Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4207

Ukmon world.

This is a medium-sized world located at the border of the blue boxing martial arts star territory. According to the territory of the blue boxing martial arts civilization in the past, this is actually out of the scope of the blue boxing martial arts star territory.

The ukmon world is a foreign civilization attached to the prosperous Tang Dynasty within the blue fist Wudao star domain.

In the process of walking through the blue fist martial arts star domain, Locke found that civil strife and violence were frequent in the blue fist martial arts star domain more than once Move.

There are two strong enemies of Tara star and Enze outside, and there are blue fist martial arts survivors who continue to provoke chaos. The Xianyu civilization can last so long. It can only be said that the foundation of the top civilization is deep enough.

If Locke was to deal with the battle in Xianyu, he would first mediate the battle of Xianyu civilization in Tara and Enze, and instead focus on calming the chaos in blue boxing and martial arts.

After all, it is necessary to settle inside before moving outside. Only a stable rear can ensure that our own civilization maintains an efficient and rapid operational policy in the process of foreign war.

However, the situation of Xianyu civilization is very different from that of wizard civilization.

For example, in the wizard civilization, although Locke always advertises that he will not be dictatorship, the actual situation is that as long as he shakes his arm or takes a certain step, there will be almost no opposition within the whole wizard civilization.

There\'s no way. Locke\'s voice among the middle and bottom of wizard civilization is too high.

Not to mention that he is the only level-8 master of wizard civilization at present, which itself represents the peak of the combat power of wizard civilization. Only his contribution to the defense of wizard civilization 100000 years ago and the subsequent tripartite civilization counterattack war has basically established his identity as the first person of contemporary wizard civilization.

After all, most of the Knights and magicians who grew up in the wizard civilization defense war and the later counterattack war have reached the level of level 4 or above.

These mainstays of the wizard world basically listen to Locke\'s myth, and follow Locke to witness the existence of wizard civilization repelling strong enemies and standing on the top of the surrounding star domain again.

In terms of Locke\'s influence on wizard civilization, Douglas\'s influence on wizard civilization is no less than that of more than ten or two hundred thousand years ago.

Therefore, his words and deeds basically represent the will of wizard civilization.

However, the civilization of Xianyu is different. It is better to say that this vast and large-scale star region is the private plot of the elucidation family than the blue fist Wudao star region is the occupied star region of Xianyu civilization.

For example, the Buddhist forces represented by zhunti and Jieyin two holy places will not interfere too much in the civil strife in the blue fist Wudao star domain. Their main goal is the powerful Tara star domain.

Similarly, the Nu Wa saint of the demon family and the zhenyuanzi immortal who just founded the Saint Daoting did not put too much of their strength in the blue fist Wudao star domain, but focused on the grace star domain.

After all, for these sages in the immortal domain, assessing the civil strife in the blue fist martial arts star domain does not have much substantive benefits for them.

Even if the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty will offer some rewards, these rewards can\'t compare with the expedition in alien regions, which is fast and profiteering.

In fact, this situation of Xianyu civilization is very similar to that before the wizard world was promoted to a large world.

Locke still remembers that during the Titan space war, it was because only several forces such as the Belem Empire participated in the war that the wizard civilization was defeated all the way. Even the dragon mother danilis had the experience of being defeated by the Titan God King at that time.

This is also a common situation of internal friction and self contradiction in the process of civilization development.

In this case, Locke, an outsider, can\'t say anything. He can only say that with the development of time, Xianyu civilization will adjust all this by itself.

Or the birth of a strong existence similar to Locke, which can coordinate the power of the whole civilization.

Or learn from the wizard alliance system. In the next process of civilization development, several Saint Daoting discussed a system similar to the alliance.

However, all these things should be after the end of the civilization war.

With the tension of civilization war currently faced by Xianyu, his opponents will not wait for him to solve their own problems.


When Locke arrived outside the ukmon world, the chaos and war in the world continued.

This is a large storm covering two-thirds of the whole blue fist martial arts star domain Action and rebellion plan, and ukmon world just happens to be the violence of those left behind in blue fist martial arts Just moving the core point.

Those who left behind the blue fist martial arts wanted to directly stir up the banner of uprising in the blue fist martial arts level, but unfortunately, the large-scale world blue fist martial arts level has been built by the iron bucket of Xianyu\'s elucidation, which doesn\'t give them an opportunity at all.

In addition, the position of blue kungfu is located in the hinterland of the star domain of blue kungfu. If the uprising fails there, the remnant of blue Kungfu will have no way back.

The endless army of Xianyu and the existence of many saints in Xianyu will erase all the hopes of the remnant of blue fist martial arts.

From this point of view, ukmon world is indeed the best choice for the survivors of blue fist martial arts.

In addition to its medium-sized plane essence, because it is located at the junction of the grace star domain and the Tara star domain, once those blue fist martial arts survivors fail in the uprising, they can retreat to the boundless sky nearby.

With the current hostile situation between Enze mainland and Tara and Xianyu civilization, it is the so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. These blue fist martial arts survivors also have more opportunities and turnover capital.

The power fluctuation of dominant creatures is the most eye-catching scene in the battlefield of ukmon world.

But the most eye-catching is not these, but the two in the plane make Locke more familiar with the fluctuation of breath.

One of them was no one else. It was Rika ardenbu, a strong remnant of the underworld who Locke wanted to kill and seek each other\'s treasures.

This guy has indeed been promoted to the master, and in addition to the two world-class treasures of the ghost bone flower and the annihilation mirror wheel, Locke also found two other world-class treasures on him, namely a black earring and a golden crown.

Another power breath that Locke is very familiar with comes from his good brother, Gongsun xuance.

Seeing Gongsun xuance again, he felt that the other party had been promoted to dominate. Locke was a little relieved, but also slightly complicated.

Because from a standpoint, Locke and Gongsun xuance are enemies at this time.

At this time, Gongsun xuance and RickA yadunbu are working together against the enemy Yuanshi Tianzun. Yuanshi Tianzun, who has the strength of the later stage of level 7, is facing two early masters of level 7. It is obvious that he is struggling.

One against two is just one of the factors. The bigger factor is that Gongsun xuance and RickA yadunbu have a lot of good things.

In addition to the four world-class treasures of RickA ardenburger, Locke also noticed his equally amazing righteous brother in the field of passive evolution. At this time, he also had two world-class treasures, a pair of boxers and a pair of golden armor.

Is it difficult that Ruika yadunbu and Gongsun xuance planed a top civilization relic? Otherwise, how could there be so many world-class treasures!

And simply on the fluctuation of breath, those world-class treasures are extraordinary.


In the recent season change, brothers should pay attention to catching a cold. Xiaodou seems to have been caught