Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4201

Compared with Locke, who only has level 8 medium-term strength, it is obvious that the desperate spider mother with stronger strength and heritage is the main target of Daozu Hongjun\'s reception this time.

However, although the focus of Daozu\'s attention is on the desperate spider mother, he is not too cold to Locke.

In addition, there is one thing that Daozu needs to ask Locke, so Daozu didn\'t avoid Locke in the next dialogue with the desperate spider mother.

Unlike Locke immersed in the faint shock of his first close contact with level 9 creatures, the desperate spider mother\'s mood fluctuated greatly, but she did not lose her basic reason and judgment.

A pair of eyes full of deep-rooted cold in Locke\'s eyes, emitting a faint red light, which is the desperate spider mother\'s own means to analyze the life composition and law details of Taoist ancestors.

In the face of the examination of the desperate spider mother, Daozu showed a light wind and light clouds.

He knew what he had to pay before he tried to get from the desperate spider mother.

Moreover, Daozu Hongjun also had a faint feeling that although the desperate spider mother in front of him could not compare with the supreme god of the bright Protoss in terms of power level, she was stronger than the Supreme God in terms of the use of the power of law and the backhand of cards.

Up to now, the Taoist ancestors are not sure to forcibly leave the Supreme God with revelation.

Naturally, he will not be too mean and indifferent in his attitude towards the desperate spider mother.

It\'s just that the Taoist ancestors have been in harmony with the Tao for a long time. His self will and temperament are gradually integrated with the Tao of heaven. His characteristics are indifference, indifference and detachment from the world.

Even the last emotion was about to be completely stripped away.

He is more like a regular life than a living creature.

Obviously, in the process of analyzing Hongjun, the desperate spider mother also found many secrets of Hongjun and her ability only in the field of level 9 biology.

The indifference of his face was gradually replaced by shock. Locke didn\'t know what the desperate spider mother found. He only knew that the true God existed. At this time, his inner fluctuation was extremely violent.

"It seems that Taoist friends have learned the information they want to know." After a long time, Daozu Hongjun said to the desperate spider mother.

"I just learned a little, but it\'s not comprehensive." Replied the desperate spider mother.

After pondering for a moment, the desperate spider mother continued, "are you sure you are on the right path? In my opinion, this is just a disguised cage that keeps you stuck in the star world."

"From a certain point of view, this road you take is no different from the wrong road I chose when I entered the world of despair." Continued the desperate spider mother.

The words of the desperate spider mother made the Taoist ancestor look down and silent for a moment.

After a while, Daozu said, "the main road I took was the only road I could take at that time."

"If Pangu opened the sky, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to maintain the current state."

The star world is boundless, which also means that there are many choices in the star world.

Unfortunately, whether it is the civilization of the dead country millions of years ago or Hongjun in ancient times, there is only one way in front of them when they face the choice of promotion to level 9.

(PS: in fact, there are two. The civilization of the country of death is to cross the void and explore the world of despair. Tao Zu Hongjun is to integrate the Tao with the body and learn from Pangu.

It\'s just that they rejected the vertical and horizontal vanity and the opening of the sky, so for them at that time, there was only one way in front of them.)

The answer of Daozu aroused the faint resonance of the desperate spider mother.

In a way, they all chose the right path.

Say they succeed, they seem to succeed.

For example, Daozu has reached the Ninth level, and the Death Master of the civilization of the death country seems to have taken the right path.

But there is nothing wrong with saying that they failed.

For example, Daozu can\'t leave the desolate world now, and with the passage of time, Daozu has the sign of being gradually assimilated by the way of heaven.

The desperate spider mother regained her life from her pet by relying on the backhand she accidentally left millions of years ago.

I\'m afraid no one will think of how to go in the future. These two beings who stand on the top of the star world are also a little confused.

The dialogue between desperate spider mother and Daozu Hongjun was like a riddle. Locke understood some, but some didn\'t.

However, fortunately, the two did not tangle for too long on the mysterious issues that directly reached the essence of the star world. After a few words of dialogue, Hongjun invited Locke and the desperate spider mother to take their seats in Zixiao palace.

After entering Zixiao palace, you basically fall into Hongjun\'s field.

However, at this time, Locke and the desperate spider mother did not hesitate too much. After they entered the main hall together, the first thing that came into Locke\'s eyes was the main hall of Nuo Da, which appeared in the six tuanpu seats directly in front.

From his wife, Princess Iron Fan, Locke also heard a lot of ancient secrets of the wasteland world.

For example, his cheap father-in-law, the ancestor of the Styx River, once worked with the demon master Kunpeng to kill the ancestor of the red cloud who had a great purple Qi.

In the past, Locke probably didn\'t quite understand what Hongmeng purple gas was.

However, with the improvement of his vision and experience, Locke has a feeling that Hongmeng purple gas should be the original power of the Xianyu Honghuang world.

During the war of zicha yanhun world, zicha yanhun world, one of the large planes, can transfer the origin of planes to shape a dominant life body in a short time. It is unreasonable that the flood and wasteland world with a larger volume can\'t do it.

At that time, the Taoist ancestor gave his disciples Hongmeng purple Qi, which is estimated to be convenient for them to be promoted to master in the future.

Moreover, Hongmeng purple gas is not the only way for the friars in the immortal region to be promoted to dominate. The ancestor of Styx, demon master Kunpeng and zhenyuanzi immortal, the ancestor of earth immortals, do not have Hongmeng purple gas, but with the subsequent opening of the war in the outer world, they do not reach the dominant level one after another.

Looking at the six tuanpu seats in front of him, Locke said curiously, "master Daozu, I heard that you left an oral message in ancient times. The number of saints in the immortal region cannot exceed seven, which corresponds to the purple Qi of the seven Hongmeng. Why?"

For Locke\'s inquiry, Daozu Hongjun did not hide it, and directly and frankly replied, "with the volume of the immortal domain, he could only bear the presence of Seven Saints at that time."

"With the successive occurrence of the Dragon Han disaster and the Lich disaster, the number of saints in the immortal region can only be maintained at six." Daozu said.

At the same time, a purple Xuanqi appeared in the hands of Taoist Zu.

This way contains the mysterious Qi with strong plane origin and law power, which is the Hongmeng purple Qi fascinated by hundreds of millions of monks in the immortal region.

In fact, the Taoist priest had not said a word, that is, if it were not for the end of the Lich catastrophe, there were six saints in the famine at that time, and all the six saints were his own disciples and registered disciples, I\'m afraid the Taoist priest would reduce the number of saints in the famine world by one or two.

In doing so, Daozu did not mean to suppress the number of saints, but from the perspective of the boundless heaven. Indeed, according to the situation at that time, Xianyu could not bear so many saints.

Because once the balance and limit are broken, endless chaos and internal friction will appear.

The appearance of the third Fengshen catastrophe is actually the conscious elimination of some excess power in the wasteland world under the control of Daozu.

However, with the development of extraterrestrial world, the problems that once were no longer problems.

For the Xianyu civilization at this time, the more saints and quasi saints, the better.

Because the stronger the overall strength of Xianyu civilization, the more feedback it will bring to Daozu and the wasteland world.

Even in the war of foreign expansion in recent tens of thousands of years, Daozu secretly took a supportive attitude, otherwise he would not have lent Tiandao sword to Lao Tzu at the beginning.

Daozu\'s answer made Locke nod, which was also Locke\'s expected answer.

But then, to Locke\'s surprise, Daozu Hongjun mentioned another thing with Locke.

To be exact, it was Daozu Hongjun who asked Locke to do him a favor.

"My three disciples Tongtian are about to be killed and robbed recently. I hope you can help my disciple escape the robbery, Knight Locke." Hongjun said to Locke.


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