Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4205

The saints who were close to him didn\'t come to ask for help, but the ordinary Yuanshi Tianzun and the two saints of Buddhism came to ask for help. Locke didn\'t know what to say for a moment.

However, Locke\'s visit is mainly to relieve the killing and robbery for the leader of Tongtian cult. At present, the leader of Tongtian cult is located in the battlefield of Tara star domain, so Locke is really powerless to deal with the crisis of Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuanzi Daxian, the ancestor of earth immortals.

It\'s the crisis and war situation on the Buddhist side. When Locke arrives at Tara, he may be able to help.

"Now tell me where the saints in the immortal region are on the battlefield one by one." Locke did not hurry to answer, but asked the three great Luo Jinxian in front of him.

The fastest response was the black robed friar under the zhenyuanzi immortal gate. He quickly replied, "zhenyuanzi immortal and Nvwa saint are currently in the grace star region."

"The leader of Tongtian cult, the sage of receiving and introducing, the sage of zhunti and the ancestor of Styx are currently on the battlefield of Tara star domain."

"The emperor of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and the sage Lao Tzu are sitting in the star domain of blue boxing and martial arts." The black friar replied respectfully.

"Oh? The war in Tara is so fierce that there are four sages in the immortal region?" Locke was surprised.

The more anxious and intense the war in the Tara region, the more Locke can be sure that the killing and robbery of the Tongtian cult leader mentioned by Tao Zu Hongjun is not groundless.

Just in the face of Locke\'s surprise, the black friar didn\'t know what to say for a moment.

From the low-level Legion collision to the high-level strong game, it is indeed that the fierce Tara domain is more difficult to deal with.

However, the black robed friar represents zhenyuanzi immortal, the ancestor of the earth immortals. If he can, he is more willing to invite Locke and his combat Legion to Enze star domain.

"Yes, the war situation in Tara is a real crisis. In addition to the demon God Casolo who has touched the level 8 barrier, Tara received another level 1 foreign aid not long ago."

"The other party is very good at hiding and sneak attack. The zhunti Saint almost caught the other party\'s way not long ago, and the zhunti Saint once said that the other party seems to be an old enemy." The bright moon Bodhisattva timely added.

"Can the old enemy have the other party\'s image information or dominant mark?" Locke asked, frowning.

The battle situation in Xianyu is indeed more corrupt than Locke imagined.

This time, Tara has another master level foreign aid. From this point of view, only from the perspective of the number of master level creatures, the total number of creatures above level 7 represented by the three large world civilizations can be equal to that of Xianyu.

No wonder Xianyu has struggled so hard in recent thousands of years!

However, the advantage of Xianyu is also obvious, that is, the number of strong immortals from level 4 or above to quasi holy realm far exceeds that of the three large world civilizations.

In particular, the remnant of blue fist martial arts, even the parent star domain, is occupied by the immortal domain. Even if they don\'t know where to gather the three dominant combat forces, the combat ability of the lower Legion and the number of middle and high-level strong people are far from being compared with other world civilizations.

A pure white glazed jade bottle appeared in the palm of the bright moon Bodhisattva, followed by a little water drop, and a virtual image slowly appeared at the mouth of the bottle.

The picture shows a starry battlefield. By observing the battlefield environment and tearing the surrounding broken planes and giant meteorites, it should be a dominant biological battlefield.

Sure enough, the zhunti Saint soon appeared in the picture. At the same time, there was a dominant creature with silver hair and blood hands and several golden gears slowly rotating behind.

Although it is only a battlefield image, Locke can clearly feel that the other party has indeed touched the height of level 8 creatures, but it should just break through level 8. It seems that he has not fully mastered his own power.

Needless to say, the humanoid master with silver hair and blood hand should be the strongest in Tara - the demon God cassoro.

Originally, the zhunti saint was at a disadvantage when facing the demon God cassoro alone. The six clean bamboos completely gave up the attack, but took defense as the mainstream.

But then the picture turned, one of the clean bamboo behind zhunti Saint suddenly broke. The blue giant with a skate in one hand and a physique of hundreds of meters walked out of the hidden space crack and directly hit zhunti saint on the back.

At the same time, he was besieged by two dominant creatures, and the one who fought behind seemed to have seven levels of peak strength.

The zhunti Saint could finally get back his life. In addition to burning a large number of dominant souls, luck also occupied many elements.

And listen to the Haoyue Bodhisattva beside him. It was precisely because the zhunti Saint almost fell, the two leaders of Tongtian cult and the ancestor of Styx, who were originally in the blue fist Wudao star domain and the grace star domain, rushed to the Tara star domain to help the war.

"The saint of heaven seemed to see the heel of the blue giant, but the saint didn\'t explain too much to us, just let us carefully avoid each other in the next war." Said the bright moon Bodhisattva.

"Shit, how is this guy!"

"He even came to the immortal realm, and let him get a master corpse?" After reading the video content provided by Haoyue Bodhisattva, Locke couldn\'t help scolding.

Not only the leader of Tongtian church saw it, but also Locke saw it.

The blue skin giant was no one else. It was the brain eater kilaya who was beaten like a lost dog to give up his mother\'s plane during the star war.

In World War I that year, with the help of the desperate spider mother, all three level 7 parasites in kilaya were scrapped, and only one or two level 7 or below parasites escaped to heaven.

Locke thought this bug - like guy was hiding somewhere in the star world Lick the wound, and may even encourage its people to attempt to recover the brain eater star domain.

But he never thought that this guy really came to Xianyu.

"It seems that the information provided to me by the ash master of Qatar star theft group was correct. Maybe not only kiraya, the seventh level brain eater, but also Rika yadunb, the leader of the skeleton River in the underworld, was also on this battlefield."

"According to the potential of RickA ardenburger at that time, it is uncertain that it has been promoted to dominate now."

"More importantly, RickA ardenburger should still hold treasures such as annihilation beads and ghost bones." Locke bowed his head and mused.

The seven sense deprivation field possessed by the world-class secret treasure, the netherworld bone flower, has the same effect on Locke at present.

On the contrary, the annihilation of the precious fragments of civilization is a good thing enough to attract Locke.

Locke has not forgotten the famous sword calling function of annihilating the Pearl. The ability to borrow the virtual shadow of the divine sword from the epic of ancient civilization has exceeded Locke\'s understanding of ordinary world-class treasures.

Indeed, only the treasure of civilization can play such incredible miracles.