Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4194

Watching Optimus leave, Locke nodded without trace.

Maybe even Optimus himself didn\'t realize that although its origin of life was consumed in the desperate world, it was the experience in the desperate world that made Optimus extremely close to the state of domination at this time.

But the transformation of dominant creatures can not be completed simply.

Locke\'s apprentice, the golden monkey, was ranked higher than it in the dangerous place of the rules of the dead people\'s paradise in the desperate world, and received Locke\'s strong support and help after returning to the star world, but it is still stuck in the level 6 peak state, and it is always difficult to take that step.

It\'s hard to say whether Optimus can ascend to the top and dominate the realm. We can only say that it has this potential.

The few golden apples and the honey of life that may be given later are Locke\'s investment in it.

And there are many powerful men with great potential like Optimus.

Locke\'s son Odin won\'t say much. The fire phoenix Mourinho strongly funded by the abbalut Empire also has great potential to enter the dominant realm at present.


After seeing Optimus off, several waves of people came to the reception hall of Rockstar harbor one after another, most of whom were strong in the wizard world.

With the gradual end of the World War of Zisha yanhun, the later deployment of wizard civilization and the next foreign development policy should be carried out step by step.

Among them, Locke paid a little attention to the meeting with master capech mayuda from the business alliance.

Locke himself will probably go to Xianyu next, and Locke does not intend to go empty handed. The leadership of nearly 20 million combat legions is the proof of Locke\'s personal and wizard civilization\'s friendship with Xianyu.

Although the focus for the time being is on the side of Xianyu, it does not mean that the wizard world has any contempt for the war currently encountered by the galent Federation.

Needless to say, in addition to the war situation in the galent Federation, the relationship between wizard civilization and the iron tower world, as well as the development of a large number of medium, small and micro world civilizations around, need to be taken seriously.

Master mayoda of the business alliance capec was finally promoted to level 6 not long ago.

As a level 6 summoner, master mayuda has a wide range of contacts and contacts.

This time, he met with Locke at the first time after the war. Master mayoda mainly talked about the diplomatic concept of galent Federation.

The export of large batches of energy crystals in exchange for other resources of galent Federation, and even the transaction of complete rules, is the proposal put forward by master mayoda to Locke.

As a scientific and technological civilization, the galent Federation does not attach as much importance to those naturally generated regular and complete aspects in the star world as the wizard civilization and most other world civilizations.

Because the galent Federation itself has the ability to transform the planet. The so-called rule complete plane is a planet with less difficulty for the Federation.

Even because of the general weak constitution of the federal people, such as some extreme environments such as fire element plane, ice element plane and thunder element plane, the cost of adaptive transformation by galent Federation is higher than that of some half planes and broken planes.

The special development mode and civilization mechanism lead to the common things in the wizard civilization, but it is extremely difficult for the galent Federation, and vice versa.

It was in the past period of time that master mayuda gradually found a trade road that was very beneficial to wizard civilization through close contact with the galent Federation.

Moreover, because the wizard civilization has ended the war and the galent Federation is in a stalemate state, the wizard civilization can also be regarded as the national wealth of the galent Federation through the attitudes of both sides and their thirst for resources.

When he heard that the galent Federation was willing to trade those fully regulated plane worlds, Locke decided to agree with master mayoda. Next, capech, a business alliance led by master mayoda, will fully represent the wizard civilization to conduct more detailed transaction cooperation with the galent Federation.

"Garrett, there\'s a guy named stark in the Federation. He\'s very interesting. Would you like to see him?"

"Well... He said that he would give us 100 million magic dollars worth of federal specialty resources in his personal capacity to thank the wizard civilization." Mayuda suddenly asked Locke.

Those who are willing to donate resources in the unit of "100 million" must not be ordinary people in the federal society.

Master mayoda did not introduce any of his identity background, indicating that this guy does not represent the federal government and the military.

When he heard that the other party was the \'richest man\', Locke shook his head and said, "I don\'t have time to see just a semi divine creature. You just said that you planned to fully carry out economic cooperation and trade with the Federation. It seems that this guy is used as a medium."

"Do a good job. When necessary, the wizard civilization will also consider sending troops to intervene in the galent federal star war, which will also be one of the chips for your contact with the galent federal side." Locke replied.


In addition to giving instructions on all aspects of things and development, Locke\'s private life became more and more colorful with the end of the war.

In wartime, Locke and his wives may not have seen each other for thousands of years, but after the war, most of Locke\'s wives returned to Xinggang.

After all, Angelina, Kayla, Ashar, Christine, Raffi, Vivien Li, Joaquin and other women are nominally subordinate to the Western archipelago forces. Xinggang, as the center of the Western archipelago, is also the place where the strong people above level 4 of the Western archipelago are most in.

Almost every strong person above level 4 in the western islands has a long-term lease or direct purchase of a real estate in Xinggang, Locke.

During the war, Xinggang gave the impression that it was a huge war platform.

In peacetime, another layer of identity of Rockstar harbor is the gold selling holy land and business center that can be seen in the whole wizard world. Here you can even buy slave creatures above level 4.

Sometimes it\'s not a good thing for Locke once there are more women.

When he was in the Titan world, Locke received three Titan goddesses in one breath. In addition, he had long been with the two women of Hera, the God of light, and there were as many as five women in the Titan world.

For Angelina and other women, they don\'t care how many women Locke takes, but they can\'t tolerate Locke having another \'home\' in the Titan world.

Fortunately, Locke had no similar idea, and several Titan goddesses, including Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Venus, the God of love, were extremely respectful and careful when they met Locke\'s other wives.

In particular, Athena, a Titan goddess with high IQ and EQ, did not show the arrogance of level 6 creatures in front of Angelina and other women. On the contrary, she spoke soft words everywhere, just like a little daughter-in-law who had just entered the door facing the difficulties of a big woman.