Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4199

With the Xianyu civilization, it officially began its journey to the extraterrestrial world more than 100000 years ago.

The transmission technology and popularity in the whole Xianyu have been greatly strengthened.

Ordinary low-level and micro cultivation realms have transmission channels to medium-sized cultivation realms, and all medium-sized cultivation realms are interconnected with each other under the series connection of several sage level strongmen, and even many have been connected with the boundless world.

From a certain point of view, this is also a manifestation of Xianyu\'s resource integration and strength cohesion.

In addition, great changes have taken place in Xianyu civilization in recent years. All levels of Lingshi no longer have the ability to trade and shop. Only the "Xianyu" jointly launched by several saints and taoting can really represent the official currency of Xianyu.

Like the magic coins of the wizard civilization, Xianyu coins can only be used within the radiation range of the fairy domain, so the resource trade between the wizard civilization and the fairy domain in recent years is still dominated by barter.

Perhaps only when the two world civilizations discuss and agree on the specific exchange ratio between magic currency and fairy jade, can these two currencies be circulated in the two world civilizations.

Overall, however, it is unlikely.

Because the space-time distance between wizard civilization and immortal civilization is very long, holding each other\'s currency for a long time is not very good for both sides.

Jiuding cultivation world is a medium-sized cultivation world whose rules are much smaller than Qingyang world. When entering this medium-sized cultivation world, Locke, as an eight level creature, obviously felt the oppression of rules and environment.

It\'s like a strong man crowded into a small room. Locke has a hunch that he doesn\'t even need to take the initiative to do anything for the medium-sized cultivation world. Just fully extend the power dominated by his level 8 knight, and the medium-sized cultivation world will collapse.

Different from Locke\'s depression and oppression, the peer\'s desperate spider mother tends to be normal after entering this medium-sized cultivation world.

This shows that the control of despair spider mother in the field of power is more subtle than Locke.

The arrival of a large number of wizard civilization legions has brought great pressure to the stationed monks in Jiuding cultivation world.

These garrison friars are generally low in energy level. Like the situation in Qingyang world, more than 90% of the elite friars are led by immortal level strong men to the battlefield of blue fist Wudao star domain.

At present, the strongest friar in Jiuding cultivation world is a Xuanxian female friar. The other party introduces herself as an elucidation disciple, whose law name is Jin Yuzi.

Jin Yuzi just returned from the front line of blue fist martial arts. She is a core disciple of elucidation who has gone deep into the battle of Tara star domain. Because she was seriously injured in the war, she got the consent of master guangchengzi and returned to immortal domain to recuperate.

Maybe he got some hint from the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. When Locke arrived at the Jiuding cultivation world with his army, Jin Yuzi couldn\'t wait to prepare the transmission array and hoped to support all the 20 million troops to the front battlefield.

It\'s a pity that Jin Yuzi is only a level-5 Xuanxian. Not to mention the majesty of the sage level like Locke, there are dozens of guys in his army that she can\'t handle.

As a demon king at the top of level 6, he just got rid of his sister\'s nagging not long ago and was very curious about jinyuzi, a female nun in the immortal region.

"Why are you so ugly?" Garon sol widened his yellow and green eyes and said to Jin Yuzi with colorful wings behind him.

It is not that the nun Jin Yuzi is really ugly, but that as a demon king of hell, Garon Sol\'s aesthetic concept itself is very different from that of wizard civilization and fairy civilization.

For example, in Locke\'s eyes, the beautiful dongnishang and yunxueer are extremely ugly in the eyes of Garon sol.

But in front of Locke, Garon sol would not be so indifferent.

This time, the target is Jin Yuzi. This guy is too busy to flirt with this unpopular female monk in the immortal region.

Although garron sol speaks pure hell demon language, Jin Yuzi, who has the ability of divine communication, doesn\'t know what garron just expressed.

A pretty face turned white in an instant, and the black beauty mole beside his lips was trembling slightly.

If a low-level monster appeared in front of her at this time, even if it was the demon king of the same level, Jin Yuzi probably turned out his magic weapon and smashed the other party.

It\'s a pity that Garonne sol is a quasi Saint level strong man. Let alone she can\'t provoke her. Even if her master guangchengzi came in person, she probably didn\'t dare to smash the sky turning seal on Garonne\'s skull.

Who let him have a sister with abnormal nerves!

Garron Sol\'s flirting caused a group of high-level hell demons beside him to roar with laughter.

Not to mention the level 4 and level 5 demons, let alone Carter Gustavo, who is also the peak level of level 6, are the ordinary level 6 flame king finotoan, the demon queen Karia, and the prophet decadent anbison. Similarly, they are not the existence that jinyuzi can provoke.

The idea of these hell demons is very simple. The light Protoss destroyed hell, but the immortal civilization is a powerful civilization that once defeated the light Protoss from the front battlefield.

Their flirtation at this time is to find some elements of self comfort from this strange relationship chain.

Fortunately, Locke\'s men are not all such boring guys. Elune, the spirit God who broke through level 6 thousands of years ago, stood up and took the initiative to go to Jin Yuzi to appease, "our march is naturally dominated by the most powerful knight. Lord Locke is responsible for dispatching."

"According to your strength, don\'t get involved."

"As for when we will sail to the war front, you don\'t count, nor do we."

It may be because they are both women, or it may be that Elune, the God of elves, has a very high affinity. The Xuanxian jinyuzi, who was almost teased by several demon kings one second ago, finally stabilized his mood at the last moment.

A monk who can cultivate to the realm of Xuanxian is definitely not a fool.

Needless to say, Jin Yuzi has also participated in the war in the Tara star domain. In the terrorist battlefield where he can feel the power of the dominant power from a close distance, Jin Yuzi\'s ability to persist is a proof of his strength and mind.

Guangchengzi, her teacher, transferred her back to Xianyu for recuperation this time. In fact, she is also taking care of and protecting her, hoping that she can reach the realm of Dalai in the future.

Take a deep breath and adjust the state of Jin Yuzi. This time, he didn\'t say a word of nonsense.

After opening the transmission array connected to the star domain of blue fist martial arts, the female monk silently returned to the sect door.

Indeed, as Elune, the God of elves, said, if the level is not enough, don\'t intervene too much.

If you want these legions to go to the front line of the war at the first time, I\'m afraid it\'s only possible for Yuanshi Tianzun to talk to Locke in person.