Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4204

Millions of dragon creatures and hundreds of millions of sea people are definitely a force that can not be underestimated.

This time, the Donghai dragon and Nanhai dragon took out their family assets, including the Xihai dragon and Beihai dragon, who have suffered heavy losses, and gathered up a sum of combat power, which is enough to see the impact and impact of the return of the son of ZuLong, such as prison cattle.

Tyrants and prisoners go to save people, while the East Sea Dragon King and the South Sea Dragon King go for the purpose of making a fortune.

Even Locke, the master of level 8 knight, can\'t figure out the future fate and development of these Immortal Dragon families.

Just by observing the expressions of the prisoners and Pu laao, they seem to be a little disappointed with the practices of the Xianyu dragon clan.

After all, they are firm pacifist creatures, but extremely belligerent Jains, eager to try the next war of civilization.

"The battle on the Xianyu front may be worse than we originally expected."

"In short, you try not to be too far away from me."

"Tara, right? I have to go there next." Locke said to the prisoner cow and other dragons.

How can I say that Baxia has had a friendship with him for more than 100000 years. Star beasts such as prisoner cattle have also contributed a lot in previous wars of wizard civilization. Locke will help if he can help.

However, Locke did not tell the Immortal Dragon people in front of him that the leader of Tongtian cult was about to be killed and robbed.

The height of level 8 saints is so high, especially those Xianyu dragons who are no more than level 6 in front of them can intervene.

Tell them that the battle on the front line of Xianyu is worse than expected. Locke has already pointed out and pulled them.

If these Xianyu dragons still suffer heavy losses in the next civilization war, it\'s none of Locke\'s business.

Even if you are the master of level 8, Locke can\'t take care of millions of dragons.

His energy is limited, and he will only take good care of the nine sons of the dragon who have a close relationship with himself, such as bullying, negative and kissing.

Without further nonsense, Locke, together with prisoners, Jain and other stars and beasts, took hundreds of millions of boundless sea people to the front battlefield of Xianyu civilization.

There is a ready-made space-time transmission array in the wasteland world, and the transmission place of this array is a medium-sized plane called iron Tatar in the blue fist Wudao star domain.


Iron Tatar world, two bright curved moons, stand out in the sky of this plane.

This is a special plane without the sun. More than 100000 years ago, this plane and its surrounding dozens of planets were all affiliated countries of the blue fist martial arts civilization yuanshendu empire.

As the geographical coordinates are closer to the chaotic void of immortal civilization, this medium-sized world is almost the foreign medium-sized world first conquered by immortal Hermeneutics in that year.

Dozens of huge space gates stand in the center of the iron Tatar world. The height of these space gates is often more than kilometers. Even there are several space-time gates with a height of 10000 meters.

The other end connected by these time-space gates is the major cultivation realms in the immortal domain.

For example, the gate of time and space that Locke and others walked out at this time is the largest and most magnificent gate of time and space in the iron Tatar world.

In addition to the gate of time and space at the foot, there is a channel connecting to the Jiuding cultivation world in the distant gates of time and space.

Therefore, at the moment when he first came to the world of iron Tatar, Locke felt the 20 million elite Legion he commanded when he came to Xianyu.

They are also combat legions. Although Locke\'s 20 million legions are less than one fifth of the total number of xianyuhai legions.

But to really fight, Locke\'s elite army won, and it was almost a rolling victory.

The billions of troops of the xianyuhai people can be seen only by the millions of dragons. The rest of the xianyuhai people can be summarized by almost a "shrimp and crab general".

And the millions of dragons are not all good players who can be on their own.

The vast majority of dragons are Asian dragons, and the number of real dragons with more than three claws does not exceed 50000.

These tens of thousands of real dragons are almost the last pure blood group of Xianyu dragon family.

Locke could see that the prison cattle and Pu prison didn\'t care about the hundreds of millions of ordinary sea people and millions of Asian dragons. Only the tens of thousands of real dragons could really make them feel the kindness of blood.

The defeat of Xihai dragon and Beihai dragon directly led to the fall of nearly 20000 real dragons. No wonder Pu laao was extremely dissatisfied with the two Dragon Kings.

The iron Tatar world is the base of the immortal region\'s elucidation. However, with the resurgence of the civilization war, the saints and Taoist courts in the immortal region have set up ears and eyes in this world.

Locke, who had just arrived in the iron Tatar world, had not had time to contact his combat corps, and then three beams of light, one yellow, one white and one black, came from a distance.

"Lord Locke, the world of ukmon is in urgent need. I hope you can lead the army to support as soon as possible!" Huang Guang first arrived in front of Locke, and then a middle-aged man with a dragon horn and wearing a yellow robe said sincerely to Locke.

The middle-aged man, xiulocke, is no stranger. He is the real person Huanglong who elucidates one of the twelve golden immortals.

Now, the strength of Huanglong immortal is stuck in the later stage of Da Luo Jinxian. Although he has not reached the quasi Saint level, he is qualified to ask Locke to send troops because of his rank and status in teaching.

It is worth mentioning that immortal Huanglong is also a member of the dragon family in Xianyu. He is also the only one of the disciples under the throne of the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty who "wears armor and wet his body and eggs".

Huanglong immortal relied not on his talent, but on his mind and patience.

He should be one of the most loyal people to Yuanshi Tianzun and Buddhism. Before becoming the twelve golden immortals of Buddhism, he also served as a substitute horse for Yuanshi Tianzun for tens of thousands of years.

It\'s the ukmon world again. This should be the second time Locke heard the name of the world.

Previously, when he was in the Jiuding cultivation world, it seemed that the elucidation aspect tried to let Locke immediately send troops to support the world.

For the help of Huanglong immortal, Locke didn\'t answer at the first time, but turned his head and looked at the other two places.

The white light and black light gradually dispersed, and then appeared in front of Locke, the same two friars who reached the realm of Dalai.

One of the female practitioners is an acquaintance of Locke, and the opposite is the bright moon Bodhisattva of Buddhism.

As for another male monk in a black Taoist robe, Locke has no impression of him. However, seeing that he is standing side by side with Huanglong immortal and Haoyue Bodhisattva, he can probably guess that his status should be equal to those two.

"What can I do for you?" Asked Locke.

"Then the sage hopes that you can support the battlefield of Tara star region. The war situation there is a real crisis. Other Buddhist legions of our Buddhism are still in the process of scheduling and collection, and can\'t solve the front-line crisis for the time being." The bright moon Bodhisattva was not coy and said quickly.

Another black robed male Xiu then said, "zhenyuanzi immortal, the ancestor of the earth immortal, hopes Lord Locke that you can reach the falki continent in the Enze star domain. There are two saints on the other side of the battlefield. Please help zhenyuanzi immortal!"