Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 405

The green nagas with average strength of only middle-level attendants are not the enemies of Locke.

Like a whirlwind, three nagas were shot out by Locke.

Locke poked several blood holes in his body, and bones could be seen deep. In this way, he could not die. He had to lament the strong vitality of Naga.

Locke\'s great power was also noticed by the nagas on board. Several nagas separated and surrounded Locke.

Locke was not afraid, but faced several nagas at the same time.

Naga\'s height of nearly two meters gave them strength beyond normal human beings. They were middle-level attendants. The pressure they combined to give Locke was not much worse than Locke facing two high-level attendants at the same time.

Locke didn\'t drag it big and used all his strength to seriously face these nagas. Every ten seconds, one Naga was picked out by him. He didn\'t know whether he was alive or dead.

On the deck, except Locke, the strongest is the fighting spirit of a one eyed chief mate and a high-ranking attendant.

The strength of these nagas is not strong. They are crawling with red tarantulas. Their strength has fallen sharply, but with the continuous support of the seabed, they are on a par with the crew on the deck for a time.

Two crew members have been dismembered. A crew member bathed in blood shouted, "boss, use that!"

The chief mate hesitated, looked at his injured men, one eye horizontal, waved and shouted, "come with me!"

The fighting on the deck continued, and Locke didn\'t notice the movements of the two sailors.

Until on the deck, there came "creak, creak!" Locke took a little heart to see his voice.

The black steel barrel has a deep muzzle. The barrel is engraved with complex magic lines. A magic crystal shining with green light is embedded directly above the root of the barrel.

It\'s a magic crystal gun!

After participating in the plane war, Locke was no stranger to the powerful magic guide produced by magicians. It was a sharp tool for harvesting life.

Seeing this magic crystal cannon, Locke felt that it was not as strong as the magic guide cannon during the plane war. It looked like a defective product.

The direction of the gun barrel is the right side of the hull, the main location of Naga landing.

"Get out of the way!" The chief officer shouted and the sailors in that area dispersed as birds and animals.

Before Naga\'s reaction, the chief officer made a quick decision and slapped a raised position on the magic crystal gun.

The emerald green light condenses in the dark barrel, and the light is more and more prosperous.

When the light was bright enough to bring a sense of threat to Locke, a pillar of light came out.

"Bang!" After the loud noise, the original deck position where nagas stayed has turned into coke.

Not only the deck was missing, but even the lower hull was pierced by this powerful gun.

The sea surged into the ship\'s basement. If the keel was not huge, it might sink completely in minutes.

At least fifteen nagas were killed in one shot, and the chief officer took a breath. "JAS, Luther, you guys go down and block the water. Don\'t let the sea water overflow to the second floor underground!"

"Others, follow me and stop these scum in the sea!" The chief officer took up his long sword and led the rest of the sailors to rush up.

"Can you threaten the magic guide gun of quasi first-class creatures?" Locke whispered.

Naga, three-quarters of whom were killed by magic guided guns on the ship, was surrounded and suppressed by the first mate and the rest of the crew. There were only five left. It was only a matter of time before she was killed.

After playing enough with the two meter high green Naga in front of her, Locke picked up the long gun and the fighting spirit of the eagle gushed out. Naga\'s green head burst like a watermelon, red and white everywhere.

These nagaroks had just made a short observation, and there were no two or two clothes hanging all over them. The mask was a mass of seaweed, which was extremely humble.

The only value Locke could think of was to give himself a Fermo as a ration.

Without the intention of cleaning the booty, Locke took a look at the rest of the crew.

The water inflow in the ship slowed down a lot after seven or eight crew members went down.

The professionalism of these sailors is worth affirming. Locke doesn\'t have to worry about drowning.

At the edge of the deck, Naga, who had been driven to a corner, was at the end of the mountain. Every few seconds, fresh wounds were drawn out.

These nagas are tough enough. They don\'t dive and run away. I don\'t know what they are insisting on.

On the green skin of nagas, there are many red drum bags and spots, which are the masterpieces of the hat man magician. These spots suppress a lot of strength of nagas.

So that the nagas, whose strength and physique are stronger than the crew, can not give full play to their full strength.

Just as Locke was ready to help the crew quickly solve the immediate problems, a huge noise like a raging wave came out in the distance.

In the sound of the huge waves, Locke\'s ears keenly heard the angry roar of the hat man magician.

No, Locke\'s heart sank.

Naturally, the loud noise in the distance was also heard by the crew and Naga on the deck. When the crew had not figured out what the situation was, these Naga fought back like crazy and made people confused with their lives.

Feeling worse and worse, Locke took out his long sword from the space ring and planned to solve the annoying guys in front of him. He was more used to using the sword than the long gun.

When he was about to cut off a green Naga\'s head, the blade turned in an instant, circled in an incredible arc and cut to his right rear.

"Dang!" The metal chime sounds, causing pain in the auricles of the surrounding creatures.

"Eh?" A strange voice similar to human came, and the speaker was a light blue four armed Naga.

On its four arms, two are grasping two clusters of orange yellow strange seafloor plants, and two are grasping two sharp daggers.

It was those two strange undersea plants that blocked the power of Locke\'s sword.

Locke didn\'t have time to think about why the hardness of the plant could match his long sword filled with fighting spirit. After blocking Locke\'s long sword with light blue Naga\'s two hands, the lower two hands waved short daggers and plunged into Locke with a tricky track.

If this is solid, with Locke\'s strong physique, two eye-catching holes will come out.

"Brother, be careful!" Christine, who has been paying close attention to Locke, screamed.

Nearby, Raffi took out the long sword and armor from the space ring and wanted to rush directly to help Locke.

Youdao is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists. When Locke found that Naga had two more arms, it was really difficult to deal with.

A beautiful back somersault happened to escape the sneak attack of Naga\'s two daggers, and Locke landed not far from the four armed Naga.

"Senior attendant..." Locke\'s eyes were frozen.