Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4196

Qingyang world.

As an important hub of wizard civilization and immortal civilization, this medium-sized cultivation world has developed more and more rapidly in recent years.

In particular, after Xianyu frequently launched foreign civilization wars, the resources of the wizard world were continuously traded to Xianyu civilization through Qingyang world. Similarly, there were also Xianyu specialty resources and civilization war wealth flowing into wizard civilization through this world.

In the process of mutual exchange and development between the two world civilizations, Qingyang community itself has also degenerated and become more and more prosperous and powerful.

Through the huge space transmission array in front of Tianyi mountain, Locke and other powerful wizards and civilizations came to the site of Tianyi palace.

The towering mountain at the foot used to be called Qingyang mountain. As the largest plane node in Qingyang, this mountain also represented the face of Qingyang sect, the strongest sect in Qingyang.

However, time has changed. Qingyang sect has long become a thing of the past. Now it is tianyigong that really acts as a big Mac sect in Qingyang circle.

The name of Tianyi mountain is taboo, so it comes.

If the name of Qingyang has not been used for a long time, including those saints, who are generally aware of the world, otherwise many top monks and great energy in this field suggest changing the name of this field to "tianyijie".

This can be regarded as flattering tianyigong. Of course, it can also reveal the influence of tianyigong in this field.

"Long time no see!" Locke, who stepped out of the huge space transmission array, saw the top of the palace que group below at the first sight, wearing a Green East neon dress.

As the young palace leader of Tianyi palace, dongnishang has been promoted to the realm of golden immortals.

Indeed, there is potential, inheritance, and more importantly, there is no lack of resources. In Locke\'s opinion, dongnishang can enter the level 6 realm.

At this time, compared with tens of thousands of years ago, the appearance of dongnishang has not changed much. The skin is better than snow. The gentle green silk highlights the unique style of women in Xianyu. (PS: the picture of the East neon, the official account is D, I love bean search.

The only change is that the temperament is more mature.

Moreover, Locke observed dongnishang from the perspective of dominant creatures and found that Da Luo Jinxian was not the end of dongnishang. If there was no accident, she should also be able to go to the holy realm in the future.

"Yes, long time no see."

"Should I call you Locke now, or should I call you a saint?" Dong nishang smiled and joked.

Dongnishang\'s state at this time can\'t see that Locke has been promoted to level 8 master for the time being.

However, whether it is a seven level master or an eight level master, it is an unattainable Saint level in dongnishang\'s vision.

Being able to make fun of Locke at this time shows that dongnishang still cherishes the friendship with Locke in the past.

In particular, Locke smiled and teased dongnishang. The estrangement between old friends who hadn\'t seen each other for tens of thousands of years disappeared in an instant.

The trans plane space transmission array in the sky is still in operation. The endless army brought by Locke is reaching the Qingyang world through the transmission array in order.

Whether giants, demons, or demons, in short, these creatures from the foreign world made the local garrison monks in Qingyang raise their heads and look up at these amazing guys.

In the main hall of the leader of Tianyi palace, Locke and dongnishang sat here.

On this trip, Locke came to the fairy kingdom. There were not many knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizard world, but one person could walk with Locke into the leader\'s hall, that is the dragon mother danilis.

Along with the dragon mother danilis, it is enough to see that this woman has gradually resorted to unscrupulous means in order to be the master of promotion.

It\'s really a pity for the dragon mother that Zisha yanhun World War I failed to touch the true meaning of domination.

Coming to Xianyu to seek opportunities is also the last fight of the dragon mother.

If she can\'t advance this time, the dragon mother will give up her pursuit of the dominant realm and devote her energy to the development of the Dragon warlock family.

Because the dragon mother is the master of promotion, she has occupied too many resources of the Dragon warlock family.

Although she is a contemporary family owner, she is not alone in the Dragon warlock family.

With the end of the war of Zisha yanhun world group, three level-6 dragon warlocks were born in the Dragon warlock family in addition to the dragon mother.

If the dragon mother is hopeless to be promoted, it is necessary for her to leave the opportunity to future generations, which is also the characteristic of family inheritance.

After all, that\'s how the dragon mother took over the blood furnace from her father.

During the conversation between Locke and dongnishang, the dragon mother danilis didn\'t interrupt.

Nearly 100000 years have passed since the end of the Sea King World War. The dragon mother has never broken through the barrier from level 6 peak to level 7 creature, which makes the proud and conceited woman gradually become silent.

Locke can feel the change of the Dragon Mother\'s mind, but he can\'t do anything about it.

Help level 6 creature to ascend to the master level, not to mention that he is a level 8 creature. It is difficult for level 9 master Hongjun to do so.

It is worth mentioning that besides Locke himself, there are also kakarot and the phantom Riel.

Kakarot is now in Locke\'s paradise lost. Unless war comes, nothing can attract him to show up at ordinary times.

At this time, the phantom Riel stayed with his brother gallon. This time, gallon also led nearly a million demons to come. Because the battle in Xianyu is not clear, Riel must spend some energy to take care of her brother.

However, Garon sol himself did not know the crisis situation. Compared with the danger contained in the immortal domain battlefield, this sixth level peak demon was more interested in the immortal domain civilization that defeated the bright Protoss.

In addition, the desperate spider mother also arrived in the fairy kingdom with Locke, but the whereabouts of this existence are uncertain. And she is not here to relieve the war crisis for Xianyu. After seeing Hongjun, the desperate spider mother is expected to leave directly.

After communicating with dongnishang for a moment, Locke got up and planned to visit Qingyang world. After all, he had traveled in this world and left a lot of memories.

Dongfang Bai, the contemporary leader of Tianyi palace, has led a large number of resources and the vast majority of Qingyang friars to the front line of the war.

Today, there are only two or three big cats and kittens left by the monks in Qingyang world, and they are mainly low-level monks.

Accompanied by dongnishang, Locke came to a small mountain village east of the middle of Qingyang circle.

This is an ordinary mountain village like a paradise. I\'m afraid not many people would think that such an ordinary mountain village actually lives in seclusion with the jiuzhuanxuan immortal that most low-level friars in the immortal region must look up to.

"Taoist Heisha, long time no see!" Stepping into a small mountain village called Xujia village, Locke said to an old man in black in the patriarchal ancestral hall.