Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 404

Slowly the sea breeze blew. Standing on the deck, Locke looked at the horizon and was calm.

This was the first time he had taken a ship on the sea in a strict sense.

Taking a floating boat in the sky through the sea is completely different from taking a ship to feel the depth and heaviness of the sea at a close distance.

Many Knights\' perception and understanding of power come from nature.

Locke majored in the wind, fighting with eagles. The sea breeze on the sea gave him an unusual insight today.

If Locke learned to fight in the water system, he must have a greater understanding.

"Sure enough, traveling is the most suitable way for me to improve." After a long breath and standing on the deck for two hours, Locke sighed.

"For knights, nothing is more conducive to their cultivation than fighting and practice." The man who answered Locke was the man with a hat.

These days, because of the relationship of wizard ASAR, he has many exchanges with Douli people.

Although the Douli man did not disclose his real strength, Locke roughly guessed that he was not much different from the assar magician before the plane war. They were all a small group of people who stood at the top of the official magician.

"Master, where is our destination?" Locke turned and asked respectfully.

The hat man looked at the endless sea level, pointed to the direction where the sun was at this time, and said, "molington port on the east coast."

"There are still two months to arrive. Don\'t worry, young man." It seemed that he saw the idea in Locke\'s heart. The man in the hat smiled and patted Locke on the shoulder.

Locke heard dumb words. After his observation, the ship placed many powerful magic guides at the propeller position at the bottom of the ship, and spent a lot of energy spars day and night to keep the ship running.

Even if it is not as fast as the floating ship, it is not much worse.

The two-month journey was not only expected by Locke, but also slightly disappointed him.

In addition to the three men of Locke and the hat man magician, there are many crew members on the whole ship. I don\'t know what goods are carried under the cabin. Seeing that all the crew members are middle and high-level attendants, Locke can\'t help being curious.

Christine came to ask Locke for lunch. Raffi had cooked in the room.

The ship used to provide food, but Locke didn\'t want to go again after he had been there once. Can you imagine what delicious food a group of muscular crew can make.

In the narrow room, a pot was placed on the magic array. The smell of broth in the pot came, and Locke was salivating from a long distance.

The food is made by Raffi, and the magic array is painted by Christine. The two women have the potential to be good wives at home.

"Come on, brother, try my craft!" Christine smiled and filled Locke with a bowl of broth.

Of course, this is not her craft. She just helped Raffi do some marginal work. Locke didn\'t point it out. After tasting it, he showed a satisfied expression.

"Christine\'s craft is very good." Locke touched Christine\'s head and said.

Christine smiled even more.

After dinner, Christine covered her bulging belly and lay on Locke\'s side, intending to squint for a while.

This girl is lazy. She has to supervise her practice at ordinary times.

On the other side, Raffi became a little fidgety after cleaning up the tableware. Up to now, she still can\'t let go of Locke. Unlike Christine, she can behave so casually in front of Locke.

"If you feel bored, you can take a ride on the deck instead of locking yourself in your room all day." Locke said softly to Raffi.

"Yes." Raffi nodded.

She didn\'t wear a maid\'s dress today. Instead, she was a pure white dress. She was capable and not lack of tenderness, which brightened Locke\'s eyes.

Since then, every day is the same sailing time, until a month later, when passing a coral reef, the calm is interrupted.

"Boom!" There was a dull noise at the bottom of the ship, and the direction of the giant ship did not change, but the speed slowed down for a few minutes, and the speed of decline was still getting faster.

"Who is it!" With a loud drink, the hat man magician jumped out of the cabin, stood in the sky and stared at the bottom coldly.

They don\'t know how many times they have walked this road, and there will be no low probability event such as hitting the reef. Someone has definitely done something.

"Hum!" Douli man seemed to find something. With a push of his right hand, he threw a little red particles into the sea.

Too far away, Locke didn\'t see what the hat man threw, but it didn\'t matter. He saw it soon.

Countless dead fish rose from the bottom of the sea and floated on the sea level. Suddenly, there was a white whoring around the huge ship.

In addition to countless dead fish in different forms, some strange sea creatures that Locke had never touched also emerged from below.

These sea creatures are in the same state at this time. They all have no breath and can\'t die again.

When Locke fixed his eyes, he saw that the epidermis of those sea creatures were covered with a red eight clawed insect, which looked like a spider and something different.

These "spiders" proliferate rapidly on the skin of sea creatures. After a while, the skin of those sea creatures is covered with small red drums, like red pearls, dense and terrible.

The drum burst and more little red spiders jumped out of it. No matter how big the sea creatures were, they dried up in just a few minutes and became the nutrient for this terrible little thing.

This is not like the power of magic, but like the strange experiments that Locke once assisted assar magician to complete, it belongs to the field of mystics and life.

Sure enough, the people who have friends with wizard ASAR are not normal people.

Locke restrained himself and turned away from looking at the dense red things.

Those red insect creatures have abnormal mental fluctuations and can assimilate and affect the spirit of surrounding creatures. This is the biggest killing trick of this little thing called "red tarantula".

On the surrounding sea level, there are more and more dead sea creatures, which are about to accumulate to two meters deep. The hat man magician is not in a hurry, so he floats in mid air and waits.

Gradually, there was some movement on the sea level.

A dark green creature with a human body and fish tail rushed out of the sea with a sudden strange cry.

The skin of the dark green creature is covered with red tarantulas, and the back is covered with a row of red drums. Only when the drums are "mature" will they burst into more red tarantulas, devouring and sucking up the dark green creature.

"Naga?!" Looking at the strange creature jumping out of the sea level, Locke said with a shocked face.

He also knew this kind of creature. It was the underwater creature he caught a glimpse of on the floating ship when he went to the holy tower for the first time.

The intelligence level of adult Naga is similar to that of human beings. Is it the ghost of Naga?

After Naga jumped out of the water, Yu Shi rushed to the Douli man in mid air.

The Naga didn\'t reach the first level. It couldn\'t fly. It just jumped so high with its amazing bouncing power when it came out of the sea.

Locke is not just a fresh meat. Naturally, he can see that Naga is only the strength of the middle-level attendants, and has no fear for the official magician.

As Locke expected, before Naga, who was bitten and howled by the red tarantula, approached the hat man, he pointed at it from a distance, "bang!" With a sound, it turned into half a day of red sand.

Those red sands are nothing but countless red tarantulas.

By some mysterious means of the Douli people, these red tarantulas realized rapid appreciation. In less than a second, they completely digested the green Naga.

The death of green Naga doesn\'t mean it\'s over.

"Brush!" "Brush!" "Brush!"

Several voices came. Locke turned and looked. Dozens of nagas appeared around the ship.

These Naga\'s epidermis is also covered with red tarantulas, but the number is not large, and depending on the situation, they are pressed down by them.

Among these nagas, a blue four arm Naga holding a coral stick is particularly conspicuous. At the top of the coral stick, the bright luminous beads shine with strange light.

"With this strength, dare you come to me? I don\'t know how to live or die!" Douli man snorted coldly and rushed to Naga group first. His goal was directed at blue four armed Naga.

Four armed Naga screamed, the coral staff waved forward, and dozens of Naga bravely faced the hat man.

A few other nagas who surrounded the ship also swam to the ship at this time.

Is this trying to rob the ship? Before Locke could understand the cause of the incident, more than 20 crew members also rushed out of the cabin. They held weapons and spears and fiercely resisted the green nagas who wanted to board the ship.

The hat man was entangled by dozens of green nagas and a blue four armed Naga. He couldn\'t care about them in a short time.

On the surrounding sea level, green Naga constantly emerge from the sea, which makes people wonder how many there are.

Locke was worried that the more than 20 Popeye sailors alone could not resist the attack of Naga at the bottom of the sea. Without hesitation, Locke took out his long gun from the space ring, and Locke also jumped on it.

"You two go back to the cabin and stay!" Locke didn\'t forget to turn back and yell at Raffi and Christine.

The strength of the second female middle-level attendants was barely enough to participate in the battle, but Locke didn\'t want her to be injured and anything happened.

"Sir, it\'s enough to have us here. Go back to the cabin and wait." Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished talking to others, someone returned this to Locke intact.

It was a sailor with a blue sailor\'s hat. His face was weathered and he was an old sailor.

His weapon was a long edged machete, sharp and hard.

"Don\'t worry about me, just take care of yourself!" Locke laughed.

There was no blood for a long time, and Locke\'s hands and feet were about to rust. This group of Naga suddenly came at the right time.

The crew member, who was only a middle-level attendant, felt that a dark shadow passed in front of him and Locke disappeared. When he looked back, he found that Locke had fought with the nagas who had boarded the ship.

At this time, there was not much time to think. The crew member was just a little stunned, and then rushed with a machete.

On the deck, more than 20 crew members and Locke fought with more than a dozen nagas who boarded the giant ship. On the water below the giant ship, new nagas came up from the bottom of the sea from time to time.


There is a double monthly ticket activity recently. Brothers, raise your hand? Ten monthly tickets plus one watch at the end of the month~