Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4195

Since Locke has no intention of settling down in the Titan world, Angelina and other women will not always hold Locke\'s pigtail.

After spending several months with Angelina and other women, making them unable to conduct magic experiments normally, Locke was finally driven out of their laboratory by several women.

Here is a single building in the depths of Xinggang. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who is lying in bed enjoying Locke\'s dominant power to warm her body, let out a pleasant groan Sing.

In addition to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Venus, the God of love, and Artemis, the goddess of hunting, are also here.

Venus, the God of love, came on his own initiative. This woman shows signs of becoming Locke\'s pet.

Artemis, the goddess of hunting, was called by Locke. This wild Titan goddess never knew what initiative was.

However, it was the other party\'s temperament that made her barely occupy a place in Locke\'s heart, rather than a simple vase.

In the World War I of Zisha burning soul, Venus, the God of love, and Artemis, the goddess of hunting, did not participate.

Venus is like a canary in Locke\'s star harbor, and the battlefield of Artemis, the goddess of hunting, is a low-level battlefield with low intensity.

As the sixth level Titan goddess who participated in the World War I of zichayan soul, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, not only gained a lot of war achievements in zichayan soul world, but also left a body of injuries in zichayan soul world.

Those violent elemental creatures are not soft persimmons, and one of Athena\'s greatest achievements in the World War of zichayan soul is to kill a generation of guardians in the world of zichayan soul.

This also left Athena with a heavy injury that is difficult to erase.

With Locke\'s dominant power to provide warm care, Athena recovered more and more well after the war.

This is more effective than what golden apples, and Rock also took the initiative to mobilize a group of life from paradise lost into the body of Athena, almost recuperate for several years, Athena can return to its peak.

Athena, who was scoured again by Locke\'s dominant power, showed a crimson color.

On the other hand, Venus, the God of love, and Artemis, the goddess of hunting, have completely lost their strength. No matter how high their level of life is, no woman can withstand his storm in the face of Locke\'s supreme Knight\'s dominant constitution.

At present, the only one who can fight with Locke in bed is Athena, the goddess of wisdom with the same amazing physique. Theo, the God of light, who was promoted to level 6 earlier than her, is far inferior to Athena in this regard.

Water emulsion The joy of blending is one of Locke\'s few leisure activities after dealing with wizard civilization and wizard alliance government affairs.

This time, after being satisfied, Athena came up to Locke and asked, "are you going to Xianyu next? If you go, can you take me?"

Locke\'s upcoming departure for the fairy kingdom is still highly confidential in the whole wizard civilization.

Although many top powers in the wizard world have received news in advance, these powers definitely do not include Athena, who belongs to the Titan Protoss.

Athena can learn about Locke\'s next whereabouts, mostly from Angelina, Keira and other women.

The female Titan God took the initiative to show weakness in front of Angelina and other women before. In addition to letting Angelina and other women completely accept her, she also got a lot of practical or nominal benefits from Angelina and other women.

Glancing down at Athena, Locke nodded without denying it.

As for whether to take Athena to Xianyu, after considering for a moment, Locke immediately agreed to Athena\'s request.

Although Locke intended to go to Xianyu with a large army to help the war, after repeated discussion by the high level of wizard civilization, he finally decided that before Xianyu civilization explicitly asked for help from wizard civilization, the legions of knights and magicians should not be transferred rashly.

The combat legions that will follow Locke to the immortal region will also be dominated by elite slave biological legions.

And keeping the Legion of knights and magicians in the territory of wizard civilization can also effectively prevent the rebound from the iron tower world and false word civilization.

Recently, elemental creatures led by fire have initiated the recovery process of more than 700 elemental planes.

Although no element plane has been taken back by zicha yanhun world so far, it can be predicted that the contradiction between zicha yanhun world and iron tower world will become deeper and deeper with the passage of time.

As the originator of the wizard civilization, I also want to take the opportunity to see where the bottom line of the purple Temple burning soul world is.

The tower star domain and the unreal word civilization are far away from the Zisha Yan soul world group. Although these two world civilizations are the main opponents of the wizard world in the process of external expansion, the conquering goal of the wizard civilization for a long time is still those small and medium-sized world civilizations with weak strength and large number.

For these world civilizations, it is no longer appropriate to fight civilization on the scale of hundreds of millions.

On the contrary, the invading Legion composed of a few or individual strong people above level 4 is about to become the mainstream.

Holding a stick and an olive branch.

Those who are weak and unwilling to obey will eventually usher in destruction. Only those who know the current affairs and have a certain level of strength are eligible to join the wizard alliance.

The expansion road belonging to the wizard alliance will not stagnate too much because of the end of the war of Zisha yanhun world group.

The short is thousands of years and the long is thousands of years. When the wizard civilization completely recovers itself from the war of Zisha yanhun world group, the next step is the conquest of a large number of small and medium-sized horizontal civilizations.

As for the conflict between the purple chayan soul world and the tower world on the plane sovereignty, it is also one of the means used to divert the attention of those weak world civilizations under this background.


About 500 years after the end of the war of Zisha yanhun world group, Locke, the most powerful Knight of wizard civilization, led a group of elite legions with a number of up to 20 million to travel to Xianyu through cross plane space transmission array.

The arms of these legions are diverse. In addition to a few knights and magicians above level 4, there are many elite legions, such as Titans, Zerg, dragon biological legions, elemental biological legions and so on.

The number of level 6 and above who went to the immortal domain with Locke this time is more than 20. Most of these level 6 strong people are the direct lineage of Locke, including the demon monarchs and demon kings that Locke brought back from hell and the demon world.

Although it is a multi service mixed legion, no one will doubt the strength of this Legion.

Even purely from the perspective of combat effectiveness, the strength that these 20 million creatures can play is not much worse than that of the same number of knights and magicians.


I have posted the figure map of the knight\'s journey on the gongcong number. You can see it after searching "d I love Xiaodou" on the Huixin gongcong number and paying attention to Xiaodou.