Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4208

In addition to the battle in the plane, the battle outside the plane is also fierce.

It was a dominant battle in the depths of the boundless starry sky, and in terms of the intensity of the battle, it had reached a point that ordinary creatures below level 6 could not get close to.

As one of the participants in the war, it is Lao Tzu, the eighth level sage of Xianyu.

Although the battlefield is far away from the ukmon world, Locke can still feel the power fluctuation from the xuanhuang Linglong pagoda and Taiji map.

As for another master who is fighting with Lao Tzu at this time, it is a powerful existence whose power level reaches the peak of level 7.

It was a white haired old man with wine gourd on his back and barefoot standing in the void.

The other side\'s fighting style is very similar to Gongsun xuance, which is the style of boxing to meat.

To Locke\'s astonishment, the seven level peak master did not care about the loss of his master\'s soul in the face of the sage Lao Tzu.

The desperate fighting like a mad devil makes Lao Tzu, a saint, a higher level, but looking at it, the battlefield initiative is controlled by the barefoot old man.

Of course, from Locke\'s dominant perspective, he can naturally see that the battle in the starry sky continues, and Lao Tzu must win in the end.

Although the fighting style of the barefoot old man was fierce, in Locke\'s view, the other party\'s behavior was no different from suicide.

The sage Lao Tzu has a mysterious yellow and exquisite pagoda on his head and steps on the Tai Chi diagram. No matter how hard the barefoot old man attacks in front of him, he always looks like a mountain.

In terms of the loss proportion of the master\'s soul, the barefoot old man may die in the end, and it is difficult to consume 10% of Lao Tzu\'s omnipotent soul.

Needless to say, as an eight level saint, Lao Tzu\'s dominant soul has solidified, and the lost omnipotent soul can be restored to a certain extent.

"Well, can I help you?" Danilis, the dragon mother, was eager to try.

The fierce battle of domination in the starry sky and in the plane obviously ignited the Dragon Mother\'s blood.

She doesn\'t like ordinary level 6 creatures. Although she has just arrived outside the ukmon world, the dragon mother danilis has demarcated several level 6 peak battlefields.

Anyway, next, the dragon mother danilis will also take her blood melting pot to \'persuade a fight\'.

In the face of the dragon mother danilis\'s invitation to fight, Locke still bowed his head and pondered.

To tell the truth, from a perceptual point of view, Locke didn\'t want to meet Gongsun xuance on the battlefield.

But from a rational point of view, as a foreign aid from Xianyu personally invited by Taoist ancestors, Locke should do something.

After a long time, Locke sighed and said to kakarot, who came out of the paradise lost, "go and help the first emperor, but be careful not to love war."

"Once the ukmon world war crisis is lifted, you will immediately come to Tara to find me."

After that, Locke waved his sleeves, stepped on the bully\'s back and continued to advance to the boundless and deep depths of the starry sky.

As a confidant who has followed Locke for more than 100000 years, kakarot can naturally understand Locke\'s ideas from Locke\'s expression changes and some words.

Many times, kakarot\'s recklessness is because after he entered the state of battle, he gradually lost his mind because he was too addicted to battle.

At ordinary times, kakarot\'s IQ and judgment are not weak.

Locke directly led the army to leave, leaving only kakarot alone, which made the dragon mother danilis curl her mouth.

However, the dragon mother also knew that the intensity of the war on the other side of the Tara star domain was not inferior to that here, and even exceeded it to a certain extent, so she didn\'t say much at the moment, and directly turned into a purple golden dragon flying in the front of the army.

What is really embarrassing at this time is the real Huang Long who asked Locke for help.

It seems that it has completed its task, because Locke and his army have no intention of intervening in the ukmont World War.

It\'s not quite right to say that it didn\'t complete the task. At least it asked for kakarot, the dominant foreign aid combat power for yuanshitian.

In the starry sky, Locke and his thousands of legions are getting farther and farther away. They also left with hundreds of millions of creatures of xianyuhai family.

At this moment, only kakarot and Huanglong continue to stand in place.

Kakarot didn\'t waste time. He knew that the battle in ukmont would never make him happy, because Locke didn\'t want him to embarrass Gongsun xuance.

Since it\'s not a battle of life and death, what\'s the meaning.

Completing Locke\'s order as soon as possible and then supporting to Tara is the only idea at present.

"Shua!" Crimson force factors appear on the surface of kakarot, and layer after layer of air waves spread in all directions.

It\'s just that the Huanglong real person with the strength in the later stage of Da Luo Jinxian can\'t even stay with kakarot at this time. In the face of such a fierce atmosphere of dominant power, Huanglong real person is even forced to show a prototype.

This is a yellow real dragon with a body size of more than kilometers and five sharp claws, which proves its pure blood.

Bursts of dragon chants come from the mouth of this yellow real dragon. Unfortunately, under the current situation, it is not the protagonist of this battlefield.

Kakarot, who started the four degree transformation of super Saiya, was like a crimson meteor falling straight towards the ukmont world.

As a medium-sized world, it is not easy for ukmon world to resist the battle of three dominant creatures.

When kakarot came from outside the star world with his powerful power, the whole plane was trembling and the plane\'s will was wailing.

The weak plane rules make the ukamun world unable to bear the four dominant life bodies to vent their strength wantonly within themselves.

The world that can bear so many masters in the astral world has to be large-scale.

Kakarot\'s alien army joined, which made Yuanshi Tianzun, who was in the center of the plane battlefield, very happy.

The first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty knew the identity of kakarot, and the fierce momentum and power fluctuation of kakarot at this time were as much as himself.

This is a powerful life body that can fight harder and stronger and defeat the strong with the weak. If the total amount of the dominant soul had not limited kakarot, I really don\'t know how big the star world is, what life and physical ability can hold him.

The shortcomings of kakarot in the soul of domination also show the balance law of the star world.

"No, it\'s him!"

"The plan failed. It\'s time for us to leave the world!" The second son of Hades, Rebecca ardenbu, looked at kakarot approaching from the sky and said with a big change of face.

As a witness to the destruction of his mother civilization, RickA ardenburger knows what the emergence of kakarot represents.

If it\'s just Xianyu elucidation, RickA yadunbu still has the idea of continuing to fight side by side with Gongsun xuance and other blue fist martial arts survivors.

However, if even the powerful wizard civilization is involved in the war in the star domain, he has to consider whether he can continue to walk through the muddy water with the remnant of blue fist martial arts.