Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4215

Although the demon God cassoro is always famous for his tyranny and madness, it does not mean that he is really a fool who can only act recklessly.

The confrontation and war between Tara and Enze mainland for more than 200000 years have made the demon God Casolo and the two Vatican leaders of Enze mainland very familiar.

Although it is far from being a friend, the demon God Casolo can understand each other\'s meaning from the power of holy light released by milt Pusa.

Instead of continuing to fight Locke to death, the demon God Casolo also withdrew outside the land of eternal winter with the help of the power of milt\'s holy light.

Level 8 creatures at the same level want to go. It\'s not easy for Locke to leave each other.

Unless more than a dozen masters block each other like the ancient crocodile king who besieged Piacenza, it is difficult for anything in the star world to remain like this.

Casolo retreated on his own initiative, and milt, the strong man of the Holy See, pulled himself away with the secret treasure of the tower of hope. The rapid changes in the battlefield situation in the eternal winter really made those high and intermediate life bodies in the periphery of the battlefield unable to respond.

When the storm gradually dispersed, Locke, who did not allow Casolo to withdraw so easily, immediately summoned kakarot to help.

Although it has only level 7 combat power, the crazy kakarot is enough to scare level 8 creatures.

In addition to kakarot, Styx ancestors who were also in the battlefield of eternal winter were also called by Locke.

It\'s just that Styx didn\'t rush to Locke\'s side for help at the first time. After a close look, it turns out that kilaya, a level 7 brain eater, didn\'t know when he had arrived at the battlefield of Yongdong. At this time, he was dealing with Styx.

Level 7 brain eater kilaya naturally didn\'t come to find Styx ancestors to fight to death. Looking at each other\'s fighting style and strength, he was obviously covering for the retreat of the demon God Casolo.

Kakarot, the super Saiya, turned into a rainbow and flew to Locke\'s battlefield. However, he turned back at Locke\'s command and killed kilaya, a level 7 brain eater.

Even if Locke gets the help of kakarot, it is difficult to leave the demon God Casolo completely. It can only be said that the probability is a little higher.

And compared with the demon God cassoro, who has no grievances and no hatred, it is obvious that kilaya, a seven level brain eater as a lost dog, disgusts Locke more.

Since the soul of its own master was seriously consumed during the war of the brain eater star domain, level 7 brain eater kilaya is obviously not the opponent of Styx ancestors and kakarot.

But this guy is better at hiding, hiding and sneak attack than attack ability.

With a wave of the ice crystal giant sword in his hand, several blue mirrors that are difficult to distinguish between true and false appear separately.

Seeing that the demon God Casolo has gradually retreated to the border of Yongdong under Locke\'s constant attack, kilaya, a seven level brain eater, no longer hesitated, and several mirror images withdrew in different directions, making people don\'t know where its noumenon is.

Styx and kakarot each chased one of the mirror bodies.

Yuan Tu and a bi stabbed two long bloody swords, but when they stabbed kilaya\'s body, with a "click" sound, the mirror split broke directly, just like a fake.

The mirror split pursued by kakarot seems to be true. Under the burning of the master soul of kakarot regardless of loss, countless fist prints appear in front of kilaya, blocking all the roads in front of it.

However, as a relic of brain eater civilization, kilaya followed Rika yadunbu, Gongsun xuance and others to break through the existence of a top civilization relic, and there are a lot of good things in her hand.

In addition to the body dominated by the ice giant, which kilaya obtained from the top civilization relics, it has other means.

A crimson crystal appeared from kilaya\'s hands, and the extremely obscure and violent power of elements emerged from the crystal.

Throw the crystal to the place where kakarot is. When kakarot smashes the ugly crimson crystal with a fist, an unprecedented and turbulent big explosion will be staged in the land of eternal winter!

The eternal winter land covered by low temperature and cold ice elements all year round, with the explosion of this crystal, caused a large-scale Flame Wave in the central area.

This is an element tide comparable to the world\'s top forbidden spells of wizards. It can not only cause certain injuries and threats to the seventh level masters, but also bring heavy damage to the status rules of the whole eternal winter and hundreds of millions of legions participating in the war!

The land of eternal winter was in danger under the scuffle of four level eight masters.

Now the crimson crystal left by kilaya on his retreat has completely become the fuse for the destruction of the world.

The physical explosion caused by the collision between fire and ice not only hurt countless Tera apostles and slaves, but also caused heavy losses to the major forces in the immortal region of the exhibitors.

At this time, the leader of Tongtian also had no time to take into account milt, the eighth level strong man of the Holy See who had completely left this battlefield, and turned more attention to the truncated monks in the battlefield of eternal winter.

It has to be said that there are reasons why Xianyu always takes learning from Daoting as the mainstream of development.

Tongtian sect leader, Yuanshi Tianzun and Buddhist saints have different temperaments, but they have one thing in common. There is no doubt that they are really good to their disciples.

He not only taught what he had learned all his life, but also frequently sent out his precious treasure.

Take the leader of Tongtian cult as an example. For such a powerful level 8 saint, he has only four swords to kill immortals.

If he could have a cloud of mixed gold fights in the previous battle, I think he would be much more calm in dealing with milt\'s surprise attack.

In contrast, Locke, a master, is a little incompetent for his two disciples

The element turbulence and rule impact in the land of eternal winter lasted for several years.

After all, it is an ice giant planet with extremely high density. Previously, it could withstand the power of four level 8 masters, which is enough to show the "hardness" of this azimuth.

At the last moment before the destruction of the land of eternal winter, more than 40 million Tera creatures died here.

Although the Xianyu side and Locke\'s command also suffered some losses, the final number of deaths and injuries did not exceed 5 million because of the protection of the dominant level such as Locke and Tongtian cult leader.

Based solely on the battle damage ratio of medium and low-level creatures, the final result of the battlefield in the eternal winter should be a rare victory.

In the process of retreat, the demon God cassoro did not distract too much from the slave biological legions in the eternal winter. Even his elite apostle legion, cassoro only took a hand.

The indifference of the mind of the eight level master is also evident at this moment.

In addition to the heavy losses of the slave biological legions in the Tara region, there is another good thing for the immortal region that hillock, the fifth apostle under the demon God cassoro, finally fell on this battlefield.