Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4216

Stalker hillock, he is not the strongest apostle in Tara, but he is the enemy most disgusted by the friars in the fairy region on the battlefield of Tara.

The ruthless sneak attack means that hillock directly or indirectly led to the death of many well-known friars in the immortal region when he crossed the battlefield in the Tara region.

The well-known xiuqiongxiao of Sanxian Island, the quasi Saint level strong immortal du\'e, and a blood sea Asura in the later realm of a great Luo Jinxian fell into the hands of this guy.

The fifth apostle hillock was killed by Yunxiao and Bixiao of Sanxian island and the virgin of Jinling, one of the four disciples under the Lord of Tongtian church.

Bixiao, holding the Golden Dragon scissors, finished the last blow to hillock. The two ferocious golden dragons finally cut hillock\'s waist and drowned him in the wave of destruction in the land of eternal winter.

The only pity is that Bixiao and other women didn\'t get hillock\'s body, but it\'s good. In the end, they can sacrifice her sister\'s spirit in heaven.

The destruction of the land of eternal winter does not mean the end of the war in Tara.

From a macro point of view, this is only the victory of a key war in the medium term, and it is far from the moment of a final decision.

Level 8 demon God Casolo is still alive and well. Although he suffered a lot in Locke\'s final pursuit, he has returned to Tara and wants to be able to readjust soon.

And the nine most famous apostles in Tara were not completely broken up.

Those who are really deeply impacted are the large number of tera slave biological legions, including the shadow Legion under the fifth apostle Shylock. It is believed that in a short time, new level 6 creatures will appear and replace Shylock.


Chaos lasted for a long time in the land of eternal winter.

The destruction of this ice giant planet can be regarded as adding a touch of insignificant power to Locke again.

What really caused Locke\'s power to rise slightly was not the destruction of this small medium-sized plane, but the death of countless creatures on this battlefield.

As the participants in the war, there are a number of dead creatures in the Tara realm, and the broken friars in the immortal realm have quality.

The extremely strong destructive power is entrenched in the land of eternal winter, and the battlefield cannot be dispersed for a long time. That is, Locke has entered the mid-term state of level 8. The blessing of destructive power at this level is limited.

Otherwise, when Locke just entered level 7, the effect will be much more obvious than at this time.

The victory of immortals in the eternal winter began to gradually affect and radiate the battlefield pattern of dozens of giant planets and stars around.

The Corps of apostles and slave creatures in Tara began to withdraw and shrink the defense front in a planned way.

In the face of the intervention of Locke, the master of the level 8 supreme knight, Rao is the arrogant demon God cassoro. He also has to think about the future and how to go.

The victory of the land of eternal winter affects not only the pattern of nearby giant planets and starry battlefields.

The Buddhists far east of the Tara region were also able to push the front forward a lot by the dividends of the war here.

The rich resources of Tara are enough to make up for the losses of immortal forces such as Buddhism and jiejiao.

The only thing that still haunts the saints and ordinary friars in the immortal region is their sensible disciples, beloved teachers and trusted friends. Once they fall, they will never come back.

This kind of faint sadness generally appears in the hearts of every decent friar in the immortal region.

This also shows that compared with the more mature civilized war system in the wizard world, Xianyu is still a little immature.

This is also related to the fact that most of the civilization wars previously participated by Xianyu civilization were won by absolute advantage.

Because of their own strength and the weakness of their opponents, many monks of Xianyu civilization often ignore that they will die in war.

The last time that brought such a huge impact to Xianyu, it had to be traced back to the unparalleled war with Guangming Protoss more than 100000 years ago.

Therefore, no matter the overall strength of Tara, Enze mainland and the remnant of blue fist martial arts, they at least hurt Xianyu this time.

Life is always going on. No one will live in pain for a long time.

When the smoke of the fierce war gradually dissipated, the major forces and middle and low-level friars in Xianyu who achieved phased victory immediately threw themselves into the grand war dividend sharing feast.

Locke, as an eight level master who supported the leader of Tongtian church at the critical moment and directly led to the final victory of the war in the land of eternal winter, was also thanked by the leader of Tongtian church and the saints of Xianyu after the war.

The war resources with a total value of tens of billions of magic coins were distributed to Locke by the leader of Tongtian cult.

Other forces in the immortal realm have no objection to this result.

And this is only the dividend from a key war. I believe that with Locke\'s continued investment in the battlefield of Tara in the future, he will get a steady stream of war resources and wealth.

Only at Locke\'s level, resources and wealth are just a series of numbers for him, and Locke doesn\'t care.

What really makes Locke pay attention to is the dominant friendship between the leader of Tongtian cult and the ancestor of Styx river. In the past, the leader of Tongtian cult and others helped Locke solve the crisis of the wizard world. Now Locke is returning the favor and ending the cause and effect.

Those war resources are just the "addition" of Locke\'s participation in the war of Tara civilization.


When the immortal friars in the Tara region began to carve up the fruits of phased war victory, a secret meeting related to the future development of the Enze continent and the Holy See had been held far away in the Enze continent in the Enze region.

As participants in the conference, there were not only the strongest and young leaders of the grace mainland and the Holy See, but also the six-level strong from multiple star regions and the Holy See.

"The communication result of the tower of hope is better than we thought. The Vatican in seven medium-sized star regions contacted us and promised to do its best to help our grace continent through the crisis."

"As for the number of small and micro planes we have helped, but considering the inconvenience of transmission and the excessive support of those small and micro planes, our development will fall into stagnation or even crisis, so I only accepted part of the assistance." Said milch, the seventh leader of the Holy See.

As milt suffered a lot in the battle with the leader of Tongtian cult in the previous battlefield of Yongdong, although the level 8 strong man was also in this conference room, he kept a low face and didn\'t speak all the time.

As the presiding officer of the meeting, it was milch, the seventh level strong man of the Holy See.

In a word, the development model of Enze continent is somewhat similar to wizard civilization.

Although the prestige and power of milt and milch are unmatched in the land of grace, this is a large world that emphasizes democracy and freedom.

Concerning the position and the trend of civilization, it has always been discussed by the powerful within the Holy See. The two leaders will not engage in dictatorship.

Moreover, if they could create a salvation organization like the Holy See, the two leaders would not be cruel figures like the demon God cassoro.


There are 886 monthly tickets this month. Thank every reader who supports Xiaodou and the knight\'s journey!

Next month, Xiaodou will try his best to be at five o\'clock. This should be the last explosion before the end of the book, because it\'s almost finished. There\'s really nothing to write.

If you want to explode more, it\'s also the time for the next book.

Since it will be five o\'clock from tomorrow, the update time will be a little later than now. Xiaodou will try to update before 8 pm, so readers who can\'t wait don\'t worry.

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