Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4206

Locke finally chose the target of support or the Tara domain. Of course, Locke did not ignore the tension in the grace domain.

At that time, zhenyuanzi immortal had a good relationship with Locke. He gave Locke ginseng fruit many times, which was a good marriage here.

"Then you will lead a part of the hell demon Legion to the Enze star region. In particular, the saint Nuwa is also there. It is convenient to attack and defend each other when you meet her." Locke said to the phantom Riel.

The leader of Tongtian cult, the ancestor of Styx River and the saint Nuwa should be the three most trusted saints in the immortal region. Since the battlefield situation in the Enze star region is unpredictable, the saint Nuwa should take care of it even if Locke doesn\'t want to support zhenyuanzi immortal.

Needless to say, magic spring, Kun and Locke\'s Apprentice golden monkey should also be on the battlefield of grace star field with Nvwa Saint at present.

Call the phantom Riel over, so that she can take care of these young people.

Of course, there is a more important reason, that is, as a large world that was not equal to Tara, and even slightly exceeded in strength.

How come Tara has shown its super strength under the pressure of the Xianyu war, but it is not painful on the side of the grace mainland.

Locke did not master the power of prophecy like other masters. He smelled a smell of conspiracy purely by virtue of his rich experience in civilized war.

For Xianyu civilization, the land of grace is definitely a more powerful enemy than Tara and needs attention.

However, from the current results, the main attention of the saints in the immortal domain is on Tara.

It\'s not that the saints in the immortal region are short-sighted, but that they should eat their food one mouthful at a time.

The saints of the immortal region mainly focus on the battlefield of the Tara star region. It is estimated that they also want to quickly solve the war pressure on the Tara star, and then deal with the powerful enemy of Enze continent, which hides its strength in the dark.

The black robed friar who successfully brought back an aid Corps showed a trace of joy on his face.

After bowing his hand to Locke to express his gratitude, he couldn\'t wait to take Riel and other hell demons to the grace star region.

As for what benefits the immortal zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of the earth fairy, will offer after the war, thank Locke. This is not what the black friar can intervene. He did not rashly promise anything at this time.

However, considering the good reputation of zhenyuanzi immortal in Xianyu civilization and his character of upholding justice, I don\'t think it will disappoint Locke.

Before leaving, the phantom Riel left Locke a message.

I don\'t know if the woman who talks about God has predicted anything again. She quietly said to Locke, "the gear of destiny has begun to rotate. Don\'t try to reverse it by force. It will bring you misfortune."

After that, Riel turned and left the iron Tatar plane without solving the riddle for Locke.

He scratched his head and looked in the direction Riel left. Locke turned to the bright moon Bodhisattva and the real Huanglong and said, "let\'s go."

Although Locke\'s next step is to support the battlefield of the Tara star domain, because he had to travel through the blue fist Wudao star domain to reach the Tara star domain, he didn\'t mind stopping by to see what happened in the world of suukmon, the original Heavenly Master.

Of course, Locke just went to see if he would help at that time.

Locke is not a careful man, but his relationship with the original Heavenly Master is far from reaching the level of voluntary help.

Huanglong immortal obviously didn\'t realize this because his nephew Nezha had a good relationship with Locke. He always thought that Locke and hermeneutics also belonged to a close cooperative relationship.

No wonder immortal Huanglong has been mixing for so many years. Some people mean to go back more and more.

Its eyesight price is far from that of guangchengzi, and even Yang Jian, who is lower than him, is better than it.

However, such characters also have certain advantages, that is, they will not fall into the struggle of power vortex too deeply.

Locke, as a dominant strong man, will not have the same knowledge as it. At first, the emperor sent the real yellow dragon to the iron Tatar world to ask Locke for help. It is estimated that he didn\'t hold the idea of success at the beginning.


Compared with Locke\'s last visit, the situation of the whole star domain has changed greatly.

The closer to the immortal region, the more peaceful it is.

On the contrary, the chaos and depression are more obvious in the middle and far star regions of blue fist Wudao far away from the immortal region.

In the process of moving forward, immortal Huang Long secretly scolded those blue fist martial arts survivors more than once.

Originally, under the influence of the development of Xianyu civilization, the blue fist martial arts star domain has gradually embarked on the development path attached to Xianyu civilization.

In particular, the founder of Buddhism, Tianzun, has gradually carried out activities such as "ascending the immortal gate" and "ascending the immortal society" in various small and medium-sized worlds in the star domain of blue boxing and martial arts.

The intention is to introduce the cultivation system of Xianyu into the star domain of blue boxing and martial arts, so as to replace their martial arts system, and gradually improve the cohesion and centripetality of the whole star domain of blue boxing and martial arts to the civilization of Xianyu. At the same time, those survivors of blue boxing and martial arts who originally fled have made the practice of elucidation empty.

In the introduction of immortal Huang Long, those who left behind the blue fist martial arts became heinous villains. On the contrary, it was the immortal region\'s sermon who became a great philanthropist to save hundreds of millions of creatures in the martial arts star region from suffering.

Locke naturally won\'t win too much trust in Huang Long\'s explanation.

He is the leader of contemporary wizard civilization, not the ignorant master of remote star regions.

It\'s OK to cheat ordinary people with the words of immortal Huanglong, while Locke can grasp the essence at a glance.

It\'s bullshit to talk about "Immortality gate" and "Immortality Promotion Association".

Locke doesn\'t believe it. Is the hermeneutic willing to pass on the foundation of his school of creation, the jade clear Taoism, to the humanoid creatures in the blue boxing Taoism star domain?

As for the various measures they have taken, they are just to better rule the blue fist martial arts star domain.

Moreover, it seems that the Xianyu civilization did not launch a civilization war for a long time, but the progress of learning and improvement in all aspects is not bad. Unexpectedly, they all understand the truth of using alien creatures to rule alien regions.

Indeed, compared with the unfamiliar friars in the immortal region, if a group of martial arts people who master the immortal Dharma rule and occupy the star region, it will also effectively reduce the rebellious psychology of those local martial arts people.

Locke doesn\'t know how much benefit and resource wealth the elucidation and immortal civilization have gained in the blue fist martial arts star domain. However, looking at the frequent growth of the number of golden immortals and quasi saints in the immortal domain in recent years, and more and more people stuck at the peak of quasi saints are trying to attack the realm of saints, we can know that this is definitely not a simple number.

In contrast, there are still too few level 6 peak creatures in wizard civilization that have an impact on the dominant realm.

Can\'t help but look at danilis, the dragon mother walking with him. Locke has always believed that this woman has a tendency to dominate promotion in the future.

At least her heart and fighting will will will not lose to anyone.