Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4198

"There is a message from the immortal domain. We are allowed to use the transmission array in the Jiuding cultivation world ahead."

"This time, the news came from the immortal region\'s elucidation. Their situation seems to be more critical. They not only promised to fully provide the resources required for transmission, but also the oracle of the first emperor of Yuqing. I hope we can support the ukmon world in the blue fist Wudao star region as soon as possible." Daenerys, the dragon mother, spoke to Locke.

"Oh? Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun will ask for help." A smile appeared on Locke\'s face.

Before, the wizard civilization took the initiative to ask if Xianyu needed help. The answer of Xianyu civilization was No.

Now, Locke has just led the army to Xianyu territory, and the signal of the first emperor of Yuqing for help came at the first time.

There are generally two possibilities for this situation.

First, when Locke and others arrived in Xianyu, the civilization of Xianyu encountered a long-standing counterattack from the hostile civilization. On the premise that there was no other external force to ask for help, the Tianzun at the beginning of Yuqing could only ask Locke for help.

Another possibility is that the war situation of Xianyu civilization has entered a state of erosion early. The reason why they don\'t ask for help from the wizard civilization is the self-esteem of their top civilization. They are not allowed to do such things. For a long time, the civilization of Xianyu has only been rigid.

Considering the overall strength of Xianyu civilization and the town like Daozu Hongjun, Locke prefers the first answer.

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun sent a signal for help, which does not mean that Locke will follow.

His relationship with Yuanshi Tianzun has always been general, especially when the hermeneutic army withdrew from the underworld star domain, he did not trade the occupation plane to the wizard civilization, but sold it to the rose imperial civilization and the world group of iron and steel castle, which covered a gap between hermeneutics and the wizard world.

If the one who asks Locke for help at the moment is the leader of jiejiao Tongtian, Locke will take someone to help without saying a word. Even in order to get on the road, Locke, as the dominant existence, will directly tear up the space and strive to reach the target plane at the first time.

But if it\'s just Yuqing\'s original Heavenly Master

"Inform all legions to prepare to use the transmission array in the Jiuding cultivation world."

"However, we are not in a hurry to go to the front line of the war. Before officially participating in the war, I\'d better meet several other sages in the immortal region." Locke said.

At the same time, an obscure wave of spatial force appeared beside Locke.

When dongnishang, Baxia and other nearby creatures have no perception, the desperate spider mother quietly appears.

"Mistress, did you find anything?" Locke did not turn his head, but asked directly.

With the continuous improvement in the field of power, the once unfathomable spider mother of despair, at least in today\'s Locke\'s view, has a trace to follow, rather than the existence that can\'t see the bottom and end at all.

"The energy composition and regular mechanism of this star domain are interesting. I can smell a breath of level 9 creatures."

"It should be the existence born in the past history of Xianyu. This breath is very close to a rule virtual shadow I saw before, that is, the virtual shadow summoned by those witch families that you attracted during the war of wizard civilization." Said the desperate spider mother.

Desperate spider mother herself has participated in the counterattack war of wizard civilization, so she knows that the big array of Twelve Gods and evil spirits of the witch family is not enough.

Just in the chaotic void, I feel some of the breath left by Pangu. Although Locke has tried his best to get close to the mother of despair, there is still a big gap between the two.

At least this perception, Locke is not far away.

However, what Locke doesn\'t know is that the despair spider mother can feel the breath left by Pangu, not entirely because of her extraordinary perception. The more important factor is that the despair spider mother has a special power of time and space.

She can cross the long river of time and space and catch a trace left by Pangu, once a ninth level creature, from the tiny details.

"Don\'t rush to participate in the war of this civilization. As a top civilization, if it is so easily destroyed by several large worlds, it doesn\'t have the value of existence."

"You first go with me to the center of this star field. I can feel the sight of peeping. When we first came to the Qingyang world, we had a projection." The desperate spider mother said to Locke.

In the center of the immortal realm is the location of the Honghuang world.

Since the line of sight came from the flood plain, with the solemn attitude of the desperate spider mother, Locke can easily guess that the owner of the line of sight should be Daozu Hongjun.

In fact, the desperate spider mother had to pull Locke to come to the immortal region. There was also a reason why the desperate spider mother didn\'t believe in Taoist Hongjun.

There is no friendship without reason in this world, although the desperate spider mother is very close to the level 9 realm, and her two life experiences also make her master the power of rules more proficient.

But close contact with a strange level 9 creature also poses a certain risk to the desperate spider mother.

Locke readily agreed to the request of the desperate spider mother.

Speaking of it, he has also been curious about the Taoist ancestor Hongjun of Xianyu for a long time.

In the past, due to the limitations of their own strength and status, they were unable to personally contact the sage\'s teacher.

But now Locke has reached the top of level 8. From some angles, he is qualified to have a positive dialogue with Hongjun.

Don\'t exaggerate the Ninth level creature. With Locke\'s deeper understanding of power and rules, Locke gradually realized a truth, that is, since he still exists in the star world, there must be a reason for his existence.

The balance law of the star world runs through every corner of the star world. If there are creatures beyond the rule mechanism, they don\'t need others to target them. The balance law of the star world will automatically eliminate these differences.

So far, Hongjun has not disappeared from the star world like other level 9 creatures, which must mean that Hongjun is a little different from ordinary level 9 creatures.

With some bolder idea to guess, Locke thinks Hongjun may also die.

Of course, there are not many means to kill Hongjun in the whole star world.

At least Locke and the desperate spider mother probably don\'t have this ability.

This time, Locke went to the wasteland with the desperate spider mother. It was just a rational and cautious approach when he first met the Ninth level creature.


Under Locke\'s command, the 20 million Legion drove to the border of Xianyu through the transmission array of Jiuding cultivation world.

But without Locke\'s order, these legions will not fight easily.

Locke himself and the desperate spider mother rushed to the wild world. The other two dominant creatures, kakarot and phantom Riel, did not follow Locke.

The 20 million Legion also needs someone to sit down. Locke doesn\'t want to find that his legion is forced to the front line by the saints in Xianyu after he returns from the wasteland.

Everyone has a good relationship, but it doesn\'t make sense to let Locke do it without paying some benefits?

In those days, the saints\' courts in Xianyu made enough money on the battlefield of wizard civilization. Now Locke reaches out to the saints\' courts in Xianyu, which is not too much.