Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4211

"No matter what the final result is, I\'ll always try."

"The main outbreak of the war is set up in the Tara region to protect the believers in the grace region, but if the war of extermination is really unavoidable, then I must also let the invaders pay the price!" Milt\'s voice was firm.

A glimmer of bright white holy light force emerged around milt. Along with these holy light forces, there were faint spatial cracks.

Instead of staying in place, milt immediately turned into a beam and shot deep into the Tara domain.

Milch watched milt leave in place. After a long time, the master split dissipated immediately.


Zemoro, a giant planet in the middle of the Tara domain.

I don\'t know whether it\'s a coincidence or this is the current situation of the Tara domain. In short, among the more than a dozen regular complete planes that Locke\'s Legion came into contact with along the way, three of them reached the medium-sized plane level.

The number of medium planes with higher density also explains why the total number of stars in the Tara domain is so rare.

Indeed, only the existence of so many medium-sized planes has caused forces such as Buddhism in the immortal region to peep at the large star region.

As the third medium-sized plane contacted by Locke\'s legion, Locke found the fierce battle going on inside the planet as soon as he arrived outside the planet.

As a participant in the war, it turned out that it was Shushan sword sect, an old acquaintance of Locke.

However, Locke did not see the figure of Baimei immortal. Instead, he found the power fluctuation of Miaoyi immortal and Qingxia fairy.

On the way forward, the winged angel safiros had fought with the patrol corps of Tara for several times. After several battles, his command destroyed the angel corps to a certain extent.

Considering that Locke has no angel reincarnation pool, that is, these destruction Angel legions are non renewable arms, this elite Legion under Locke can enter Paradise Lost and be repaired for the time being.

Different from those giant planets in the previous way, Locke just glanced at them indifferently and did not intervene in the war too much.

This time on zemoro, Locke ordered millions of demon legions headed by Carter Gustavo to attack the medium plane.

Although the total number is only more than 1.6 million, these demons from hell civilization are not good stubble.

At the first time when he just came to zemoro, he gave a great impact and shock to the local creatures and apostles in the world.


Babu UTOR is a Bator demon with pure lava demon blood.

At the age of 130000, it has experienced many bloody battles and battles.

The life level at the peak of level 5 does not explain the bravery of UTOR. For the hell devil, only the scars on its chest and the number of enemy heads it collects are the best signs to prove itself!

At bab uthor\'s neck, a ferocious Skull Necklace with white bones hung.

With a physique of hundreds of meters, at least more than 100 heads are strung on the White Bone Necklace condensed by the secret method of the abyss.

The head that can be collected and made into a necklace by Babu UTOR must have at least a demigod life level to be qualified.

These hundreds of heads also show one opponent after another that bab UTOR killed and conquered after he became famous on the 101st floor of hell.

Among these heads, several attracted Babu UTOR\'s great love.

Two of them are from level 5 creatures of the same level, and one is made of the skull of a six winged angel of the light Protoss.

Biaohe\'s record is the most important support for Babu UTOR to sit firmly in the top position under the command of flame king faenotoan. It can cut off the heads of all creatures below with a giant axe.

Babu UTOR was not very satisfied with the recent Zisha yanhun World Group war.

Although the war against elemental creatures was equally fierce, it seemed that there was always something missing for Babu UTOR, who was used to the bloody war in endless hell.

Today, on zemoro, bab UTOR finally knows what is missing.

It\'s blood!

"Roar!" The huge Bator devil, with painted black twisted horns on his head, roared up to the sky.

With a giant axe in one hand and a gray deer like creature by the neck in the other, he declared his victory.

It seemed that this was not enough to satisfy him, and then the Bator demon bit into the throat of the native fourth level creature on zemoro.

The surging blood was sprayed from the neck of the fourth level creature named \'lost deer demon king\'. The hot blood caused the roar of Babu UTOR and more than 100000 demon legions around him.

Seeing that a more grand and crazy massacre feast is about to take place, it is a pity that when bab UTOR wants to continue to enjoy the pleasure of killing with a battle axe, a command from the outer space fortress makes bab UTOR finally bow his head and lead his demon army to evacuate from the planet.

Babu UTOR didn\'t want to disobey orders, but even its immediate boss, the flame king finotoan, was honestly ready to evacuate. It was just a level five demon, and it didn\'t have the reason to disobey orders.


The battle of zemoro ended faster than people thought.

According to the original prediction of Shushan sword sect, the battle in this giant planet will take at least two or three hundred years in the future.

However, with the strong intervention of a level-6 peak demon and a level-3 level-6 demon in the middle and later stages, the level-6 creature "Skywalker" ska, the loyal adjutant of the third apostle Isis, who was originally stationed on zemoro, was cut off by Carter Gustavo\'s magic sword before even holding out for half a month.

The war in the medium-sized plane came to an end.

Although the battle between middle and bottom creatures continues, everyone knows that without level 6 creatures, the fall of zemoro is only a matter of time.

"Don\'t think I\'ll thank you." In the Space Fortress, Miaoyi, who was invited by Locke alone, said coldly.

This is the wonderful real person of Shushan sword sect that Locke saw again after tens of thousands of years since the end of the last war in the underworld and star regions.

It\'s no wonder that the top Sword Fairy of Shushan sword sect struggled in the face of the strong level 6 of Tara star.

The reason why Miaoyi immortal fell is entirely due to Locke.

In the immortal civilization, the consequences of the broken heart of the Tao are no worse than the consequences of the broken divine personality in the divine system.

It can barely maintain level 6 combat power, which is also due to the compensation given by Locke before, as well as the result of the talent and good nature of Miaoyi immortal.

The situation of immortal Miaoyi is similar to that of immortal Ziying. However, immortal Ziying is not in the battlefield of zemoro planet at this time. She is in another place.

"No, don\'t think too much. I don\'t want you to thank."

"I just want you to tell me where the leader of Tongtian cult and the ancestor of Styx are on the battlefield." Locke shook his head to Miaoyi.