Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4213

"Why didn\'t Lao Zu help Tongtian cult leader?" Coming to the land of eternal winter with his body, ignoring the reverence and fear of hundreds of millions of low-level creatures on the battlefield, Locke flew directly to the ancestors of Styx river.

Not seen for many years, the first feeling of Styx ancestors to Locke was publicity and arrogance.

Bloody hair fluttered in the wind. Styx ancestors were surprised at Locke\'s arrival, but also some happy.

Unlike Buddhism and Buddhism, which have ears and eyes in the three thousand world of Xianyu, the ancestor of Styx had not received the news that Locke led his army to Xianyu before.

The ancestor of Styx is certainly overjoyed that his son-in-law can help himself, and he can see that Locke\'s strength has already surpassed him by more than one.

"I\'d better not meddle in the battle between level 8 creatures. The demon God kasoro is not a good stubble." Old Styx shook his head and said.

The momentum was still strong, but what he said made the limelight drop.

Styx didn\'t grow timid as he lived, but he grew up.

A reckless act is only a pawn of others after all. In particular, the sage zhunti almost fell in the Tara region. The ancestor of Styx will not underestimate this large region.

Locke didn\'t take the answer of Styx seriously.

Maybe the Styx ancestor really grew up and became more stable, but he would never sit back and watch the Tongtian sect leader fight alone.

Seeing Locke looking at himself with a smile, the ancestor of Styx finally waved his hand and said honestly, "well, it\'s the saint of heaven who specially told me not to intervene."

"The demon God cassoro is a rare opponent. The leader of Tongtian cult also wants to sharpen his way through each other."

"And the loss that zhunti Saint ate in Tara before is also a lesson."

"I\'m here to guard against that guy who hides his head and shows his tail." Said the Styx ancestor.

The guy who hides his head and shows his tail mentioned by my grandfather obviously refers to level 7 brain eater kilaya.

Since the sneak attack on the zhunti saint, the seventh level brain eater kilaya has completely disappeared in the Tara domain.

Now in the east of Tara, it is the first apostle of Tara, Kahn, who confronts the saints.

Because kilaya always refused to show up, it was difficult for the ancestors of Styx and the seriously injured zhunti saints to act wantonly.

This kind of master level existence hidden in the dark is the most disgusting. If the other party only stealthily attacks the master level creatures of the same level, it\'s enough. If he stealthily attacks level 6 or level 6 peak creatures frequently, it will undoubtedly bring a heavy blow to the major forces in the immortal region.

Up to now, the middle and high-level strongmen of Xianyu civilization in Tara have lost a great proportion.

For example, the two great Arjuna level Asuras under the ancestor of Styx, the Qiongxiao fairy under the master of Tongtian cult, the quasi Saint level strong lady, the Buddhist dream arhan, and the quasi Saint level strong Manjusri Bodhisattva have all died.

Even the great Luo Jinxian and the quasi Saint level strong under the saint\'s door fall frequently. It can be imagined what will happen to those medium-sized and lower cultivation sects and scattered cultivation.

Therefore, the terra star battlefield is a meat grinding battlefield with high risk and high return.

In contrast, whether it is the blue fist martial arts star domain or the grace star domain, the situation on both sides is much more peaceful than here.

The answer of Styx made Locke nod, and then his attention continued to focus on the battle between the leader of Tongtian cult and the Lord of the demon God cassoro.

Judging from the current war situation, although the battle here is fierce, on the whole, Xianyu still has a certain advantage.

This also reflects the overall pattern of civilization war in Tara.

Well, since the leader of Tongtian cult can occupy a certain position in the battle of domination, and there are seven level saints like the ancestor of Styx nearby, how did Tao Zu Hongjun calculate that the leader of Tongtian cult will face a murder?

There is only one answer, that is, in the next battle, there will be "accidents".

Locke, who did not continue to stay in place and watch the war like the ancestors of Styx, gradually inspired all the fighting States, slowly flew to the center of the battlefield between the leader of Tongtian cult and the demon God Casolo.

The battle between the two level-8 creatures itself has darkened the center of the land of eternal winter. Locke, a knight in the middle of level-8, made a bold debut, which obviously completely disrupted the originally chaotic battlefield.

"My grandson-in-law is growing up too fast." On the red lotus of the twelve product industry, the ancestor of the Styx River smacked his mouth and looked at the fading Locke road.

Its power level in the middle of the eighth level is no worse than that of the protagonist Tongtian leader on the battlefield at the moment.

And because he has entered the mid-term state of level 8, Locke\'s law is a little deeper than the leader of Tongtian cult.

The leader of Tongtian cult is only at the beginning of level 8. Although with his talent, it will be sooner or later to enter the middle or even the late stage of level 8 in the future, it also requires time accumulation and continuous exploration of the avenue.

It\'s rare to look at the star world in such a way as Locke\'s direct promotion by absorbing the destructive power of the world.

Locke\'s intervention really interrupted the battle between the central Tongtian cult leader of Yongdong and the demon God Casolo.

Looking at Locke, who was flying towards him with a violent destruction storm, the Lord of Tongtian obviously flashed a touch of surprise on his face.

The promotion speed of Locke really exceeded the expectations of the leader of Tongtian cult, although he had heard through some channels that Locke had entered level 8.

But he did not expect that Locke had gone farther than him.

In addition to the leader of Tongtian cult, the strong on the bright and dark sides of the battlefield in the eternal winter are also surprised by the fluctuation of power shown by Locke.

The demon God Casolo looked at the eight level life body constantly approaching himself. The strong destructive power factor contained in the other party\'s body made Casolo have a desire to swallow the other party.

The same desire happened to Locke.

However, Locke is stronger than cassoro in that, with the sober function of the law of emotion, Locke is not affected by this desire.

The eyes of the demon God cassoro are gradually replaced by crimson, and the extremely violent power factor is rising in the nearby space.

The sound of "click click" gear rotation sounded from behind the demon God cassoro.

There is a process similar to Locke\'s self sealing, and the power breath of the demon God cassoro is climbing!

However, faster than the demon God cassoro, it is milt, the eighth level strongman of the grace continent, who has been hidden in the dark.

Even Locke didn\'t find out how milt hid in the nearby space before. With the power of a holy light, the sky of the whole land of eternal winter was torn in half!

"Good courage!" The sudden appearance of milt, the eighth level strong man of the Holy See, also made the leader of Tongtian stunned.

Then the immortal Saint shot at each other with four swords to kill immortals.


Do you want to see the outside of Knight\'s journey? I have uploaded several chapters on the public slave number. You can see it after searching "d I love Xiaodou" on the public slave number of Huixin and paying attention to Xiaodou.