Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 406

Locke didn\'t expect that he was only a high-level attendant. His strength was so great that he could compete with himself.

Like Locke, the pale blue Naga was holding his four weapons and seriously facing Locke\'s new enemy.

There are also some red spots on the light blue Naga, which is the state after being suppressed by the red tarantula.

It is either the biological talent of this race, or it is inspired by some potential.

The conditions for potential stimulation are very harsh. Most Knights take medicine to complete it. Some families with a long history will have secret methods.

The knight\'s Secret Law Locke has heard for a long time, but so far he hasn\'t got one.

There are also some in the kingdom of Faustin, but it is not very helpful for quasi Knights of his level.

There are many secrets in the holy tower, which can be used by both knights and magicians, but the use conditions of those secrets are above level 1, and Locke can\'t use them even if he gets them.

Holding his weapon, Locke stared at the light blue Naga, hoping to see something.

He didn\'t believe that the talent of the Naga family was so terrible, otherwise these guys wouldn\'t have been safe at the bottom of the sea for so long, and the magicians and knights didn\'t allow such a strong power under their own eyes.

Since you have eliminated your talents, it\'s up to you to stimulate them through secret methods.

Locke has heard that after using the secret method, any creature will have a weak period. As long as Locke drags on, this "pseudo" quasi strong person will naturally show his weak side and eventually be slaughtered by Locke.

There was no fancy opening. Locke roared and rushed up with his sword. He was not good at defense. Attack was his defense.

"Hiss ~" light blue Naga made a cry similar to a snake, which should be the unique language of Naga.

One green and one basket, two figures fighting on the deck, causing great movement. Many boards on the deck were torn and flew under the vortex of fighting.

The first mate of the crew was once again entangled by the nagas who jumped up from the sea.

"Boss? Don\'t you want to shoot again?" A crew member asked anxiously.

"No! One more shot and the ship will sink!" The chief officer said calmly.

"Damn! When did these bastards get close?" A crew member shouted abuse.

This ship is not an ordinary ship if it goes out on behalf of the holy tower and is accompanied by an official magician.

The ship not only has detection magic equipment, but also has a big killer like magic crystal gun.

If it can be found in advance, these nagas can\'t get close to the ship with the deterrence of magic crystal cannon.

At this time, it\'s no use to be upset. For today\'s sake, we can only block these nagas as as much as possible and persist until the magician returns.

Fortunately, the four armed Naga had only one end and was dragged by Locke. The pressure on the ship was not as great as expected.

The chief officer is fighting against two green nagas at this time. The power of high-ranking attendants can let him face these two enemies at the same time. What the chief officer wants now is to solve these two nagas quickly and then support Locke.

The boatswain, who can mix with the first mate on the ship, has a flexible mind and knows the truth that catching thieves first catches the king.

However, the ferocious offensive and desperate play of these two nagas made the chief mate unable to deal with this kind of garbage like Locke before.

He needed at least five minutes to solve the two opponents, and his men died every minute on the ship.

The chief mate\'s heart sank.

Locke didn\'t know that someone was going to support him at this time. This Naga didn\'t give him a strong feeling.

Just having four flexible arms, Locke was caught off guard for a moment. After slowly adapting to this play, Locke began to suppress the Naga.

To be honest, Locke has not paid attention to the power of Naga, which is essentially just a high-level attendant, and the quasi level strength only after the outbreak of potential.

Unconsciously, Locke has regarded this new intruder as the object of his training. He has not forgotten his purpose of going to sea for training.

Four armed Naga was more and more depressed by Locke. She was not weak in intelligence. She saw that the characters in front of her were not easy to provoke, and shouted a few times in her mouth.

This voice, translated from Naga, means asking for support.

The four armed Naga really has a high status and is the leader of this group of green ordinary Naga.

After being called by the four armed nagas, the nagas who boarded the ship began to turn their eyes red, attack more ferociously and ignore the consequences.

And several heads leaned towards Locke\'s fighting position, with an evil intention.

"Hum, do you think you have help?" Locke snorted coldly.

"Come out and play!" Locke held a piccolo hanging from his neck.

After the sharp flute sound, a faint force of space came from the piccolo. Under the surprised sight of all creatures on the whole ship, a giant beast with a body size of eight meters and a height of three meters was born in the air.

"Roar!" The dark green scales all over the body reflect fluorescence in the sun, and the scorpion dragon Fermo roars up to the sky.

"Go and help them!" Locke points to the crew who were beaten by nagas.

I was bored in the piccolo space for a month. Besides sleeping, Fermo was tired of staying. He was very excited to come out and move his muscles and bones.

With heavy steps, Fermo, the scorpion dragon, like a runaway train, crashed into Naga on the edge of the ship.

"Hey! Don\'t fall!" Locke quickly reminded.

The scorpion dragon can swim. Locke is not worried that it will drown. He is worried about the red tarantulas that feed on biological flesh and blood, and the small insects, which are obviously the magic mages of the hat man, specially cultivated to deal with non-human creatures.

The sea was red and full of red tarantulas scattered on it.

Seeing the sudden appearance of this powerful Warcraft, four armed Naga almost burst her eyes.

In terms of strength, Fermo, a scorpion dragon with huge size and dark magic, is a little stronger than Locke, although they are both quasi orders.

The sudden appearance of this powerful Warcraft also surprised the crew on board. When did they keep such a big guy on board.

Scorpion dragon\'s powerful strength soon dispelled the imagination of the crew. For human beings, Naga, who is very strong, is not enough to see in front of Fermo, who is three meters high and eight meters long.

With a sweep of the tail, three nagas can be thrown away to break their bones.

But the cost is also painful. For example, under the great force of scorpion dragon Fermo, the damage of the deck became more and more serious, and even several protective steel railings on the edge of the ship were broken.

These \'details\' have been deliberately ignored by the crew. In this case, it\'s good to live. Who cares about others.

Looking at Fermo the scorpion dragon\'s great power over there, Locke was relieved. He expected the crew to send him to the east coast, but he couldn\'t die now.

"Well, let\'s continue!" Locke hooked his fingers at Naga\'s completely dull four arms.

He has just warmed up and played a little. How can he stop like this.

Whether four armed Naga wants it or not, it has now been recognized by Locke as his partner.

Four armed Naga\'s body was inspired, and a bad feeling suddenly occurred.

The battle was first suppressed by Naga, but after Fermo, the scorpion dragon, joined the battlefield, the situation returned to the human side.

The scorpion dragon was like a heavy chariot, standing in front of all Naga who attacked the ship.

With the powerful strength of scorpion dragon, the crew, led by the chief officer, defeated the nagas who boarded the ship.

Locke\'s situation is almost the same. Without support, the four armed Naga can\'t lift her head.

There were many scratches and wounds on his body. Locke didn\'t keep his hands. Naga with four arms can persist until now, which has something to do with his strong body.

After another horizontal cut, Locke\'s cold iron long sword directly cut off the short dagger held by Naga with four arms.

The weapon is damaged and Naga\'s attack power gradually decreases.

Locke\'s left foot circled 90 degrees to whip his leg. Naga\'s four arms hurt. The other short dagger let go and fell in the distance.

The four armed Naga, who lost two weapons, had two tusks pulled out, and there was no threat in front of Locke.

"This secret method lasts a long time?" Locke said with great interest after avoiding the weapon waving of Naga with four arms.

Up to now, after fighting for nearly ten minutes, the strength of this Naga has not subsided, which makes Locke curious about the secret methods of the Naga family.

This is a secret method that can raise the high-level attendant level to the quasi class.

Another extreme tumbling, avoiding Naga\'s heavy blow, Locke took out his long gun again from the space ring.

With the gun in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, Locke first threw the long gun straight at Naga with four arms, and then pressed it with a long sword.

The long gun was originally Locke\'s empty move to disrupt Naga\'s defense.

But unexpectedly, the spear that thought Naga with four arms could barely hide in the past was inserted into Naga\'s fish tail after a short spasm.

The spear is specially made by Locke. There are two extremely vicious blood grooves on it. The light blue blood shot at the tail of Naga.

"Spit ~" Naga let out a painful howl and struggled for a long time, but she still didn\'t get rid of the shackles of the long gun.

"Well, it\'s time for the secret method?" Locke found that the strength of the four armed Naga had fallen from the quasi level. Instead of maintaining the high-level strength, it fell like a middle-level attendant.

Other nagas on the deck, too, suffered a sharp decline in strength after a brief spasm, and were killed by the covetous crew.

With the drop of strength, the red spots on Naga\'s body expanded again. Countless small red tarantulas jumped out of those spots and sucked Naga\'s flesh and blood.

Fermo, the scorpion dragon, is very happy today. He sees that these nagas are tired and a dark light appears in his mouth.

"No!" Locke found that it was too late. After saving enough energy, the dark light burst out.

A dark energy ball hit the deck, gathering the most areas of Naga.

Several nagas turned into piles of dead bones in the scream.

Scorpion dragons usually fight with their strong physique. Today they use their magic ability. It seems that they have really suffocated it this month.


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