Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4200

"Unfortunately, I haven\'t had enough." Looking at Jin Yuzi\'s foot stepping on a yellow cloud and leaving, Garon sol curled his mouth and said.

Jinyuzi did return from the fierce battlefield of Tara, but who was worse than her in the experience of the demon king of hell.

This is a group of hob meat growing up from the bloody war in the infernal hell. In addition, it has also experienced the war of hell destruction and the war of Zisha burning soul world group not long ago. On the basis of war experience, it is enough to throw jinyuzi ten streets.

Hell demons have been rebellious for a long time. Otherwise, many races and civilizations in the star world will not evaluate them as chaotic and evil.

Locke didn\'t know that the goods under his command almost made a mysterious immortal of Buddhism cry. He just visited the square market of Jiuding world with the mother of despair spider. Locke, who has an understanding of the current development of Xianyu, is about to set off for the flood wasteland.

Jiuding cultivation world, as a medium-sized cultivation world, although there is also a transmission array directly leading to the wasteland world, because the transmission array has not been used for many years, it will take some time to restart.

Moreover, with the life essence of Locke and the desperate spider mother, it takes a lot of energy spars to transfer them to the desolate world.

The Jiuding cultivation world is not as rich as the Qingyang world. Just the collection of those spiritual stones, the Jiuding cultivation world has to be misappropriated from many small and micro cultivation worlds nearby.

Don\'t forget that Locke\'s 20 million elite Legion costs a lot to send directly to the front battlefield.

"You\'ll wait for me at the border of the blue fist martial arts star domain first. Don\'t fight at will without my command."

"If it\'s the leader of the jiejiao Tongtian sect, the sage of Nu Wa of the demon family or the ancestor of the blood Styx river who asks you for help, you can do it at your discretion." Locke said to the dragon mother danilis, kakarot, the goddess of wisdom Athena, Carter Gustavo and others.

After that, Locke and the desperate spider mother looked at each other, and then set foot on the transmission array to the boundless world.


The wild world.

No matter how many eyes he looks at the world, Locke will always be impressed by the vastness and profound details of this huge cultivation world.

He is also a dominant strong man who has been to the light God world, but compared with the details of the light God world and the wasteland world, Locke still thinks that the wasteland world with vast land and abundant resources is better.

Apart from other things, just the area and vast extent of the wasteland world are larger than the light God world.

Of course, the bright Protoss also has its advantages.

Only the more than 20000 regular and complete belief planes and extremely exaggerated beliefs rule the star domain, which is the height that the immortal domain civilization can\'t reach in a short time.

"Well, Knight Locke, let\'s go to the East China Sea first, and then act together when we leave." Said the prisoner cow to Locke.

In addition to the desperate spider mother, there are a large number of children under the star beast tyrant who came to the wasteland world with Locke at the same time.

The other eight dragon beasts of the star beast family have been returned except that mockery wind did not return to the immortal domain immediately.

Mockery wind did not come back, not because it did not want to come back, but because it was temporarily inseparable from Ariba chamber of Commerce.

And with the energy of derisive wind in Ariba chamber of Commerce, as well as all kinds of resources and forces it can mobilize, it will eventually bring more help to the Xianyu dragon family than the prisoner and Jain with level 6 peak strength.

Honghuang Donghai, as the birthplace of the Dragon nationality in Xianyu, is a place of rejuvenation that the Dragon nationality has attached great importance to since ancient times.

Although at present, the vast majority of dragon families have gone abroad with the saints of Xianyu, there are still many old dragons stationed in the boundary of the East China Sea.

If prisoner Niu and Pu Lao want to help Xianyu dragons get out of trouble, they must first know what has happened recently and why so many real dragons have fallen.

This trip to the East China Sea can also be regarded as a return home of star beasts such as prisoners and cattle.

"Well, I\'ll call you when I leave."

"If you need any help, you can contact me through this feather of destruction." Locke said to the prisoner and handed him a black feather with a faint destructive power.

This feather of destruction is also a symbol of Locke\'s identity. In addition to being able to get in touch with Locke more conveniently, this feather of destruction also contains a very obscure power of domination.

He nodded to Locke, and then the prisoner cow took his brothers and sisters and flew to the direction of the boundless East China Sea.

Locke turned around with the desperate spider mother and flew out of the boundless world.

Zixiao palace is located outside the wasteland. As the Taoist ancestral court, its location and details have always been mysterious.

I don\'t know how many wild creatures and even immortal friars expected to find Zixiao palace and listen to the teachings of Taoist ancestors, but they all failed in the end.

Since ancient times, after three sermons in Zixiao palace, Taoist ancestors have permanently closed Zixiao palace.

Apart from the fact that the Taoist disciples such as Tongtian sect leader and Yuanshi Tianzun occasionally see the Taoist ancestor, it is difficult for ordinary creatures to see the true face of the Taoist ancestor.

Zixiao palace, which is extremely mysterious to the living creatures in the wilderness, quietly appeared as Locke and the desperate spider mother came out of the wilderness world.

The huge palace is not as big as Rockstar harbor, but it is also half the size.

As the holy land of ancient preaching, Zixiao palace has no obvious array and energy circuit on the surface, but both Locke and desperate spider mother feel extremely rich and profound law ripples.

At least in the field of rules, Daozu Hongjun is definitely more than Locke.

As for the desperate spider mother, Locke is not sure, but looking at her equally dignified face at this time, it is estimated that she is somewhat inferior to Daozu.

When Locke and the desperate spider mother flew to the Zixiao palace, the closed door opened immediately.

Through many buildings and halls, Locke and the desperate spider mother finally stopped at the deepest main hall.

As the bedroom of the strongest man in the immortal realm, the situation in Zixiao palace is much simpler than Locke imagined.

At this time, nuota\'s palace didn\'t even have a servant to serve, including any rockery and waterside. By comparison, Locke\'s star harbor is extravagant to the limit.

In the main hall of Zixiao palace, a middle-aged man with a long sword stood quietly.

Locke is no stranger to the long sword that cut off the head of Piacenza\'s ancient crocodile king.

Therefore, the identity of the middle-aged man is also clear.

"Two Taoist friends." Hongjun nodded slightly.

Obviously, he looks like an ordinary middle-aged man, but Locke, who enters the main hall of Zixiao palace, obviously feels the obscure and profound pressure in front of him.

This is by no means Locke\'s opponent, not even Locke. Even if the endless Lord comes, I\'m afraid it\'s hard to get anything good from Hongjun.

However, Locke didn\'t come to fight with Hongjun this time, and Hongjun obviously didn\'t mean to target two level 8 creatures.

The subtle and profound pressure on the other party is the natural authority of Hongjun level 9 life level.

"Hello, Daozu." Locke replied respectfully.