Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4209

RickA ardenbu\'s huge single eye looks into the sky beyond the plane, and with the unique alayer\'s eye, he can even observe the scene beyond the plane barrier and the depths of the distant starry sky.

Although the front feet of Locke and others have left, the tens of millions of legions, especially the huge and jumbled xianyuhai clan, can\'t leave in a moment and a half.

Looking at the dense Legion in the starry sky, it seems that it has predicted that the ukmon world will be completely reduced to a bloody place in the near future. RickA yadunb can\'t help urging daogongsun xuance again.

Gongsun xuance naturally felt that kakarot was coming to ukmon outside the plane barrier. As an existence that had sneaked into the battlefield of wizard civilization, Gongsun xuance was no stranger to kakarot\'s identity.

The resolute face was gradually replaced by hesitation. As Ricardo ardenbu said, if the wizard civilization had been involved in the battle of the blue fist Taoist star domain, they really should retreat.

As for the relationship with Locke as an old friend, Gongsun xuance can\'t do this.

In fact, both he and Locke know that they have completely embarked on two completely different paths since the last separation of the wizard realm.

Locke cannot damage the interests of wizard civilization because of Gongsun xuance. Similarly, Gongsun xuance cannot give up his great cause of restoring the country because of Locke.

Finally, seeing the earth under his feet, Gongsun xuance nodded and said, "then inform the legions to prepare to retreat, and the martial uncle. I\'ll contact him now."

It is Gongsun xuance, the martial uncle who has been missing for thousands of years, who is fighting with the sage Lao Tzu.

No one would have thought that this younger martial brother of the national division of the prosperous Tang Empire would return as a master after disappearing for nearly 300000 years.

In addition, Gongsun xuance met RickA yadunbu by chance before. After they defeated the peeping conspiracy of level seven brain eater kilaya, they finally obtained a large number of treasures and wealth from a top civilization relic.

With dominant combat power, resources and the hundreds of thousands of years of foundation laid by the blue fist Wudo civilization in the parent star domain, it is no wonder that Gongsun xuance also had the idea of restoring the country in the face of such a powerful top civilization as Xianyu.

As for those who were fighting with the army of the immortal region in ukmon world at this time, most of them were martial civilized warriors dissatisfied with the rule of the immortal region, and the other half were interstellar mercenaries hired by Gongsun xuance at a high price.

The origin of these interstellar mercenaries is also worth pondering, because Gongsun xuance first came into contact with so many interstellar mercenaries and wandering gods with more than four levels of high-level combat power through the land of grace.

Moreover, it is extremely abnormal for Xianyu civilization to fight in blue fist Wudao star domain, Enze star domain and Tara star domain at the same time.

Perhaps the contradiction between the saints and Taoists in Xianyu is one of the factors, but it is absolutely impossible to ignore the promotion of external forces.


After leaving the blue fist Wudao star domain, Locke and his party drove all the way towards the Tara star domain.

Because the blue fist Wudao star domain is still far away from the Tara star domain, after the war impact in the blue fist Wudao star domain, this tens of millions of legions from distant wizard civilization can finally enjoy a moment of peace.

"According to the situation of riots and wars in more than two-thirds of the star areas of blue fist martial arts, it is difficult to put out the idea of Gongsun xuance and the remnant of blue fist martial arts who want to restore the country."

"This time I broke their plan, so what are they going to do next time?" Standing on the bully\'s back, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

At this time, the bright moon Bodhisattva, kiss and dongnishang women who appeared on Ba Xia\'s back with Locke obviously did not know Locke\'s troubles at this time.

Those who really know that Locke and Gongsun xuance and other blue fist survivors are familiar, I\'m afraid there is only the ancestor of Styx in Xianyu.

Moving forward in the astral void is undoubtedly an extremely boring process.

Because Locke has been used to seeing the numerous star rivers and the bright boundless star sea in the star world, no matter how beautiful the star world is, it can not cause the slightest waves in Locke\'s heart.

This can also be regarded as the change of his mind, which is different from ordinary low-level creatures as an eighth level organism.

The vast majority of low-level creatures on the battlefield are still full of the spirit of exploration and decryption of this vast and boundless star world.

In particular, not far from Locke, there is a crimson giant shrimp with a body size of up to 400 meters. It should be a unique sea animal in the fairy region, barely reaching the level 4 life level.

The other party\'s big black eyes stared at everything around the stars. From the other party\'s spiritual eyes, Locke seemed to see himself and was so curious and fascinated about the star world.

Two years later, the edge of Tara\'s domain.

This should be Locke\'s first visit to the large Tara domain.

When Locke first left the world of despair 100000 years ago, although it was also the way to return to the wizard civilization in the blue fist Wudao star domain, the main way forward at that time was to pass through the blank area between the grace star domain and the blue fist Wudao star domain, and did not set foot in the Tara star domain.

Tara star field is an open star field full of rage power factors. This rage is not the same as the elemental power rage of Zisha inflammatory soul world group. It is a rage attribute rising to the rule level.

Whether the creatures living in this star region have strong strength, let alone, at least their character will be affected by the environment and tend to extremes.

Unlike the blue fist Wudao domain, which has a large number of regular and complete bit planes and resource half planes, the total number of bit planes in the Tara domain is very small.

It was a silent void that looked dark at a glance.

If the Legion led by Locke had not had very detailed interstellar landmarks, ordinary strong and weak legions would rashly enter this star domain, I\'m sure there would be a risk of loss.

"It\'s a strange star field. I seem to smell the power factor similar to my origin."

"The star field now looks like this. Maybe it has something to do with it." Locke looked around at the stars and said.

If it can rise to be similar to Locke\'s origin, it shows that the opponent must also exist at the dominant level.

Kilaya of brain eater civilization is definitely not at this level, while the first apostle Kahn is a madman who pursues violence and destruction.

In this way, Locke refers to only the strongest in the Tara domain, the demon God Casolo.

A crimson beam of light shot from the depths of the starry sky far away. It was Locke\'s number one horse, kakarot.

It seems that he has completed the task assigned by Locke. Locke, the remnant of blue fist martial arts, doesn\'t care. As long as Gongsun xuance is all right, he can rest assured.

And Locke also knows that some things can\'t be one or two.

Maybe next time, he will really stand on the opposite side with Gongsun xuance.