Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4210

After kakarot\'s return, Locke did not deliberately ask ukmont about the final outcome of the world war.

Some things know too much, but it is not easy to make yourself cruel.

Fortunately, the help from Buddhism and the news from the leader of Tongtian allowed Locke to move his energy elsewhere.

"Buddhism is now fighting to the east of the Tara region. Buddhist monks are present in nearly one-third of the entire Tara region."

"The God of heaven and the ancestor of Styx are now in the hinterland of Tara, where the war is the most intense. The demon God cassoro and seven of his nine most elite apostles are currently in that war zone." In front of Locke, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, said to Locke.

In addition to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the strong men who appeared in front of Locke at this time were Elune, the God of the elves, campas, the God of the orcs, Gustavo, the sixth level peak demon king, and mstan, the late sixth level demon.

Although the phantom Riel took one-third of Locke\'s legion and rushed to the grace star region, Locke\'s army is still a large army.

In terms of level 6 combat power, the brothers under the bully are not good stubble.

Among the Xianyu dragons who came along, there were several real dragons with level 6 combat power.

"Go to the leader of Tongtian church first. The situation on his side is the most dangerous."

"As for the Buddhist side, when the trouble of Tongtian sect leader is solved, we can advance eastward." Locke decided.

After listening to Locke\'s order, the bright moon Bodhisattva turned dark. Instead, he was the Dragon King of the East China Sea who came to the conference room to listen to them. They were happy to hear a few stories.

At present, the trapped dragon troops are in the middle of the battlefield in the Tara region.

Including kabar, the ninth apostle of Tyrannosaurus Rex, who killed the previous generation of Beihai Dragon King. The Tyrannosaurus Rex Legion led by kabar is there.

Revenge for the North Sea Dragon King and rescue the trapped dragon family is only one aspect.

Another reason is that the leader of the truncated Tongtian cult and the sage of the blood sea Styx River are obviously much more generous than the two saints of Buddhism.

If it is to support the eastern battlefield first, the dragon family in Xianyu may not be able to save much money from the two saints of Buddhism.

On the contrary, it is in the middle of the Tara domain. Although the war is fierce, high risk often means high return.

The Tara domain is indeed a large domain with a small number of planes, but it is undeniable that the planes found in the Tara domain are all giant planets with huge volume.

The ultra - high density and broad plane bearing capacity make most of Tara\'s planes strong and resistant At the same time, there are all kinds of precious resources and rare minerals in the depths of their earth.

At least in terms of resource richness, the Tara domain is no worse than the blue fist Wudao domain.

The Xianyu dragon family initially chose the Tara star battlefield with fierce war conditions rather than the grace star battlefield with slightly gentle war conditions, which also valued the huge amount of war wealth contained in this star domain.

At Locke\'s command, tens of millions of legions naturally began to operate in an orderly manner.

As the vanguard of this war, Locke\'s most elite destruction Angel army.

The winged angel safiros already has the strength of the late quasi saint. Although he is still a distance from the peak quasi saint, he is also enough to fight any creature below the master level with the support of hundreds of thousands of destruction angels around him.

The destruction Angel forces used as drill bits to pierce the chaotic and fierce battlefield of Tara.

Following these destruction angels, there are more demons and hell demon legions.

The reason for choosing this order of sending troops is also that Locke takes into account the Berserker rule attribute generally owned by Tara.

There are no arms more adapted to the special rules of this star domain than demons and demons. The apostles under the demon God cassoro are indeed fierce, and the Tara star domain is a world that is as keen on using slave creatures as the wizard civilization.

I don\'t know the final result of the collision between these demons and the apostles.


On the west side of Tara, this is a place that has not been touched by war for the time being.

However, no one would have thought that in the past 200000 years, Terra and the land of grace have been pulled several times in the nearby star domain, and hundreds of millions of legions have been invested and damaged by both sides.

With the emergence of the powerful Xianyu civilization, the war between Tara and Enze mainland for hundreds of thousands of years finally came to an end.

As the real driving force behind this "peaceful evolution" is milt, one of the two leaders of the mainland Vatican.

"The remnant of the blue fist martial arts has retreated, and the Legion from the distant wizard civilization has also arrived in the Tara region. It seems that our plan can be suspended." Next to milt, the first division sighed.

The master level avatar comes from milch, another leader of the Holy See. At this time, milch\'s noumenon is in the grace star domain. However, with the Holy See\'s secret treasure, he can easily exchange noumenon and avatar in a short time.

This is also an important part of the plan of the Vatican of Enze mainland to try to kill the leader of Tongtian.

Compared with the sage Lao Tzu, who has a peaceful mind and is not good at fighting, Tongtian leader, who has eight levels of strength and has no equal in killing immortals and four swords, is the opponent that the Vatican of Enze mainland attaches most importance to and fears.

As long as the leader of Tongtian cult is killed, most of the civilization crisis of Enze continent will be relieved.

As for the level 8 strong, there are not only Tara, but also grace mainland.

At this time, milt, opposite milch, was affected by the fluctuation of breath, which vaguely exuded the power factor of the eight level master.

Enze mainland and Tara star are worthy of being old rivals who have fought for hundreds of thousands of years. On the eve of the invasion of Xianyu civilization, the pillars of the two large world civilizations have understood the profound meaning of level 8 together.

The demon God cassoro mastered the rules and means of destruction, phagocytosis and extinction, while mirt of the land of grace understood the supreme meaning of the holy light.

Erasing everything is "purification", and death is another kind of "rebirth".

Milt\'s mastery of the power of the holy light is a solid combat power. In terms of the characteristics of attack, milt is not inferior to Locke\'s destructive power.

In front of his old friend\'s words, milt also sighed slightly.

But he didn\'t give up completely. Instead, he said, "although there is an external force involved, I still want to try again."

"Well, but you still have to take self preservation as the primary premise."

"Not long ago, the tower of hope has successfully contacted our teaching center in multiple star regions."

"It won\'t be long before we can get at least five sanctions." Milch said.

The establishment of religious division is a major feature of the development model of Enze mainland Vatican.

Mirch\'s "five punishments" means that there are at least five medium-sized star regions that will help the land of grace.

And this is only those medium-sized star regions. Under the influence of the Holy See of Enze mainland for hundreds of thousands of years of missionary and peace ideas, there are more small and micro planes interested in Enze mainland.

It\'s just that the weak and small planes at that level play a cannon fodder role in joining this civilization war.

The land of grace is not as savage and violent as Tara. It is a world civilization that really advocates peace and friendship. For those Vatican affiliated planes with poor strength, they will let the other party think it over again before deciding whether to join the war.

"You said, did we harm those sects by allowing them to participate in the battle of civilization?" Asked milt suddenly.

Mill was silent when he heard the strange news, then he sighed again and said, "maybe."


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