukong is now competing with a quasi Saint level strong man in the grace star domain, and the strength of the other party is equal to it."

"If you want to transfer it back, let alone its idea, I\'m afraid Nu Wa Saint won\'t be happy first." Princess Iron Fan smiled.

Locke\'s apprentice, golden monkey, should be regarded as the number one general under the command of Nu Wa Saint at present.

At the peak of its desperate strength, it can open the form of destroying great apes. Even if it encounters level 7 masters, it can fight in a short time.

But even such a powerful stone monkey, there are strong people of the same level in the grace star domain who can fight with it.

It seems that in addition to hiding level 8 creatures, the overall strength of Enze continent can not be underestimated.

If we can really survive this Xianyu invasion war, it is impossible to say that the Enze mainland will add one or two more dominant combat forces after the war.

"Enze mainland has been promoted to a large level for far longer than the wizard world, and its inside information is not much worse than that of the galent Federation."

"It\'s really unexpected to have such strength, but it\'s reasonable." Locke nodded.

At this time, Princess Tiefan was obviously not interested in mentioning too many opinions about the civilized battlefield pattern with Locke. She was only powerful in the later stage of level 5, but she didn\'t have such a high identity and influence to worry about the battle situation in Xianyu.

This is an Asura woman who dares to love and hate, because she has not seen Locke for many years. Even the cold wind of the ice Ling giant planet is difficult to extinguish the flame of passion and desire when Princess Iron Fan and Locke get along again.

"Why, are you only going to talk to me about your apprentice and your views on the strength of Enze mainland?" Princess Iron Fan drew a circle in front of Locke\'s chest.

Locke grinned when he heard it. The phased victory in the battlefield of the eternal winter also allowed Locke to relax for a while.

Calling Luo Xiannv and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is an adjustment to Locke\'s tense life in recent years.

The Buddhist side received the saint\'s request for help, but Locke ignored it for the time being.

No matter how the sage complained, Locke knew that the situation of Buddhism was not so bad.

The reason why Locke wanted to help in the past was that Buddhism expected to reduce its losses as much as possible in the subsequent war.

It is enough to see how much they have eaten in the Tara region.

When the gap between Locke and the Luocha girl was full of clouds and rain, the little princess of the Asura family heard something from somewhere. Leng Buding bit on Locke\'s shoulder and asked, "I heard that you have a good relationship with the two sword immortals of Shushan sword sect?"

Princess Tiefan refers to two women, Miao Yi immortal and Ziying immortal.

No matter how hard Locke said before, he acted honestly.

In addition to helping immortal Miaoyi quickly solve the war on zemoro, immortal Ziying later transferred the elf God Elune and the orc God Kampas to help.

Now, let alone Princess Iron Fan, including the supreme elder Baimei immortal of Shushan sword sect and the contemporary leader Qingyuan immortal, most of them have heard about the relationship between Locke and the two women.

It\'s easy to say from immortal Baimei. Locke also holds the handle of the old man.

It\'s said that the heretical sect Hehuan sect has been getting better and better in Xianyu these years. Locke doesn\'t believe that there is no help from immortal Baimei behind it.

Locke helps Baimei immortal hide his illegitimate son and old friend. Then he has two female disciples of the other party. I don\'t think Baimei old man will say anything more.

The only embarrassment is the contemporary leader of Shushan sword sect, Qing Weizhen.

It is said that the powerful sword cultivation in the later stage of the great Luo Jinxian was almost cut off on the battlefield by the fourth apostle caslias of the Tara star domain because of the heart demon not long ago.

I don\'t know if it was also affected by this matter.


Locke did not stay in the gentle country for a long time, but after a few months of recuperation on the icy diamond giant planet, he appeared in front of the Tongtian cult leader again.

Although it was some time before the end of the battle in the land of eternal winter, the face color of Tongtian leader was still poor.

The extremely difficult power of holy light is still accumulated in the Lord of Tongtian cult, and the broken left arm has been condensed again, but the elimination of the power of dominant holy light can not be completed overnight.

"Tongtian sect leader, are you really not going to rest for a while?" Locke said with concern after meeting.

"On the civilized battlefield, fighters are fleeting."

"Although I still have a secret wound, it must not be much better for Casolo, who is the eighth master of the grace continent and Tara."

"This is the time when we are intercepting the sect and the monks of the immortal region are attacking on a large scale. How can we delay the overall war situation because of my personal injury." The leader of Tongtian sect shook his head.

It is obvious that Tongtian leader\'s growth and vision have been improved by participating in several civilized battles successively.

In contrast, although his elder martial brother Yuanshi Tianzun is better in the development and operation of the sect, he feels a little petty.

The secret injury that the leader of Tongtian is difficult to eliminate at this time is not only caused by the loss of both sides with milt, the eighth level strongman of the Holy See, but also a large part of the factor is that before the collision with milt, the leader of Tongtian spent a lot of energy and strength in the battle with Casolo.

Seeing that the level eight sage in Xianyu had made up his mind, Locke did not continue to advise.

A jade bottle containing nectar from the Golden Jade mother flower appeared in Locke\'s hand. Now he has only this nectar that can play a certain role in restoring the injury of the eighth level master.