Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4212

After leaving zemoro, Locke led his regiment to a special plane called the land of eternal winter.

The land of eternal winter is located in the middle abdomen of the Tara domain. In addition to a giant planet with cold attributes, a large area around the planet is also covered with low temperature and ice elements.

The leader of Tongtian cult and the ancestor of Styx River are in that battlefield. Even in addition to them, Dongfang Bai of Tianyi palace and Baimei immortal of Shushan sword sect are also in that battlefield.

Locke, who got the exact destination coordinates, did not stop in other battlefields in the Tara domain this time.

Although Fierce wars broke out in many planes on the way, and individual battlefields were still at the disadvantage of Xianyu civilization, Locke was not distracted and stopped.

No matter how indifferent Locke is to the real person Miaoyi, the fact is that he let his hell demon Legion interfere in the war on zemoro. A large part of the reason is the real person Miaoyi and Shushan sword school.

Otherwise, most of the battlefields that Locke had passed through did nothing, and only zemoro sent its demon Legion to intervene.

At full speed, the land of eternal winter is getting closer and closer to Locke.

Of course, as Locke increasingly approaches the main battlefield of Tara, the intensity of the war in the surrounding starry sky is more intense than that in the peripheral battlefield.

Before arriving at the land of Yongdong, the Xianyu dragon family accompanying Locke took the lead in breaking away from Locke\'s army.

In addition to the fact that the land of eternal winter is the dominant battlefield, and the intensity of the war there is far beyond the dragon family\'s ability to cope, there is another important reason that these Xianyu dragon families first have to rescue the Dragon compatriots trapped on Shuimu planet.

This is also one of the important reasons why Baxia and other dragon Jiuzi returned to the immortal domain.

Before Baxia and other star beasts left, Locke temporarily lent his subordinates, such as Elune, the spirit God, the mutant Niu Gelong and the blood Jiao Xiaohong, to the Xianyu dragon family.

How can we say that the prisoners also contributed a lot during the war of zicha yanhun world group, and Locke will naturally keep his promise.

In addition to the three level-6 combat forces, nearly a million elves and the same number of biological destruction forces were also brought by the elves God Elune and the mutant Niu Gelong.

Don\'t underestimate the intensity of the war on Shuimu planet at this time. It is one of the most intense war meat mincing places in the Tara domain except the place of eternal winter.

Kabar, the ninth apostle Tyrannosaurus Rex king, led his Tyrannosaurus Rex army there to encircle and suppress the dragon family in Xianyu.

And beyond Shuimu, the seventh apostle flame maker of Tara is nearby.

Although the lava Legion led by it did not directly participate in the battle of Shuimu planet, from a certain point of view, it also besieged the Xianyu dragon family deeply trapped in the battlefield of Shuimu planet.

Locke, who divided the Legion again, continued to move towards the land of eternal winter.

Without the hundreds of millions of xianyuhai people, the Legion under Locke seems to have been streamlined.

Although the total number of legions has shrunk significantly, the strength of this elite army from distant wizard civilization has not decreased much.

For the demons of hell and the demons of the demon world, without those "shrimp soldiers and crab generals" who are in the way, it is more convenient for them to fight.


The land of eternal winter.

From the outside, this is a huge blue planet slowly floating in the star world.

Because of the extremely low temperature, there is no living space for organisms below the ordinary level 1 in this plane.

This is a dead land. However, on this planet that has been "calm" for hundreds of thousands of years, an extremely fierce scuffle began thousands of years ago.

The first to attack Yongdong was a medium-sized sect named Fuqi sect in Xianyu.

The status and scale of the sect in the immortal realm are similar to the Tianyi palace in the Qingyang world, because the sect is very good at making the relationship between spirit tools and talismans. Even if it is not as rich as the Tianyi palace of alchemy, it is not much different.

The unique cold pulp, ten thousand year crystal iron, ice soul wood and other top rare resources in Yongdong have aroused the development enthusiasm of fuqizong.

Unfortunately, with the continuous changes and development of the war in the Tara domain, this giant planet with extremely large mass and density gradually became the focus of Tara\'s defense.

Not only did the demon God cassoro lead several of his disciples to the battlefield near the land of eternal winter, but even the Xianyu side arrived here boldly after the zhunti saint was eaten.

Today\'s Yongdong land is the main battlefield where two large forces, including jiejiao and Blood Sea Asura, and several medium-sized forces, such as tianyigong, Shushan sword sect, Fuqi sect and magic gate, gather.

This is the real core of the battlefield of Tara star region. Compared with the eastern battlefield of Tara star region where another Buddhist army is located, the figure of Buddhist friars gradually quieted down with the heavy blow of zhunti saint.

Locke, who had just arrived in the land of eternal winter, was attracted by the fierce war in front of him.

In the important of that ice giant planet, the extremely fierce sword Qi is rampant.

Locke, who was no stranger to the sword, naturally saw that it was the work of the leader of Tongtian cult.

Not far from the leader of Tongtian cult, another eight level master breath is not inferior to him, which is also publicized and aggressive.

It was a thick cloud of destruction covering more than half of the sky in the land of eternal winter. In addition to the painted black destruction energy particles, there was also the power of rolling flames to devour the huge waves and gray white extinction, which lingered around the thick cloud.

Purely in terms of law attributes, the fighting expertise of Tara\'s level 8 creature Casolo is far more than that of Piacenza\'s ancient crocodile king and the king of the iron tower.

However, it was not long before Casolo was promoted to level 8, and the other party did not fully control his power.

The extremely ferocious destruction thick cloud is sometimes cut apart by the immortal killing sword of the leader of Tongtian cult.

It is also difficult to break through the immortal sword array of Tongtian cult leader with the same good power of swallowing and silencing.

From a certain point of view, the leader of Tongtian cult is also a dominant existence that abandons defense and completely pursues attack.

Only when the demon God Casolo faced the Tongtian cult leader, it was difficult for his own attack power to surpass the Tongtian cult leader with the four swords of killing immortals, so that he would be subject to everywhere in the battle.

Of course, this restriction also has limitations.

The demon God cassoro is not a soft persimmon to be pinched by others. There are many cracks in the sleeve robe of Tongtian cult leader, including his own breath, which indicates that Tongtian cult leader is not as light as he is at this time.

Not far from the leader of Tongtian cult, the ancestor of Styx River sat on the fire red lotus of the twelve product industry and was also examining the battlefield in front of him.