Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4214

Milt, the Vatican\'s eighth level strongman, is hiding in the dark. It\'s natural to say who his goal is.

The leader of Tongtian cult is not afraid of the enemy from the front battlefield. On the contrary, he hates the guy who always likes sneak attacks.

The four immortal killing swords shot at milt in an incomparably gorgeous radian, which was a bit more fierce than when they fought against the demon God cassoro.

Obviously, the leader of Tongtian sect is really angry.

Milt, the strong man of the Holy See, did not slow down his action because of Locke\'s intervention and the counterattack of the Holy Lord of heaven. The fierce power of the holy light turned into a long knife tearing the sky and cut straight towards the Holy Lord of heaven.

Although the leader of Tongtian cult is Locke, in addition to being careful of the locking of those strange gears behind cassoro, there is not much pressure on cassoro.

The fierce scuffle of the four level eight masters\' swords caused violent turbulence in the rules and level environment of the whole eternal winter land.

In particular, the four level eight masters simply did not know what "stop" was, which exacerbated the disintegration of the battlefield in the eternal winter and the wave of destruction sweeping the whole plane.

Under such a magnificent scene of destruction, Locke and the demon God cassoro are the most comfortable.

They are the kind of existence that can draw strength from destruction, the destruction of the whole eternal winter land, and the death of tens of millions or even billions of creatures on the battlefield, but they can become nutrients for their strength.

In this magnificent scene of destruction, milt, the eighth level power of the Holy See, was slightly disturbed.

The power of the holy light is ultimately the power to save the world and people. Although milt understands the attribute of killing from the true meaning of the holy light, it does not mean that milt will wantonly kill creatures with the power of the holy light.

A slight decline in strength actually meant that his raid ended in failure.

With a profound glance at Locke, milt quickly condensed a light door in front of him with the power of holy light.

"Want to go?!" The immortal killing four swords of the leader of Tongtian cult followed. Their unparalleled killing and splitting properties cut several black holes in the sky of Yongdong.

Only this time, the pursuit means of Tongtian cult leader failed to be satisfactory.

A touch of strong holy light from far away time and space has locked milt. Under the traction of the Holy See\'s unique world-class treasure tower of hope, milt\'s departure cannot be stopped!

The extremely strong power of Holy Light replaces the cold of the eternal land, illuminates the cold world and gives a little warmth to hundreds of millions of creatures on the battlefield.

On the other side of the battlefield, Locke and the demon God cassoro gradually aroused their anger, and they each restrained a little because of the power of the holy light to spread the earth.

From this holy light, Locke felt the power and means of faith similar to the light Protoss.

"We\'ll meet again." The leader of Tongtian cult also knew that he could not stop milt from leaving. He looked at each other coldly and said.

The broken left arm is still unable to recover, which is enough to show how much trauma milt has just caused to the leader of Tongtian cult.

Of course, milt\'s situation was no better at this time.

Otherwise, milch, another leader of the Vatican in Enze mainland, would not be so anxious to use the tower of hope to send each other back.

Milt\'s departure was not just to let himself leave. He also did one thing, that is, to restore the consciousness of the eighth level demon God Casolo, who was in a state of chaos.