Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4202

The leader of Tongtian cult was promoted to level 8 no later than Locke, and because he had the four swords to kill immortals, the saint of the immortal region was a rare opponent among his peers.

Even such powerful saints will be killed and robbed, which is enough to see how fierce the civilization war that Xianyu civilization is facing.

After hearing Daozu\'s request, Locke was slightly surprised.

However, he quickly pressed down his surprise and said to Daozu, "Lord Tongtian and I are also old friends, and provide great assistance to our wizard world during the defense war of wizard civilization."

"Since the leader of Tongtian sect is in trouble, I will not refuse!" Locke replied.

"When will the leader of Tongtian sect commit murder and robbery?" Asked Locke.

The Taoist priest lowered his head and looked down for a moment. Several glittering Jade Butterfly fragments surrounded the Taoist priest.

Although this is Locke\'s first contact with the jade plate of creation, Locke still looks at the power of strong laws and obscure space-time contained in it.

At least from the level of treasures, Locke\'s twelve products can\'t compare with each other, and paradise lost can\'t be compared because of its different attributes from the fragments of ChuanHua jade disc.

Several glimmers of light flashed across the surface of the jade plate, and some fine and mysterious lines appeared at the same time. However, before Locke could see the lines clearly, the jade plate disappeared with a "whoosh".

Then the Taoist priest waved his robe and said, "just in the near future, I hope you can start as soon as possible."

Daozu\'s answer made Locke and the desperate spider mother look at each other.

Although Locke wants to get involved in the conversation between the Taoist ancestor and the desperate spider mother, so as to further understand the mystery of the star world, at this time, the killing and robbery of the Tongtian cult leader is coming, and Locke is not good to continue to delay in Zixiao palace.

Without much hesitation, Locke nodded and said, "I\'ll start now. As long as I\'m still in the battlefield, I won\'t let the Tongtian cult leader fall."

After casting a meaningful look at the desperate spider mother, Locke turned and walked outside the Zixiao palace.

Locke\'s figure was farther and farther away until he disappeared outside Zixiao palace.

After a long time, the desperate spider mother sitting in front of the Taoist ancestor continued to say, "since your apprentice is in trouble, why don\'t you save him yourself?"

When the desperate spider mother said this, her eyes looked at the Heavenly Sword behind the Taoist ancestor.

During the war in the underworld, the desperate spider mother felt the majesty of Tiandao sword from a close distance.

It is no exaggeration to say that although the Taoist ancestor cannot leave the immortal domain, his heavenly sword can be used as an extension of his will to fight in other regions.

In terms of the power level that can erupt, Lao Tzu holding the Heavenly Sword may be better than Locke to solve the crisis of Tongtian cult leader.

Anyway, Locke is also an outsider. He may not work hard to save the leader of Tongtian cult.

But Lao Tzu is different. At least in the field of desperate, he is definitely more reliable than Locke.

Moreover, no one knows whether Tiandao sword has other powers. If it can take Hongjun\'s separation or even projection, it may be more beneficial to the current battlefield pattern in Xianyu.

The desperate spider mother\'s inquiry caused Hongjun to sigh deeply.

"Since you have become the way of heaven, you should follow the heaven."

"My disciple should have this disaster. Whether he can get rid of the disaster depends on his own blessing and mind." Hong Jun replied.

This is the greatest sorrow of those who have explored the destiny and future. They clearly grasp the context of destiny from the long time and space line, but they can\'t change anything.

The so-called going against the sky and breaking the curse of fate in the star world often talk about less important events and accidents.

And more general trends cannot be stopped by manpower alone.

Hongjun really has the ability to immediately remove the crisis of Tongtian cult leader, but he will not do so.

On the one hand, he is integrated with the way of heaven. His feelings have been extremely indifferent. Unless there is a disaster that endangers the whole desolate world, he will not easily take action.

On the other hand, this is also related to Hongjun\'s path, walking along the sky. His attitude is the same as the spiritual ancestor of false words civilization.

The general trend cannot be changed, and the small trend can be changed.

The disaster of Tongtian cult leader is an inevitable disaster for Tongtian cult leader himself, but it may not be an opportunity for the whole immortal civilization.

Daozu Hongjun looked further. With all kinds of incredible means, he seemed to have foreseen the more brilliant and prosperous future of Xianyu.

But on that day, he may not still be there.

The answer of Daozu Hongjun made the desperate spider mother\'s face clear. "It\'s true. Maybe this is one of the reasons why you can continue to stay in the star world."

The law of balance in the astral world will not allow the emergence of abnormal numbers beyond the balance. Tao Zu Hongjun can stay in the astral world for a long time, not only because he is integrated with the plane will of the boundless world, but also because he has not caused too much turbulence and chaos to the astral world with his nine level power.

Taking the failure to save the leader of Tongtian cult as an example, Hongjun did not rashly use his power, but looked at the external development and expansion of Xianyu from the perspective of a panoramic observer.

As a result, Xianyu, as one of the top civilizations, is not much different from the bright Protoss, which is also the top civilization

Because Hongjun is at a high level, he has more perspectives and considerations.

He can\'t vent his power in the star world as often as an ordinary thug.

Do you really think that the star world is so big that there is no existence that can cure Hongjun?

Maybe in some other star region, there are class 9 creatures like Hongjun who stay in the star world for a short time.

Or what powerful top civilization, even in the face of level nine individuals, has the power of a war.

To sum up, once Hongjun breaks the balance, it will naturally have the power of fate, which will lead to various "accidents" that can suppress Hongjun and even destroy Xianyu.

Millions of years ago, the desperate spider mother did not see through this matter, so she led the civilized group to launch a journey to the desperate world, and finally the whole dead country civilization disappeared.

Now the experience of the second emperor has given the desperate spider mother a certain understanding of the original composition and various rules and mechanisms of the star world.

Therefore, Hongjun\'s practice, the true God level existence of the civilization of the dead country, also expressed a certain understanding.

But if Locke were still here at this time, he would certainly be disgusted and sneer at Hongjun\'s practice.

What is fate? Locke never cared.

Doing his best and listening to fate is Locke\'s principle.

Moreover, the balance mechanism involving the operation of the whole star world is not what Locke can understand at present.

He didn\'t understand why Hongjun didn\'t do it himself, but let himself, an outsider, do it.

Is Hongjun to promote closer cooperation and development between Xianyu and wizard civilization?