Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4197

The meeting with Taoist Heisha is only a small episode after Locke arrived at Qingyang world.

After only staying in Xujia village for a few days, Locke and his party left.

There was no fierce evil spirit that the other party showed when he first met the dark evil Taoist. At this time, the dark evil Taoist was more like an old man entering his twilight years.

In the past few days in Xujia village, Locke saw the children in the village more than once, calling each other "Grandpa Xu" in a very respectful and loving tone. This makes Locke\'s memory of the image of the dark evil Taoist, can not help but have some deviation.

"The genius born in the star world is unknown. It\'s good that Taoist Heisha chose to finish the second half of his life in this way." After leaving Xujia village, Locke said with some emotion.

In terms of talent and potential, the Heisha Taoist priest in the semi divine realm was so exaggerated that he could surpass the existence of the fourth level gods.

However, the growth of genius is rarely plain sailing. In other words, it is estimated that the whole star world can grow to a very high level without going step by step.

The secret injury left by the demigod in that year was the main reason why the Taoist Heisha finally fixed his step in the later stage of level 5.

Although Locke\'s means and ability at this time can help Taoist Heisha clear away his stubborn diseases, judging from his current state and state of mind, it is estimated that he has no intention to continue to grow stronger.

Compared with the long road of cultivation, Locke could see that Taoist Heisha was more concerned about the small mountain village and hundreds of people in the village who had blood ties with him.


The operation of 20 million combat legions is not an easy task.

In addition, the Qingyang world is located in the Xianyu territory, which is very far away from the star domain where the wizard civilization is located. It was not until Locke stayed in the Qingyang world for nearly half a month that the 20 million combat legions were put in place.

Starbeast bully inferior exists. This should be the first time to return to his hometown since he left the immortal domain.

When he left the immortal realm, the star beasts such as Baxia, Pang and Pang were still egg shaped.

Therefore, compared with the faint nostalgia shown by prison cattle and Pu prison, Baxia, negative and other guys are more curious about all kinds of things in Xianyu.

Qingyang world belongs to the Antarctic immortal world, which governs the cultivation world. Because the Antarctic immortal world has been completely destroyed with the invasion war of the bright Protoss, several well-known cultivation worlds around Qingyang world can see the shadow left by the war in that year.

Riding on Ba Xia\'s back, Locke looked at the situation of several nearby monasteries.

The 20 million combat legions are not a small number. Before greeting the saints of the immortal domain in advance, these legions had better not rush to the transmission channel.

The way of directly walking through the chaotic void can enable many foreign creatures who come to the fairy kingdom for the first time to better observe and understand this top civilization.

A thin black energy mask appeared on the surface of the army, dominated by Locke\'s level 8 knights. It was not difficult to protect these legions from walking through the chaotic void.

Of course, if an unlucky guy accidentally falls outside through the energy shield, it\'s none of Locke\'s business.

This energy shield only protects the outside, not the inside.

Whether he will live or die depends on his own creation.

"Did your father know that you went to the front battlefield with us?" Standing on Ba Xia\'s back, Locke turned and asked the East nishang beside him.

In fact, Locke brought more than a dozen space fortresses to Xianyu this time. However, in order to observe the current situation of Xianyu more closely, Locke chose to stand on his back.

Dong nishang did not show any unhappiness because he was too simple on his back.

In fact, this woman is still secretly happy.

Dongfang Bai didn\'t tell dongnishang exactly how anxious the war on the Xianyu front was, but judging from many details and frequent mobilization of resources, the situation is not optimistic.

Dongfang Bai didn\'t tell Dong nishang about these things in order to protect Dong nishang.

On the premise that all monks above the foundation period in the major cultivation circles of the whole immortal region have been forcibly recruited, dongnishang, as a powerful golden immortal, has not gone deep into the front line of the battlefield. It has to be said that this is the result of Dongfang Bai\'s intentional preference and care.

Even zhunti of Saint level nearly fell. How dare Dongfang Bai take dongnishang to the front line.

At least, Dongfang Bai will not agree to dongnishang\'s desire to participate in the war until the front-line war is clear.

"I didn\'t know before. I should know now."

"And this time I set out with you. Even if there is any danger, can\'t you protect me?" Dongnishang asked Locke with a smile.

Locke didn\'t say much about it.

Indeed, if even the battles he brought today can\'t protect a dongnishang, then the civilization of Xianyu is not far from being destroyed.

And in the process of continuous progress, Locke also roughly found out the current situation of Xianyu through multiple cultivation circles in the way and the news obtained from dongnishang beside him.

Today, there are three main enemies of Xianyu civilization, namely, the strength of large-scale world civilization: Enze continent, Tara star and the remnant of blue fist martial arts who were destroyed by Xianyu civilization.

Today, the front line of the war is mainly located outside the blue fist Wudao star domain. At the same time, facing the immortal domain of two large world civilizations, Enze mainland and Tara, each has its own victory and defeat in many battles with these two world civilizations.

The pressure brought by the remnant of blue fist martial arts is mainly the destruction and inflammatory uprising they frequently caused within the star domain of blue fist martial arts.

The legacy of blue fist martial arts, which was once interrupted by the civilization of Xianyu, is not simple now. According to some specious news, this legacy of civilization seems to have three masters.

Not to mention the strength of the Legion, just about the number of dominant individuals, the number of masters owned by the remnant of blue fist martial arts is even more than that of Tara.

After all, in addition to having a demon God cassoro comparable to the combat power of level 8, there is also a first Apostle who was promoted to level 7 not long ago.

At present, Locke has not got an accurate answer to how many masters exist in Enze mainland. It is estimated that he will not know until he meets the leader of Tongtian cult or other sages in the immortal region.

However, there is no doubt that the world civilization that has brought the greatest pressure to Xianyu civilization is Enze mainland.

Because the information revealed from many aspects shows that it is this large-scale world civilization that plays the role of connecting the strengths of the other two civilizations.

And on the front battlefield, although the Legion of Enze continent is not as bloodthirsty and violent as the battle legion of Tara, they are the most difficult opponents.

All kinds of attack methods and some strange abilities made the friars in the immortal region suffer a lot.