Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4203

Locke, who came out of Zixiao palace, did not immediately go to the front line of the blue fist martial arts star domain, but first went to the wasteland world to summon inferior star beasts.

Although Baxia and other dragons have been separated from the immortal realm for a long time, they have a very high generation and influence in the dragon family.

The Xianyu dragon family is an ethnic group that attaches great importance to lineage. Take the four seas Dragon King with the highest power and status among the Dragon families as an example. In front of the kiss of only five levels of strength, they still belong to the younger generation according to their generations.

This is not to say that they live less time than kisses, but kisses, as the last son of the ancestral dragon, stand in front of all the Dragon families.

Under the call of Locke, the inferior star beast soon appeared over the East China Sea.

And with them, there are millions of dragon creatures and more Honghuang sea people.

As the Lord of the four seas, the Dragon nationality has dominated the oceans of the wasteland world since ancient times.

The nearly 100 million sea people in front of us are only part of the strength of the dragon family in the wasteland world.

You know, before that, the four seas dragon clan had dispatched two sea clan legions that were not inferior to this scale to participate in the external expansion war of Xianyu civilization.

The prisoners, cattle, and other Astro beasts had a whim before, and they sensed the fall of a large number of Honghuang dragons, which was also caused by the heavy losses of the two sea clan legions in the alien war.

The defeat of two successive wars has greatly damaged the vitality of the Honghuang dragon family.

However, considering that the dominant losers of the two dragon races were the Xihai dragon race and the Beihai dragon race.

The strength of Donghai dragon and Nanhai dragon, whose comprehensive strength is the first and second respectively, is still relatively well preserved, which also indicates that the Honghuang dragon is not without the power of World War I in the next civilized war.

The situation of the Dragon nationality in Xianyu actually reflects the overall war situation of the civilization in Xianyu.

Although Xianyu has lost in many battlefields on the front line, even the war once hit the blue fist Wudao star domain, which has been occupied by Xianyu for many years.

However, in terms of war potential and follow-up combat capability, the Xianyu civilization with stronger heritage and larger volume gradually showed a stronger level than Tara and the grace continent in the war.

This does not include that with the continuous foreign war, there are more and more quasi saints at the peak of the immortal realm, and those old monsters who were stuck in the quasi Saint realm early began to attack the saint realm in a planned way after the great immortal of Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortal.

Therefore, the decline of Xianyu is only temporary.

Locke\'s next move to help Xianyu is not only to thank the previous Xianyu civilization for its contribution during the wizard world defense war, but also to send charcoal in the snow and take the opportunity to make a war money.

"The situation of the dragon family is slightly better than we thought. Aorun, the Dragon King of the West Sea, and aoshun, the Dragon King of the North Sea, are the culprits of the heavy losses suffered by the dragon family before. Blinded by their interests, they should be responsible for those dragon families that fell before!" Pu laao, the star beast, scolded impolitely.

At this time, in the Dragon army behind them, there were two five clawed black dragons and white dragons, who lowered their heads.

The two five clawed real dragons are the eldest son of aorun, the Dragon King of the West Sea, and the third son of Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the North Sea.

The former replaces the Dragon King of the West Sea and is in charge of the affairs of the West Sea.

The latter is directly the current Beihai Dragon King. Why has it inherited the throne of Dragon King? Because its father, the previous Beihai Dragon King and his eldest brother have fallen into the battlefield of Tara star domain.

The Dragon King of the West Sea is better. He picked up at least one life and is recuperating in the star domain of blue fist martial arts.

Pu Lao scolded impolitely. None of the Dragon families present dared to refute.

It is not because of the strong means of purao\'s sound wave system law, but the suppression brought by the origin of blood, which makes these guys who have respected blood lineage since ancient times unable to bear the slightest refutation.

The quasi Saint level strength of prisoner ox and Jain canthus is another reason why the Xianyu dragon family, which is the highest in the realm of Dalai, can\'t refute them.

Although Qinglong, one of the four elephants, also has quasi Saint level combat power, it\'s a pity that Qinglong can\'t leave the wasteland world.

And even Qinglong himself expressed great dissatisfaction with the previous rash actions of the West Sea Dragon King and the North Sea Dragon King.

Different from the anger and dissatisfaction of the star beast Pulao, the prisoner cow, the eldest son of the star beast family, is as stable as Mount Tai from beginning to end.

After learning that the vitality of the dragon family in Xianyu was still alive, the prisoner\'s heart relaxed a lot.

As for the huge damage suffered by the West Sea and the North Sea in the previous civilized war, the prisoners were not too worried.

Since they have decided to leave the immortal region since ancient times, all kinds of dragon families in the immortal region have little to do with them.

As long as it is not the disaster that led to the complete extinction of the dragon race, the prisoners will not care too much about all kinds of disasters and crises.

On the contrary, it believes that this occasional disaster is not a good thing for the Xianyu dragon family.

Only when you suffer a lot will you be in awe of the vast and boundless star world.

In addition, the Xianyu dragon family suffered heavy losses this time, partly because they were used as gun envoys by Buddhism.

Because it was the 30 million Buddhist practitioners who should have been attacked by the main legion of Tara in that war.

The dragon clan in Xianyu is strong, but it is only compared with the small and medium-sized sects in Xianyu.

With their power, it is not necessary for Tara to make a big fight and mobilize two-thirds of the Legion and high-level combat power of the whole civilization to encircle and suppress.

In exchange for the heavy blow of the dragon family in Xianyu, Buddhism and Buddhism made great strides in the Tara region.

This loss and gain also shows a true portrayal of the victory and defeat of both sides on the civilized battlefield.

The Xianyu dragon family had suffered a great disaster before, and they can\'t blame others. They can only say that their own strength is poor, and they are blinded by interests. No wonder they will be used as guns by Buddhism.

"What are you going to do next?" Asked Locke.

"Now the dragon clan is on the front battlefield. Some troops are cultivated in the blue fist martial arts star domain, but others are still trapped in the front battlefield of the Tara star domain."

"Since I came back this time, some of the Dragon families trapped in the star domain of blue boxing and martial arts will come back anyway." Purao said to Locke.

In fact, Pu Lao didn\'t say a word, that is, different from the original intention of her and prisoner cow to save the trapped dragon families, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and AO Qin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, meant to take advantage of the return of prisoner cow and Jain, the quasi Saint level dragon families, and their gains and benefits in the front-line battlefield should be further expanded.

There is interest, there will be the heart of pursuit.

Although the Xihai dragon and Beihai dragon suffered heavy losses in the battlefield of the Tara star region, the Xianyu dragon also harvested a large amount of war wealth in the Tara star region, which is related to many special resources they had never touched before.

The emergence of these wealth and resources also touched the hearts of the vast majority of members of the Dragon nationality.

After all, greed and lust are also a common problem between the dragon family in Xianyu and the Dragon creatures of wizard civilization.